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Over the past several months, Augsburg University and the Campus Ministry Office have undergone a search for a new campus pastor to join our team. It is with great joy we announce that Rev. Babette Chatman has accepted the call to serve among us! An ordained minister in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Rev. Babette is no stranger to the Augsburg community. A 2006 graduate of Augsburg, Rev. Babette has been serving very part-time as a pastoral presence on Augsburg’s campus over the past 10 years as part of her call as Community Collaborative Partner with Redeemer Lutheran Church in North Minneapolis. On November 18th, Rev. Babette will be fully situated at Augsburg to help lead Campus Ministry’s student-centered mission to provide sabbath rest, to offer radical hospitality, and to shape community together for sake of neighborly justice. Rev. Babette brings remarkable gifts including her powerful Spirit-led preaching, a pastoral heart for young adults, a love for the greater Augsburg community, an unswerving commitment to racial justice and equity, her affable presence and sense of humor, and a heart for the gospel that seeks to be neighbor in the world. Please join the Campus Ministry team in welcoming Rev. Babette in the weeks ahead!
I am incredibly grateful for the Search Team that offered gave of their time to review and interview candidates for this position. The Search Team entered faithfully into this discernment process that led to our decision to extend the call to Rev. Babette. Search Team members included:
Kelly Anderson Diercks, Athletics
Lee George, Strommen Center
Allyson Green, Sabo Center
Ian Heseltine, Student representative
Eric Pegués, Residential Life
Nicole Peterlin, Human Resources
Mark Tranvik, Religion Department
In thanksgiving,
Justin Lind-Ayres
University Pastor