Workshop on Friday Nov. 12: Applying for Paid Research Experiences in STEM

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Want to learn more about off-campus research opportunities in STEM? The National Science Foundation supports programs called Research Experiences for Undergraduates or REUs.

On Friday, November 12, from 4:00 – 5:30 PM, Dixie Shafer of URGO will lead a workshop on how to search for and apply to paid off-campus Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) programs in STEM fields.

This will be a virtual event designed to help students learn more about how to search for and apply to summer research opportunities nationally as well as locally.

Date: Friday, November 12
Time: 4:00 -5:30 PM
Format: Virtual over Zoom

All are welcome! Anyone interested in attending should complete the registration link below.

REU’s are offered in a wide range of STEM and interdisciplinary subject areas. Here is an example of one REU:

Bioarchaeology of Bronze Age Social Systems
The Bioarchaeology of Bronze Age Social Systems NSF-REU Site (Award #1852426) supports the training of undergraduate students in conducting collaborative research– from hypothesis formation to data collection, analysis, public outreach, and publication. Complementary instruction in professional development, ethics, and statistical modules are also incorporated in the program’s curriculum.

Housed at the Center for Archaeological Studies at the University of South Alabama, teams of students collaborate with an interdisciplinary group of dynamic scientists while conducting original research on two Arabian Bronze Age skeletal collections (2400-2100 BCE) over an eight-week period. As part of these independent research projects, students will examine how alternative pathways to social complexity were embodied in ancient human skeletal remains and reflected in burial traditions.

Questions? Feel free to contact Rebekah Dupont at

REU Workshop Registration