Augsburg Bold Speaker Series

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Augsburg Bold underscores our connections in the community for addressing the most pressing issues of our time. Augsburg’s quad has been set up as a physically-distanced outdoor seminar room, and we are pleased to announce the first in a series of distinguished speakers. In-person attendance is reserved for Augsburg students and limited to 60; all speakers will be available to stream via Zoom.

Upcoming speakers:

  • Thursday, October 8, 12-1 p.m.                                                                                 Jodi Harpstead, Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Human Services

Learn more and sign up to attend in person or via Zoom at the Augsburg Bold site.

In addition to the speaker series, Augsburg Bold will also include opportunities for students to learn about important topics in our community through experiences off campus—all designed following COVID-19 mitigation practices—and to participate in Homecoming 2020 celebrations on campus.

Augsburg Bold