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This week is International Education Week (IEW) to celebrate the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide. Augsburg University, the Center for Global Education and Experience, International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) and the International Student Organization (ISO) will be celebrating the week with multiple activities and events!
TUESDAY, November 16: Power of Language, Christensen Center Lobby, 9am-noon
~~Auggies come from around the world and speak many languages. Come learn about study abroad opportunities with language courses!
WEDNESDAY, November 17:Study Abroad & Away Table, Christensen Lobby, 11:30 -1pm
~~Get inspired and get more information about opportunities available to Auggies, around the world and in the USA!
THURSDAY, November 18:
Donuts and Coffee with the International Student Organization
~~9 to 11am in Christensen Center. Come socialize with the international students at Augsburg!
Boren Scholarship Workshop, On Zoom, 1pm-2pm
~~The Boren Awards fund the intensive study of language and culture abroad by U.S. undergraduate or graduate students. You can learn more about the Boren Award at our website.
~~ Use the link at the bottom of the announcement to get the Workshop Link
FRIDAY, November 19: Summer Study Abroad in Health Sciences Webinar, On Zoom, 10-11am
~Explore courses for pre-med, pharmacy, physical therapy and more – next summer in Cyprus!
~Click the link below to get the Zoom registration link
Get more information and IEW details here