Think ahead to summer study abroad – Greece or the Netherlands

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Short term study abroad is a great way to travel, earn credits, and still have the rest of your summer to work, play, do an internship, etc. There are a few great options coming up for Summer 2020–start planning now. Applications are open and the application deadline is JANUARY 31

***Living Green in Amsterdam***
Course options (students take ONE course):
SOC/URB111: City Life: Intro to Urban Sociology (fulfills Social Behavioral Sciences LAF), or
SOC/URB 295: Living Green in Amsterdam (elective)

This program also fulfills the Augsburg Experience requirement

Faculty Leader: Lars Christiansen
Travel Dates: May 7-22, 2020

Program Description:
Today, most of the world’s population lives in metropolitan areas, whether that means a traditional city, a suburb, an exurb or a slum – this is a very recent change in human history. Humans are fundamentally social beings, and urban areas provide the space where most people are born, grow up and interact with one another throughout their entire lifetimes.. We will explore the city as a social and political phenomenon and examine how the design of cities affects social interactions in perhaps surprising ways – the placement of buildings and the design of open space may make us want to be in an area or flee it.

***Economic Crisis, Small Business & Ethics in Greece***
Course options:
KEY 490, ECO 495 , or BUS 495 (students register for one course).
This program also fulfills the Augsburg Experience requirement.

Faculty Leaders:
Stella Hofrenning and Phyllis Kapetenakis

Travel Dates:
May 13-27, 2020 Approximately 3 pre-travel meetings will also be held.

Visit the Augsburg Study Abroad & Away site to learn more about these programs!