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When: November 8, 2021 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm CST
Where: Online/Virtual Conference
Cost: $95
Level: Intermediate
Presenters: Eboo Patel, Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC) | Farah Siddiqui, Salesforce | Megan Hughes Johnson, Interfaith Youth Core
This event is part of The Forum’s new Professional Development Labs learning series. More information below. This course is SHRM and HRCI certified and counts as four (4) Continuing Education Units (CEU).
Americans encounter more religious diversity at work than in any other sphere of life, yet religion is too often left out of the diversity conversation. Many of us are uncomfortable talking about religion at work because we are afraid of offending our colleagues or wading into uncertain legal territory, but engaging religious diversity can lead to stronger team culture and better relationships with clients and consumers. Join Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC) for a Professional Development Lab that will give you the chance to explore issues of religious identity and diversity at work, develop your interfaith skillset, and create an action plan for how you will engage religious and secular identity in your workplace.
Learning Outcomes
1. Learn why engaging religious diversity matters in the workplace
2. Identify concrete skills to engage religious diversity and enhance workplace culture
3. Create a customized action plan for how to engage religious diversity productively in your workplace
Action Planning Breakouts
Unique to the PDL learning experience, each PDL includes Action Planning Breakout Sessions. The Action Planning Breakout Sessions give individuals a chance to participate in small group work that results in having their own goal-oriented action plan to take what they learned at the PDL and apply it in their workplace or organization. This PDL has three concurrent and different breakout sessions. Participants can choose a breakout session that best applies to their circumstance.