
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Experiential Education Workshop: CGEE Edition

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The Sabo Center and the Center for Global Education and Experience (CGEE) present a learning opportunity focused on CGEE’s distinct experiential education pedagogy. What are the approaches and values that CGEE uses in its experiential education settings, and how might its elements and values be applicable to on-campus teaching and learning? Learn with Joe Connelly, long-time CGEE Experiential Education Specialist.

Monday, November 18, 2019
Riverside Room

This session is part of Augsburg University’s International Education Week events.

International Education Week (IEW), November 18-22, 2019, is a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education that celebrates the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide.

Co-sponsored by Augsburg’s Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship and Center for Global Education and Experience.

International Education Week

Workshop with Chris Houltberg, Joaquin Muñoz, Beliza Torres Narváez, and Lyz Wendland

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RSVP now for “Celebrating Your Creativity Scars Workshop: Engaging Art for Holistic Student Engagement”.

This workshop will focus on embracing our vulnerabilities to increase engagement in the classroom. We will share active learning techniques that normalize discomfort. Examples include: mindmapping, reflective practices. Facilitated by Chris Houltberg, Joaquin Muñoz, Beliza Torres Narváez, and Lyz Wendland.

Thursday, November 7 | Celebrating Your Creativity Scars Workshop: Engaging Art for Holistic Student Engagement | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm, Marshall Room

This event is a part of our 2019-2020 CTL Inclusion series focused on creating, maintaining, and/or growing environments that allow students to feel more connected to and supported by Augsburg.

RSVP for “Celebrating your Creativity Scars”

New Faculty Series: How Can Augsburg Support Your Research?

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All faculty members, regardless of experience, are invited to attend this next installment in the New Faculty Series, “How Can Augsburg Support Your Research?” You will hear from four staff members who will share how their programs intersect faculty work here at Augsburg: Dixie Shafer from Undergraduate Research and Graduate Opportunity (URGO), Lauren Causey and Jay Peterson from the Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs, and Tina Maria Tavera from the McNair Scholars Program.

Tuesday, November 12 | New Faculty Series: How Can Augsburg Support Your Research? | 3:45 pm – 4:45 pm, OGC 100

RSVP for “New Faculty Series: How Can Augsburg Support Your Research?”

Pre-Pharmacy Advising Now on November 6

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Dr. Bruce Benson, from the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy, brings his extensive experience as a pre-pharmacy advisor to Augsburg students. Thu Ha Nguyen, ’17 Chemistry, will join Dr. Benson to share her experiences in pharmacy school. Learn more about pharmacy career options and admissions.

New Date:
Wednesday, November 6th
12-3 pm
Hagfors 101A

Contact Catherina Kipper at with questions or to schedule a meeting with Dr. Benson.

URGO Conference Travel Grants Available for Student Researchers

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URGO offers up to $850 in travel funding for Augsburg undergraduates who have been accepted to present research at a professional conference. These funds can mitigate the high costs of travel such as airfare and lodging, and can contribute to students’ professionalization.

The application is available at the URGO website ( at the “conference travel” page. Grants are awarded on a rolling basis, so students are encouraged to work with their research mentor to submit a travel application as soon as possible after receiving acceptance to a conference. The URGO Advisory Committee meets bi-monthly throughout the school year and will begin reviewing applications September 23rd.

If you have any questions about undergraduate conference travel opportunities, please contact Dixie Shafer at or x1447.

URGO Academic-Year Research Application Available

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Each year URGO offers $1,000 research grants for undergraduates who wish to gain research experience with an Augsburg faculty member. These grants require 100 hours of research over the course of the academic year and are a great way to ease into research or to continue work on an existing project.

The application is available at the URGO website ( at the “on-campus research” page. Grants are awarded on a rolling basis, so student-faculty research teams are encouraged to submit proposals in the fall. The URGO Advisory Committee meets bi-monthly and will begin reviewing proposals September 23rd.

If you have any questions about undergraduate research opportunities, please contact Dixie Shafer at or x1447

Off-Campus Course Proposals Due this Friday

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Any course with an overnight off-campus (domestic or international) component, must be approved through Academic Affairs (AAC, GAAC, CGEE) prior to offering the course.

