Tech Tune-up Debrief Session

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Thursday, October 1 | Tech Tune-up Debrief Session | 3 pm – 4:00 pm

The E-Learning team invites you to share what you have been experiencing at the start of this extraordinary semester:
*What is working well for you and what have you discovered that you are excited about?
*What have you encountered that you didn’t anticipate and how are you dealing with this?
*What questions do you need answered? (If we can’t supply the answer during the hour we will note your question(s) and get back to you individually)
*What would you like to get more training on?

It looks like this virus isn’t going away any time soon, so please help us learn how we can better equip you to teach effectively in the remote classroom.

Tech Tune-up Debrief Session (can only be viewed with an Augsburg email address)