New Staff Position: Director of University Events

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Summary of Position

The Director of University Events oversees the Office of University Events, responsible for event planning and event operations campuswide. In addition to department oversight, the director designs, develops, plans, manages, and implements major events for the university and partners. The director is responsible for building internal and external relationships and promoting a positive image of the university.

Primary Responsibilities

– Lead and manage the University Events department to further the mission and vision of the university as well as enhance the image and raise the level of awareness.
– Create positive memorable experiences for campus community and campus guests.
– Supervise the University Events team responsible for year-round event planning, coordination of summer event and conferences management, and event operations (including administration of event technology and technical services and student staff management). Manage event planning assignments, annual summer conference assignments, and planner departmental assignments for each team member.
– Manage involvement of executive leadership, appropriate staff and vendors in planning and implementing all university major events.
– Prepare, oversee and manage the University Events budget and the budgets associated with university events & projects.
– Monitor, verify and reconcile expenditures of budgeted funds; prepare reports and evaluate the effectiveness of major live events and make recommendations to university senior administration.
– Manage campus wide policies and prioritization for scheduling, room usage, event scope/genres, and event planning requirements in alignment with the university’s mission and commitments to students, the campus community, and external partners.
– Oversee department procedures to ensure that all events conform to university, city, and state regulations.
– Analyze event performance and prepare metrics on costs, attendance and post-event communications, as necessary or requested.
– Plan, manage and administer all event details to include: reserving event space, determining and diagraming setup/floor plans, coordinating the design and implementation of marketing collateral and invitations, food & beverage details, design elements (décor, rentals, other services), audio-visual needs, internal departmental partners (DPS, Custodial, Facilities, etc.) staffing assignments/plans and tracking of attendance/registration details.
– Oversee off-campus venue review and selection process. Review, negotiate and manage venue contracts related to Augsburg events.
– Determine the need for outside vendors; review, negotiate and manage vendor contracts related to Augsburg events.
– Coordinate details for all visits of dignitaries, special guests and other VIPs.
– Interact with and serve as the main point of contact for personnel and campus organizations associated with producing events (DPS, Custodial Services, Facilities Management, Finance & Administration, Copy Center, etc.)
– All other duties as apparent or assigned by supervisor(s).

View Job Posting

Free Workshop: Multifaith Leadership and Engagement in a Fractured World

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Join us for this annual workshop co-hosted by the Interfaith Institute. Augsburg Professor Najeeba Syeed and Rabbi Dr. Rachel Mikva from Chicago Theological Seminary will be the featured keynote speakers. The workshop includes two breakout sessions and dinner. Registration is required.

Date: Sunday, March 3rd
Time: 1:00 -7:00 pm (includes dinner)
Location: St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN

To learn more and register:

We are looking forward to hosting next year’s workshop on Augsburg’s campus. More information to come!

Register Now for Day at the Capitol (February 28)

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What: 2024 Day at the Capitol
Date: Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Time: 9:15 a.m.–1:30 p.m. (plus travel time to St. Paul by light rail)

Join us for Day at the Capitol 2024, where you can advocate for increased funding for education and other issues that matter to you. Your legislators need to hear from you about the Minnesota State Grant program and other causes that you care about.

What happens during Day at the Capitol?

You’ll attend a Minnesota State Grant advocacy and lobbying training with student advocates from Augsburg and other Minnesota private colleges. Then you’ll meet with legislators (we’ll make appointments for you in advance) and have lunch at the Capitol. The Minnesota Private College Council will host a Q&A session with public policy experts and policymakers and will provide everything you need to be a successful advocate. We will take the light rail from campus to and from the Capitol together. Plus, free lunch!

Have questions or need help? Email

Learn more and register for Day at the Capitol (choose February 28).

Free Trip to Holocaust Museum

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Applications due February 19, 2024 and can be found at The trip will take place on Tuesday, April 16, 2024. If you would like to learn more about the program or would like advising on the application, please contact the URGO office at

The MINNE Holocaust Fellows program selects college students to participate in a fully-paid, one-day trip to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. to acquire a more in-depth knowledge of the Holocaust. Fellows tour the permanent exhibits and featured exhibits, as well as meet with a museum representative. Awards come through the MINNE Fund of the Minneapolis Jewish Federation, who has chosen Augsburg to be one of the select universities to participate in the program.

