October Auggie Pride Award Winners

submitted by voigtj@augsburg.edu

Congratulations to our three Auggie Pride Award winners for the month of October- Emily Long, Ashley Adegeye, and Elizabeth Charnell, three staff members in the residence life department. The opening of the residence halls this year was one of the smoothest in the past 15 years. The praise goes to the leadership of Emily Long, Director of Residence Life, a new staff member who had not seen the process ever before. The praise also goes to Ashley Adegeye, Residence Hall Director, and Elizabeth Charnell, Residence Business Manager. They have continued their work now throughout the semester. They prioritized the student staff experience, challenging them with great expectations and supporting them with great care. In addition, Emily, Ashley, and Elizabeth provided resident students with responsiveness and respect. Our staff senate is excited to recognize them for all of their efforts!! Congratulation Emily, Ashley, and Elizabeth!
