Sending your Students to the Writing Center and Requesting a Class Visit

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Sending Students to the Writing Center

The Writing Center tutors work with students at all stages and levels of writing, as we are not just a remediation clinic. As such, we can address a wide range of issues with students. So, before sending students to the Writing Center, it is important to clarify with them why you are suggesting they go. Students can come to us for help brainstorming possible essay topics clarifying thesis statement, or organizing their essay.

Sharing these kinds of details with students allows them to the opportunity to think critically about writing and thus encourages improvement for future writing projects. In addition, since we do not want to work at cross-purposes with your expectations regarding a particular assignment, please encourage your students to bring their assignment sheets with them to their sessions.

Finally, while we understand that requiring students to come to the Writing Center is meant to encourage the students to spend more time on their writing, we’ve noticed that it often has the opposite effect and makes it logistically difficult for the Center to work with all of the students who’ve been required to come. So, please do not make Writing Center visits mandatory. If you would like to check on whether one of your students as seen a tutor in the Writing Center, please email Jenn at Information about student visits will not be made public due to privacy concerns.

Class Visits

Your students are more likely to visit the Writing Center after a member of our staff has made a brief presentation about our services in your class. Every year, we make such presentations in courses across campus. To schedule a class visit for your course, please email Jenn at