New Inside Augsburg Calendar Launching August 26

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This month, Augsburg is launching a brand-new unified calendar ( This new calendar allows the University to integrate a number of already-existing institutional Google Calendars and display them on the same platform. Students, staff, and faculty will also be able to submit events manually to the calendar. This calendar will replace the previous calendar on the Inside Augsburg homepage starting Aug. 26.

This new calendar is the result of advocacy from Day Student Government to streamline events and announcements at the University. During fall semester 2018, a number of meetings were held with key event planners and calendar managers around campus to identity challenges to the current calendar system and how to move forward. Based on those discussions, a team was created in the spring to move forward with the creation of a unified calendar system. This team consisted of:

Michael Grewe, Campus Life (Chair)
Sarah Cash-Darvell, University Events
Jami Kadolph, University Events
Scott Krajewski, Information Technology
Stephen Jendraszak, Marketing
Gita Sitaramiah, Public Relations and Internal Communications

The Augsburg University Calendar Policy can be found here:

Questions about this new calendar can be directed to