Forum Webinar – Religion, Resilience, and Mental Health During the Holiday Season

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When: October 15, 2020 11:00 am – 12:00 pm CDT
Level: Intermediate
Track: D&I Strategy
Presenters: Leslie Funk, Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding  |  Cameron Smith, Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding
Cost: Free

This webinar will highlight the intersectional nature of religion as a facet of workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion by analyzing the specific intersection between religion, mental health, and resilience during the winter holiday season.
The topics of both religion and mental health feature prominently during the traditional winter holiday season, though frank conversations in the workplace about those topics remain uncommon. Presenters Leslie Funk and Cameron Smith of Tanenbaum seek to not only shed light on this important matter but also offer tools for effectively and proactively addressing these matters in the workplace.

Learning Outcomes
Recognize the importance of addressing religious diversity in the workplace
Examine the role religion can play in mental health, and how religious diversity arises in the workplace around the holidays
Identify better practices for preventing the December Dilemma