Off-campus course proposals are now being accepted for academic year 2020-2021 (Fall 2020-Summer 2021). Proposals are due THIS FRIDAY, November 1st.

Learn more about the process before starting an proposal.

Please contact Leah Spinosa de Vega ( with questions. Or schedule a meeting on Leah’s calendar to discuss ideas or review draft proposals.

Begin a Proposal for 2020-2021 Academic Year

General Announcements

Palestinian Art of Resistance spring break study abroad – apply by November 18

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Take a spring semester course that includes 10 days of travel on your Spring break!

Palestinian Art of Resistance, 4-credits, fulfills Fine Arts requirement and Augsburg Experience
Course options: ART 211 or THR 295

Faculty Leader: Sarah Myers and Robert Tom
Travel Dates: March 13-23, 2020 (spring break)

Course Description:
Art of Resistance will immerse you in contemporary Palestinian culture and invite you to learn directly from a wide range of artists in the region. You will have the unique opportunity to experience art and performance first-hand in diverse Palestinian contexts, from a day-long excursion to cultural sites in Ramallah to a conference call with artists in Gaza. A major component of the course will be ongoing cultural exchange with students from Dar al-Kalima University in Bethlehem. Augsburg students will also learn about the complex political, historical, social, and religious context for Palestinian art and theater through guided tours, performances, gallery talks, museum visits, readings, and discussions. Throughout these experiences, students will interrogate what it means to create art under occupation, explore various definitions of the “art of resistance,” and learn tools to make creative work that defies and reimagines the status quo.


Scholarships are available! Apply for Scholarships by November 8

Click here for program and scholarship information & applications

Student Share Shop Now Open

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The Share Shop is now open for students to rent out items! Our hours as of now are:
Mondays: 10am-Noon, 2-4pm
Tuesdays: 1-4pm
Wednesdays: 10:30am-Noon

We have items ranging from bedding, games, kitchenware and appliances, and other household goods.

Additionally, we also have Augsburg gear to give away, which have been thoughtfully donated by the Bookstore.

We’re still looking for donations from student, staff and faculty. Due to several unusable/inappropriate donations, all donations must be dropped off at the Shop during open hours, and approved by a staff member. The items we are in need of are:
– First aid Kits/ Sewing kits
– Kitchen Appliances
– Clothing items
– XL Twin Bedding
– Water Bottles
– Tool Kits
– Poster putty/other dorm items

If you have questions as to what we accept, please email We’re excited to be up and running and hope to see y’all soon.

Interested in a weekly fresh produce subscription?

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Hello everyone!

Campus Kitchen is proud to announce our partnership with Brightside Produce and aid in their mission to make healthy produce more accessible to food insecure neighborhoods. Starting next Tuesday, October 29, we will be launching our own Buyers Club branch here at Augsburg. This is a weekly produce subscription ranging from $3, $5, $10, & $20. Your subscription will help bring fresh produce to corner stores in the Cedar Riverside area. If you are interested in joining the buyers club please follow these step by step instructions to set up your subscription.

1.) Go to
2.) Click the menu button in the top left corner of the screen and select “join the Buyers Club”.
3.) Follow the instructions on the buyers club page (subscription size, Augsburg pick up, items you prefer to be left out of your bags, and whether or not you would like to start a weekly subscription or make a one time purchase.)
4.) You will also have the option of purchasing a reusable tote bag from Brightside for your subscriptions, if you feel inclined to do so.
5.) Pick up will be from 11:00am to 5:00pm on Tuesdays, outside of the Sabo center, located in the basement of Anderson Hall.

Please help us pass the word to any student, staff, or faculty who might be interested! We appreciate your support in our program and mission to make healthy food more accessible in our neighborhoods. For more information feel free to email me: or our supervisor Natalie Jacobson:

Sign up Here!

Have Extra Paper/plastic Bags?

