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The goal of this session is to create greater awareness among faculty and staff about students with mental health conditions and to better equip faculty and staff with the skills to address prejudice and discrimination against students inside and outside of the classroom. This workshop will address the following points:
*What person-first language is and how it is used to describe people with mental health conditions as well as people in recovery.
*Best practices for addressing episodes of prejudice when they occur inside (and outside of) the classroom.
*Understanding intersectionality in regards to prejudice around mental health conditions.
*Exploring techniques that can help students deal with the stigma connected to discussing, seeking help for, etc., mental health within and outside of their communities.
Facilitated by Barbara Lehmann and Melissa Hensley
Friday, November 8 | Addressing Mental Health Stigma and Prejudice on Campus | 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm, OGC 100
RSVP for “Addressing Mental Health Stigma and Prejudice on Campus”