*You DO NOT need to be a US citizen*

• Full-time student
• Sophomore or above with at least one year left before graduating
• 3.0 GPA or higher
• Proof of COVID vaccinations may be required

Trip and Application Info

Great Summer Job: URGO Summer Research Phase 1 Applications Due February 12

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Phase 1 of the applications are due February 12th at 11:59 PM, so start talking with your faculty members to learn about what research or creative activity is going on in your department!

The URGO Summer Research/Creative Activity Program is an 11-week, on-campus program (May 13th – July 26th) where students are funded to conduct research with a faculty mentor. URGO provides full-time summer researchers (400 hours) with a $6,000 stipend and housing discount while half-time researchers (200 hours) receive a $3,000 stipend and a housing discount.

URGO also provides funding for students to work for a professor as a research assistant on an ongoing research project. This is a 100-hour commitment over the course of the summer and comes with a $1,500 stipend. This is an excellent opportunity to try out research for the first time or focus on a specific aspect of a research project.

If you have questions, email or visit the link below.

URGO Summer Research Info and Application

The Writing Center Is Open

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The Writing Center is Open!

The Augsburg Writing Center offers both online and in-person tutoring. Skilled students will work with you one-on-one at whatever stage of writing you are in – the idea-development stage, the drafting stage, and the revision stage – and can show you how to choose an appropriate essay topic, how to develop a thesis statement and paragraphs, how to revise your essay, or assist with any other writing needs you may have. Tutors will be alert listeners and ask questions, and will not judge or evaluate the work in progress. For more information, please visit our website. We look forward to seeing you!

Located on the second floor (across from Advising) of the Lindell Library in person (drop-in only): Sunday 5-8pm and Monday- Thursday 2-8pm
Online (appointment needed): Sunday-Thursday 6-8pm

TOMORROW: Greenhouse First Thursday

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The Augsburg Biology Department’s rooftop greenhouse grows an appreciation for and deeper understanding of the plants of our planet. The greenhouse is open to the Augsburg campus community on the first Thursday of every month during the semester, from noon to 3pm. The Augsburg community is invited to come see what we’ve got growing on, enjoy the tropical atmosphere and marvel at hundreds of plant species from all over the world.

The next First Thursday is this week, February 1, noon—3pm. The greenhouse is located on the 4th floor of the Hagfors Center.

Stay updated on greenhouse events by following us on Instagram!

Undergrads: Chance for a $50 Gift Card – Take Our Survey

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My name is Dean Harris, and I am a doctoral student in the Clinical Psychology Department at Augsburg University. I am conducting this study as partial fulfillment of my doctoral degree, with Dr. Patricia Hopkins-Smith as my advisor.

You are being invited to participate in a research study on investigating influences of intrapersonal factors on the relationship between casual sex and mental health. Our study focuses on experiences of casual sex in individuals who identify as single or recently single (i.e., have not been in a relationship longer than one month). As such, if you indicated you were in a relationship for longer than one month, you do not meet our study eligibility criteria. We respect and appreciate individuals in various types of relationships, including open or ethically non-monogamous ones, but our current study’s scope is limited to investigating casual sex in those who identify as single (or recently single). If you agree to this study, I will ask you to complete a survey via Qualtrics. This survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. After completing all the survey questions, you will be invited, if you wish, to provide contact information to enter in the raffle to win one of three $50 gift card prizes, and/or emailed the results at the end of the study’s conclusion.

If you have any questions now or later, you may contact me, Dean Harris at 612-239-2534 or You can also contact my advisor, Dr. Patricia Hopkins-Smith at 612-330-1567 or If you contact me or my advisor, understand that your anonymity cannot be guaranteed; however, if you decide to participate, your data will not be connected to your name. If you have questions about your rights as a research subject or want to discuss problems/complaints about the research study, send an email to

Dean Harris
Doctoral Student in Clinical Psychology Department at Augsburg University

Survey Link

Phishing Awareness Workshop – Feb 7, 3-4 p.m.