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Campus Kitchen is collecting paper and plastic bag donations for the cupboard and produce distribution. It you or someone you know happens to have a lot of plastic/paper bags that they’re not using we would gladly take them off your hands. Feel free to drop off any donations at the cupboard itself located in the old science building room 8A during open hours:
Mon – 10am-Noon & 2pm-4pm
Tues – 1pm-4pm
Wed – 10:30am-noon
Thurs – 10am-Noon & 2pm-4pm
If these times don’t work with your schedule we also have a designated donation drop off bin in the lobby of Christensen Center near Einstein’s. If you need to set up a separate time for a larger donation please feel free to email me:

Retirement Celebration for Jim Trelstad-Porter

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Please join the campus community in congratulating Jim Trelstad-Porter on his 30 years of service to Augsburg University! Jim’s introduction to Augsburg came in 1988 when he participated in a CGEE semester program in Mexico. His career in global education includes holding different positions in Washington D.C.; Cuernavaca, Mexico; and Minneapolis. Jim has a deep love for Augsburg, his colleagues, and the students from over 75 countries to whom he says he owes a debt of gratitude for the shared journey of seeking a better self and world.

Jim has also helped to make a better Augsburg. He assisted in developing and maintaining some of our most vital global-exchange relationships. Our international students—both degree-seeking and exchange—have consistently felt supported by ISSS under Jim’s leadership. His involvement in intercultural development work has assisted many colleagues and students in personal and professional growth. Most important of all, Jim has treated everyone around him—faculty, students, and staff—with respect, humility, and care. Jim truly embodies Augsburg’s values.

We will celebrate Jim with an on-campus reception on Monday, November 25, from 2:00 to 4:00 PM. Location and other details will be announced. Students, staff, faculty, and administrators are invited to attend.

Recruiting for 2020 AugSem Student Leaders

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The application for 2020 AugSem Student Leaders is now open!!!

AugSem, Campus Life, and Residence Life are partnering this year to streamline the interview process for AugSem Leaders, Orientation Leaders (OLs), and Residence Life positions (Lead Positions/Resident Advisors [RAs]).

AugSem student leaders are responsible for assisting first year students with their transition to Augsburg University. This transition involves working collaboratively during the semester with faculty and staff who teach the Augsburg Seminar (AugSem). Student employees hired for this position will help to ensure that new first-year students are introduced to Augsburg in a welcoming and inclusive environment.

Fall 2020: Student leaders typically work 1-3 hours/week. Student leaders should be a major/minor in the discipline and have completed the linked course.

Contact us:

Apply here at Handshake

Campus Kitchen: Produce Every Monday

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Campus Kitchen will continue produce distribution every Monday from 2:00pm-4:00pm in Christiansen lobby. We will be implementing a new rule this semester to insure that everyone has an opportunity to get produce. The first hour (2-3pm) will be reserved for students and the following hour will be open for everyone. Please bring your own bag if you are able. Thank you for your continued support.

Campus Kitchen Homepage

Campus Cupboard Food Shelf Hours

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The Campus Cupboard offers free food for all Augsburg students. Located in Science Hall, room 8, fall semester hours are:

Mondays: 10am-noon, 2-4pm
Tuesdays: 1-4pm
Wednesdays: 10:30am-noon
Thursdays: 10am-noon, 2-4pm

We also accept food donations during open hours, or outside of open hours at the Sabo Center (basement of Anderson Hall) and in the Christensen Center near Einstein’s. For bigger donations please feel free to email me and set up a drop off time:

Campus Cupboard Homepage

Attend A Study Abroad and Away Info Session

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Interested in studying abroad? Attend one of our Study Abroad & Away information sessions!

We have the new option to watch an info session online you can watch at the link below

We also have daily in-person info sessions located in the Oyate Commons, Lower Level of Christensen Center, Suite 2.

Monday: 10:40 am
Tuesday: 3:45 pm
Wednesday: 1:45 pm
Thursday: 11:30 pm
Friday: 3:15 pm

Have any questions?
Email or visit our website

Watch the online info session now!

Model UN in New York City – study away on spring break

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Take the spring semester POL 368 Model UN course, and travel to NYC for the Model UN conference at the end of March!

