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CTL is happy to announce that our budget now allows us to restore funding for participation/attendance OR presentation at conferences (we had previously been restricting funding to presenting faculty only). Please see the CTL website for application requirements, funding available, and information about other funding available for professional development.
Application forms are temporarily down and will GO LIVE on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13th. As is always the case, proposals will be evaluated and approved by CTL, and funding will be allocated until all funds have been awarded.
If you participated in/attended a conference between June and Dec 2020, paid for it with your personal money, and were NOT reimbursed, you may retroactively submit an application for consideration for reimbursement. However, because these conferences were not pre-approved, we may only be able to cover partial costs or none at all.
Also, up to $150 can be reimbursed for Professional Memberships. There is a separate application form for this posted on the page linked below. *CTL cannot cover any fees for licensures/testing/certification/continuing education credits. The funds for memberships are a part of the $1,500 cap.
This announcement does not apply to union adjunct faculty members. Information regarding Adjunct Professional Development Grants can be found at
** I usually respond very quickly to applications, however, some recent submissions on the new form were missed. I have fixed this issue, but if you ever have to wait more than a day for a response, please email or**
Professional Development Funds for Faculty