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We cordially invite you to a Zoom session about enhancing your awareness of phishing scams, a critical issue in our digital age. As educators, it is imperative to stay informed about these deceptive practices that threaten our online security. This session will equip you with the necessary tools and knowledge to identify and protect yourself from phishing attempts. Join us for an engaging and informative experience, where we will delve into real-life examples and prevention strategies. Thank you for helping safeguard our academic community. Please mark your calendars and be a part of this essential conversation. We look forward to your participation!

Date: Wednesday, February 7th on Zoom
Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm

Registration Required:

Funeral Arrangements for Millie Orenge

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The Augsburg community mourns the loss of Millicent (Millie) Orenge, who passed away earlier this month. Services for Millie will be held at Washburn-McReavy Funeral Chapel in Edina at 5000 West 50th and Highway 100. Visitation will take place on Sunday, February 4, from 2–6 p.m. and on Wednesday, February 7, from 11 a.m.–noon. The funeral will take place on Wednesday, February 7, from noon–1 p.m.

Study Abroad Fair – TODAY

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Come learn about off-campus study programs available to Auggies, both abroad and in the USA. Programs range from a few weeks, to a semester, to a year, and there are opportunities that can work for every Auggie.

Wednesday, January 31st- TODAY!
10am – 1PM
Christensen Center lobby

Pick up brochures, ask questions, and get inspired!

Attend the Fair to Enter the Prize Drawing for one of three gift cards: Visa, Target, or Augsburg Bookstore!

Check out Study Abroad & Away Programs here

Report from Cat Island — This Friday at Noon

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This last fall the River Semester managed to make it out into the Gulf of Mexico, ending our trip at Cat Island off the coast of Mississippi. On these trips down the Mississippi River, we have actually visited three “Cat Islands,” each with their own story and lessons. Anyone interested in hearing more tales from the Fall 2023 Mississippi River expedition, some lessons from the past five trips down the river, and some open discussion of where we go next, is welcome to stop by Oren Gateway Center 100 at noon on Friday, February 2nd. Feel free to bring your lunch.

The “Big Muddy Map” of our 2023 River Trip

The Writing Center Is Open

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The Writing Center is Open!

The Augsburg Writing Center offers both online and in-person tutoring. Skilled students will work with you one-on-one at whatever stage of writing you are in – the idea-development stage, the drafting stage, and the revision stage – and can show you how to choose an appropriate essay topic, how to develop a thesis statement and paragraphs, how to revise your essay, or assist with any other writing needs you may have. Tutors will be alert listeners and ask questions, and will not judge or evaluate the work in progress. For more information, please visit our website. We look forward to seeing you!

Located on the second floor (across from Advising) of the Lindell Library in person (drop-in only): Sunday 5-8pm and Monday- Thursday 2-8pm
Online (appointment needed): Sunday-Thursday 6-8pm

Chapel: Pastor Martha Schwehn Bardwell

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Please join us in Hoversten Chapel at 11:30 am for chapel. Today Pastor Martha Schwehn Bardwell, Pastor of Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church is preaching. Tomorrow, Pooja Bastodkar, Hindu Society of Minnesota, will share Hindu stories as part of the “Living Stories” series co-sponsored with the Religion Department and Interfaith at Augsburg.

Free Workshop: Multifaith Leadership and Engagement in a Fractured World

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Join us for this annual workshop co-hosted by the Interfaith Institute. Augsburg Professor Najeeba Syeed and Rabbi Dr. Rachel Mikva from Chicago Theological Seminary will be the featured keynote speakers. The workshop includes two breakout sessions and dinner. Registration is required.

Date: Sunday, March 3rd
Time: 1:00 -7:00 pm (includes dinner)
Location: St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN

To learn more and register:

We are looking forward to hosting next year’s workshop on Augsburg’s campus. More information to come!

Study Abroad and Away Fair – Wednesday, January 31

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Come learn about off-campus study programs available to Auggies, both abroad and in the USA. Programs range from a few weeks, to a semester, to a year, and there are opportunities that can work for every Auggie.

Wednesday, January 31st
10am – 1PM
Christensen Center lobby

Pick up brochures, ask questions, and get inspired!

