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Spring 2020 study abroad – semester spots still available
Spring semester study abroad is still available – deadline for select programs has been extended to November 1.
The three Augsburg study center programs still have spaces available for spring semester:
Augsburg in Mexico
Augsburg in Central America
Augsburg in Southern Africa
Apply by November 1
These programs, all taught in English, are a good fit for many majors. Students can earn credits in several different subjects, take Spanish language courses in Mexico or Central America, complete an internship in Mexico or Namibia, and much more.
Augsburg students participating in these programs are awarded an automatic $1,500 CGEE Travel Grant, in addition to their usual semester financial aid package. These programs are among the most affordable study abroad programs for students – costs very close to studying and living on campus.
The Study Abroad & Away Office is here to answer questions, and is happy to talk to all students about these opportunities. Stop by Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center. Or, email abroad