POL 368 is a regular course throughout the spring semester, with regular weekly classes. During the first half of the semester, students will prepare for the Model UN in NYC which takes place just after spring break, from March 29 to April 2.
Each year, the Augsburg delegation represents a different country with delegates assigned to particular UN committees or organizations, each with their own set of issues. Delegates have to understand the challenges of representing that country with its particular history, culture, and current foreign policy priorities and diplomatic objectives. At the same time, each delegate represents that country on a particular committee and will be researching issues such as climate change, human rights, trade, poverty, human trafficking, or arms control.


Program cost $1,300
includes: round trip airfare to NYC, hotel accommodation, Model UN registration and delegate fees. There is no additional tuition fee for full-time undergrad students.
Students are responsible for their own transportation in NYC, as well as all meals during the program.

Get more info and apply here

Event Announcements

Attention Muggles: study abroad in the UK on winter break – Apps due Nov. 1

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Spend winter break in both London and Edinburgh exploring the connections between youth culture, media, and social change, with a focus on Harry Potter and Brexit.

***APPLICATIONS DUE November 1***

Only a few spaces are available–APPLY ASAP!

From Harry Potter to #Brexit: Youth, Media, and Political Activism in the UK
Course: WST 220, 4-credits, fulfills Humanities and Augsburg Experience requirements

Faculty Leader: Professor Adriane Brown
Travel Dates: December 29, 2019 to January 12, 2020
This program is limited to 20 students, accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. A waitlist will be used as needed.

This 4-credit course is part of the spring 2020 enrollment. It can be taken as part of, or in addition to, your usual course load, and overload fees incurred by this study abroad program will be waived.

Program cost $4,675
includes: international airfare, all meals, all lodging, all program activities, all transportation in the UK. There is no additional tuition fee for full-time undergrad students.

Visit the program page for additional details,and to apply!

One-to-One Training this Thursday

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If you want to create change, few things are more important as one-to-one relational meetings. One-to-ones are at the heart of community organizing and leadership. These conversations are about establishing a public relationship with someone, and sharing stories as a way to understand their motivations and self interests. They can uncover common values and interests that might lead to collaborative work in support of the change you are trying to create. This mix of personal, sometimes intimate knowledge leading to public action holds unique value. Participants in this Sabo Center workshop will learn and practice one-to-one relationship building for organizing and public work.

Thursday, October 31
3:40-5 p.m.
Marshall Room, Christensen Center

This training will be led by Dennis Donovan. Dennis teaches co-creative politics skills to people of all ages in the Twin Cities, across the US, and around the world who want to make positive change in their communities.

1:1 Training

Commitment to Environmental Equity and Action at Augsburg

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Join us for a listening and action planning around how environmental equity shows up in our lives and on campus. Together we will collectively envision Augsburg’s commitment to environmental action beyond 2019.

Monday, November 11, 2019
4:30-6:30 p.m.
Marshall Room

In 2007, Augsburg affirmed its long-standing commitment to environmental stewardship, driven by students, faculty, and staff, by signing the Second Nature Presidents’ Climate Leadership Commitment. Since then, our campus has made some progress towards living out this commitment, including working towards being carbon neutral by 2019. However, we recognize we have not fully lived up to what this commitment requires, given the urgent realities of climate change, the remnants of an exclusive environmental narrative and movement built on white supremacy, and the clear demands for addressing inequitable systems that are interconnected. As an institution committed to its public mission and to educating students to be informed citizens, thoughtful stewards, critical thinkers, and responsible leaders, how can we take action that directs our power and resources to join the existing momentum of an equity-based environmental movement working for the collective liberation of our common home and community?

Commitment to Environmental Equity and Action at Augsburg

Reading of New Musical

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You are cordially invited to the first reading of the new Sesquicentennial Musical:

“All That We Carry”
Thursday, Nov. 7th, 7:30pm
Sateren Auditorium
Admission free
written by Aaron Gabriel
Stage Director: Malick Ceesay
Music Director: Sonja Thompson

“All That We Carry” tells the rich story of Augsburg University – past, present and future – through the perspective of unheard voices, forgotten narratives, and points of view both unfamiliar and silenced. Based on actual archives and true stories from real Auggies, the story weaves back and forth through time, connecting us to events that happened or will happen, decisions that were made or will be made, and outcomes both intended and unintended.