Attend the Fair to Enter the Prize Drawing for one of three gift cards: Visa, Target, or Augsburg Bookstore!

Follow us on Instagram to get some sneak peek fair information! @global_auggies

Check out Study Abroad & Away Programs here

Deadline for Summer/Fall 2024 Semester Abroad – March 1

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Every Auggie can study abroad/away! Study Abroad/Away gives you a chance to live, learn, and earn credits somewhere else in world as part of your college experience!

You can gain confidence, learn about different places and cultures and make friends for life. Plus, it can open up new career and educational opportunities!

Are you interested in studying abroad for either the summer or Fall of 2024? Make sure to complete your application through the study abroad website today to secure your spot!

Click Here to Visit the Study Abroad/Away Website Today

Undergrads: Chance for a $50 Gift Card – Take Our Survey

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My name is Dean Harris, and I am a doctoral student in the Clinical Psychology Department at Augsburg University. I am conducting this study as partial fulfillment of my doctoral degree, with Dr. Patricia Hopkins-Smith as my advisor.

You are being invited to participate in a research study on investigating influences of intrapersonal factors on the relationship between casual sex and mental health. Our study focuses on experiences of casual sex in individuals who identify as single or recently single (i.e., have not been in a relationship longer than one month). As such, if you indicated you were in a relationship for longer than one month, you do not meet our study eligibility criteria. We respect and appreciate individuals in various types of relationships, including open or ethically non-monogamous ones, but our current study’s scope is limited to investigating casual sex in those who identify as single (or recently single). If you agree to this study, I will ask you to complete a survey via Qualtrics. This survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. After completing all the survey questions, you will be invited, if you wish, to provide contact information to enter in the raffle to win one of three $50 gift card prizes, and/or emailed the results at the end of the study’s conclusion.

If you have any questions now or later, you may contact me, Dean Harris at 612-239-2534 or You can also contact my advisor, Dr. Patricia Hopkins-Smith at 612-330-1567 or If you contact me or my advisor, understand that your anonymity cannot be guaranteed; however, if you decide to participate, your data will not be connected to your name. If you have questions about your rights as a research subject or want to discuss problems/complaints about the research study, send an email to

Dean Harris
Doctoral Student in Clinical Psychology Department at Augsburg University

Survey Link

Great Summer Job: URGO Summer Research Phase 1 Applications Due February 12

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Phase 1 of the applications are due February 12th at 11:59 PM, so start talking with your faculty members to learn about what research or creative activity is going on in your department!

The URGO Summer Research/Creative Activity Program is an 11-week, on-campus program (May 13th – July 26th) where students are funded to conduct research with a faculty mentor. URGO provides full-time summer researchers (400 hours) with a $6,000 stipend and housing discount while half-time researchers (200 hours) receive a $3,000 stipend and a housing discount.

URGO also provides funding for students to work for a professor as a research assistant on an ongoing research project. This is a 100-hour commitment over the course of the summer and comes with a $1,500 stipend. This is an excellent opportunity to try out research for the first time or focus on a specific aspect of a research project.

If you have questions, email or visit the link below.

URGO Summer Research Info and Application

Free Trip to Holocaust Museum

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Applications due February 19, 2024 and can be found at The trip will take place on Tuesday, April 16, 2024. If you would like to learn more about the program or would like advising on the application, please contact the URGO office at

The MINNE Holocaust Fellows program selects college students to participate in a fully-paid, one-day trip to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. to acquire a more in-depth knowledge of the Holocaust. Fellows tour the permanent exhibits and featured exhibits, as well as meet with a museum representative. Awards come through the MINNE Fund of the Minneapolis Jewish Federation, who has chosen Augsburg to be one of the select universities to participate in the program.

*You DO NOT need to be a US citizen*

• Full-time student
• Sophomore or above with at least one year left before graduating
• 3.0 GPA or higher
• Proof of COVID vaccinations may be required

Trip and Application Info

“Disability Visibility” Book Discussion TODAY

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CLASS and Lindell Library invite you to a book discussion for “Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories from the 21st Century” edited by Alice Wong. “This anthology gives a glimpse into the rich complexity of the disabled experience, highlighting the passions, talents, and everyday lives of this community.”

