Launching Tao – A Free Wellness, Mental Health, and Substance Use App for Augsburg Campus

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Augsburg has recently expanded our wellness and mental health services to give the Augsburg Community 24/7 access to a free service called TAO. The TAO App includes over 150 brief, effective, educational sessions covering over 50 common topics and skills related to mental health, wellness, and substance use issues. TAO includes interactive sessions, mindfulness exercises and practice tools, all aimed at helping you achieve your goals to improve your wellbeing.

The Tao App can be used by individuals for their wellbeing, by faculty for supporting students or as it relates to their teaching discipline, and by staff in their work with their Departments and work with students going through tough times.

To create your free anonymous account go to the TAO button located on the Center for Wellness and Counseling website:

• Enter First Name, Last Name, and your school email address
• Create a Password
• Leave the ‘Enrollment Key’ field blank and Click Sign Me Up
• Check your email. You will be sent a Welcome to TAO email with a confirmation link, which you must click on to sign in.

Please share this information with other members of the Augsburg community.

Nancy Guilbeault, Director – Center for Wellness and Counseling (CWC)