For more information please visit our website:

Mission and Identity Vocation Lunch with Katie Clark

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Augsburg Faculty and Staff,

You are invited to attend this fall’s Mission & Identity Vocation Lunch “Who Gives You Light?” with Katie Clark, Assistant Professor and Director of Augsburg Central Health Commons, on Friday, November 22nd from 11:15 a.m. to 12:25 p.m.

Note: Spaces are limited so you must register in order to attend this event.

Learn More and Register at:

Guests are also invited (but not required) to bring a donation of socks or other items to the Health Commons as part of this event. Learn more about items needed (or consider making an online donation) at

The Mission & Identity Vocation Lunch is an event that strengthens the concept of vocation at Augsburg for faculty and staff by providing role models from within the community to share a presentation on their sense of call and life journey.

If you have any questions, please contact the Christensen Center for Vocation office at (612) 330-1403 or

We hope to see you there!

Register for Fall Vocation Lunch with Katie Clark

Hagfors Horticultural House of Horrors

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Frankenflowers, bloodthirsty blooms and other horticultural horrors! Come see our showcase of the spikiest, smelliest, most poisonous, flesh-hungry, gruesome and atrocious plants in the Biology Department Permanent Plant Collection.

Date: Halloween, Thursday, October 31
Time: 12:00pm to 02:00pm
Place: 400 Hagfors Center

Questions? Please contact the Hagfors Greenhouse Curator, Dr. Leon van Eck (

Event Announcement

Curiosity and Making: Workshop with Lyz Wendland

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Monday, November 18
12:00-1:30pm, OGC 100
Soup lunch provided

Join Lyz Wendland, Assistant Professor of Art & Design, as you participate in a “Curiosity and Making” workshop. No art experience required! Be immersed in a creative way of research and seeing. Learn strategies for staying curious and reflective while also intentional with your daily and professional life. Supplies provided.

Workshop corresponds to Wendland’s solo exhibition, “between lost and found” on display in the Gage Family Gallery from October 24–December 18, 2019.

The workshop is FREE but RSVP required.
Reserve your seat now!

RSVP Here!

Queer Fitness

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Come move your body with other queer-identified folx at Solcana Fitness, a queer-friendly, social-justice minded, femint gym, designed for folx of all fitness levels and backgrounds.

Please come prepared to move your body in ways that may be new – but also feel safe and comfortable for you. Bring or wear clothing that allows you to move freely, including tennis shoes.

On Thursday, November 14th, we will meet in the Auggie’s Nest at 2 pm and walk/drive over. The workout will be 60 minutes long, with Q & A opportunity.

To RSVP use this link

Environmental Justice Movie Night w. dinner- today

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Join the Sierra Club and Augsburg’s Campus Kitchen on Wednesday, October 30th, from 6:00-8:30 pm in Hagfors 150 for the 3rd installment of Environmental Justice Movie Night!

6:00- Food & Tabling from Community Eco-activist orgs

6:30- Film Screening

8:00- Activist Table Closing

We will be screening the award-winning film “River Blue”, a film that takes viewers on an unprecedented journey through the dark side of “fast fashion”! The “Fast Fashion” industry is widely considered one of the world’s most polluting industries. It is responsible for the exploitation and extraction of labor from numerous countries in the global south. River Blue is a film that seeks to bring visibility to this issue!

ASAC Halloween Week

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Augsburg Student Activities Council will be hosting a couple events for Halloween Week!

10/30 Pumpkin Painting Contest!

Calling all artist or anyone who wants to decorate a cute pumpkin! ASAC will be having a Pumpkin Painting Contest. Up to 25 participants and winner will receive a fun fall themed prized. (Yes, you get to keep the pumpkin)

email to sign up!

Date: Wednesday, October 30th
Time: 4pm – 6pm
Location: East Commons

10/31 Spooky Cookies!

Come join ASAC by decorating Halloween themed sugar cookies between classes on Halloween! (Cookies are for everyone and there will be vegan cookies too)

Date: Thursday, October 31st
Time: 11:00am – 1:00pm
Location: Christensen Center

Keeping Track of Auggies

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