We’ll discuss narratives from Part 3: “Doing” on Tuesday, January 30, 4:00-5:00 pm in Lindell Library, Room 301. We welcome you (students, faculty, and staff) to this discussion regardless of how much of the book you read! Faculty/Staff can apply this event toward Good/Advanced standing for the Diversity & Inclusion Certificate.

A few copies of the book are available to borrow from Lindell Library at the circulation desk. You can find the book at your favorite bookstore, public library and Bookshare. For questions about this event or accommodation needs please contact

Online Survey – Chance to Win $100 Gift Card

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Hello Auggies! I am a graduate student seeking participants for a research study. I am exploring how one’s ability to recognize and regulate their own and others’ emotions may relate to feelings of depression and social disconnect. Participation in this study will involve completing a series of behavioral health inventories and a demographic screener that will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. These inventories will ask if you have experienced symptoms of depression or loneliness and ask how intensely you experience your everyday emotions. Following completion of these inventories, participants will complete a test online that will walk participants through a variety of different tasks, such as recognition of facial expressions and implied social meanings. This test will take approximately 45 minutes to complete. All participation in this study is done online from the comfort of your own home. Students are invited to participate in this study if you: (1) are between the ages of 18 and 31; (2) have not been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, schizophrenia, or a personality disorder; (3) have not experienced an interpersonally traumatic life event (i.e., assault by another human being); and (4) are not currently experiencing a major health concern (i.e., life threatening illness/injury or significant transplant/removal surgery).

For your time, participants will be entered into a random lottery drawing for one of three $100 Amazon gift cards!

If you have any questions or concerns regarding participation in this study, please contact me at If you would like to participate in this study, please click the link below. You will be taken to a secure, online survey where you will be presented with a consent form followed by the demographic screener and brief inventories. Upon completion of these, you will be shown the link to the final assessment.

Thank you!

Funeral Arrangements for Millie Orenge

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The Augsburg community mourns the loss of Millicent (Millie) Orenge, who passed away earlier this month. Services for Millie will be held at Washburn-McReavy Funeral Chapel in Edina at 5000 West 50th and Highway 100. Visitation will take place on Sunday, February 4, from 2–6 p.m. and on Wednesday, February 7, from 11 a.m.–noon. The funeral will take place on Wednesday, February 7, from noon–1 p.m.

Greenhouse First Thursday [02/01]

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The Augsburg Biology Department’s rooftop greenhouse grows an appreciation for and deeper understanding of the plants of our planet. The greenhouse is open to the Augsburg campus community on the first Thursday of every month during the semester, from noon to 3pm. The Augsburg community is invited to come see what we’ve got growing on, enjoy the tropical atmosphere and marvel at hundreds of plant species from all over the world.

The next First Thursday is this week, February 1, noon—3pm. The greenhouse is located on the 4th floor of the Hagfors Center.

Stay updated on greenhouse events by following us on Instagram!

The Writing Center Is Open

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The Writing Center is Open!

The Augsburg Writing Center offers both online and in-person tutoring. Skilled students will work with you one-on-one at whatever stage of writing you are in – the idea-development stage, the drafting stage, and the revision stage – and can show you how to choose an appropriate essay topic, how to develop a thesis statement and paragraphs, how to revise your essay, or assist with any other writing needs you may have. Tutors will be alert listeners and ask questions, and will not judge or evaluate the work in progress. For more information, please visit our website. We look forward to seeing you!

Located on the second floor (across from Advising) of the Lindell Library in person (drop-in only): Sunday 5-8pm and Monday- Thursday 2-8pm
Online (appointment needed): Sunday-Thursday 6-8pm

TODAY – Yoga Monday – Everything Is Provided

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Center for Counseling and Wellness, will offer a short reflection followed by mindfulness practice led by Tara Mader, Assistant Professor, Department of Health, Physical Education and Exercise Science, Center for Teaching and Learning Fellow.

