One-to-One Training this Thursday

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If you want to create change, few things are more important as one-to-one relational meetings. One-to-ones are at the heart of community organizing and leadership. These conversations are about establishing a public relationship with someone, and sharing stories as a way to understand their motivations and self interests. They can uncover common values and interests that might lead to collaborative work in support of the change you are trying to create. This mix of personal, sometimes intimate knowledge leading to public action holds unique value. Participants in this Sabo Center workshop will learn and practice one-to-one relationship building for organizing and public work.

Thursday, October 31
3:40-5 p.m.
Marshall Room, Christensen Center

This training will be led by Dennis Donovan. Dennis teaches co-creative politics skills to people of all ages in the Twin Cities, across the US, and around the world who want to make positive change in their communities.

1:1 Training