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HR & Payroll Forms
As a reminder, please submit any status change forms you may have to HR by noon Friday, November 12 to be processed on the November 19 pay date. This includes routine forms for HSA, retirement, direct deposit and tax withholding changes. Email if you have questions or need assistance.
Forms are all accessible on the new HR Website which is linked below as well as a secure link to upload your forms.
Time Sheets
All employees, please submit your timesheet by the end of the day Friday, November 12 so your supervisor has time to approve it by the Monday, November 15; noon deadline.
Secure Link to Human Resources & Payroll
To protect your information, forms containing sensitive data such as bank accounts or social security numbers should not be emailed. For a secure delivery link go to for submission.
For general questions, please email and cc
Go Auggies!!
Human Resources & Payroll