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On Monday, January 11 the AAC met and was introduced to a draft of an upcoming scaffolding proposal. This policy would “help programs set the ‘appropriate’ rigor level for courses, guide programs for the appropriate prerequisites for courses, guide course and program assessment and ultimately, create deliberate pathways to graduation for our students”. A task force was formed to discuss the draft and work through updates to bring back to the committee in February.
A proposal was approved to remove the writing prerequisite from HPE 282, and a student-designed major requesting minor revisions was also passed.
There was an in-depth discussion regarding a recommendation on Zoom camera use from the TEL committee. Their recommendation will return to their subcommittee for further review.
AAC also had a brief introduction to a proposed policy on student advisory grades. There was no vote on this, however. In addition there was a point of information on Augsburg Experiences in our current virtual environment.
Meeting minutes, proposal forms, and committee archives can be found at Committee work is tracked on the sheet linked below (this can only be viewed with an Augsburg login).