Please come join us on Monday, January 29th

Breathing and Centering –
Time: 10:40am-11:00am
Location: Foss Chapel

Yoga Practice –
Time: 5:30pm-6:30pm
Location: Grundale Chapel (Third floor of Hagfors)

OPEN TO ALL (Staff, Faculty, Students)

Greenhouse First Thursday [02/01]

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The Augsburg Biology Department’s rooftop greenhouse grows an appreciation for and deeper understanding of the plants of our planet. The greenhouse is open to the Augsburg campus community on the first Thursday of every month during the semester, from noon to 3pm. The Augsburg community is invited to come see what we’ve got growing on, enjoy the tropical atmosphere and marvel at hundreds of plant species from all over the world.

The next First Thursday is this week, February 1, noon—3pm. The greenhouse is located on the 4th floor of the Hagfors Center.

Stay updated on greenhouse events by following us on Instagram!

“Disability Visibility” Book Discussion TOMORROW

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CLASS and Lindell Library invite you to a book discussion for “Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories from the 21st Century” edited by Alice Wong. “This anthology gives a glimpse into the rich complexity of the disabled experience, highlighting the passions, talents, and everyday lives of this community.”

We’ll discuss narratives from Part 3: “Doing” on Tuesday, January 30, 4:00-5:00 pm in Lindell Library, Room 301. We welcome you (students, faculty, and staff) to this discussion regardless of how much of the book you read! Faculty/Staff can apply this event toward Good/Advanced standing for the Diversity & Inclusion Certificate.

A few copies of the book are available to borrow from Lindell Library at the circulation desk. You can find the book at your favorite bookstore, public library and Bookshare. For questions about this event or accommodation needs please contact

TODAY at 3:40 pm: Designing Reading Assignments Workshop

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Designing Reading Assignments for Comprehension & Engagement
January 29, 2024, 3:40 to 5:00 pm
Presenter/s: Rachel Malchow Lloyd, Associate Professor, Education, & CTL Director

Location: Marshall Room

Description: Ever wondered if students are actually doing their assigned reading? Or how well they are understanding the reading? “Reading is not a timeless, universal capability. Advanced literacy is a specific intellectual skill and social habit” (Gioia, 2005); it is also increasingly differentiated by discipline in college courses. This session will explore key text analysis and reading comprehension tools faculty in all disciplines can use to design more impactful reading assignments for students.

RSVP Designing Reading Assignments Workshop

Undergrads: Chance for a $50 Gift Card – Take Our Survey

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My name is Dean Harris, and I am a doctoral student in the Clinical Psychology Department at Augsburg University. I am conducting this study as partial fulfillment of my doctoral degree, with Dr. Patricia Hopkins-Smith as my advisor.

You are being invited to participate in a research study on investigating influences of intrapersonal factors on the relationship between casual sex and mental health. Our study focuses on experiences of casual sex in individuals who identify as single or recently single (i.e., have not been in a relationship longer than one month). As such, if you indicated you were in a relationship for longer than one month, you do not meet our study eligibility criteria. We respect and appreciate individuals in various types of relationships, including open or ethically non-monogamous ones, but our current study’s scope is limited to investigating casual sex in those who identify as single (or recently single). If you agree to this study, I will ask you to complete a survey via Qualtrics. This survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. After completing all the survey questions, you will be invited, if you wish, to provide contact information to enter in the raffle to win one of three $50 gift card prizes, and/or emailed the results at the end of the study’s conclusion.

If you have any questions now or later, you may contact me, Dean Harris at 612-239-2534 or You can also contact my advisor, Dr. Patricia Hopkins-Smith at 612-330-1567 or If you contact me or my advisor, understand that your anonymity cannot be guaranteed; however, if you decide to participate, your data will not be connected to your name. If you have questions about your rights as a research subject or want to discuss problems/complaints about the research study, send an email to

Dean Harris
Doctoral Student in Clinical Psychology Department at Augsburg University

Survey Link

Music Therapy Short-Term Study Abroad in South Africa, Summer 2024

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Music Therapy Short-Term Study Abroad Program is available this Summer! We go to South Africa between July 7th and 17th, 2024! We welcome non-music/music therapy majors as well. If you study related fields such as psychology, social work, nursing, and physician assistant, consider joining us! Here is the webpage link:

Support Small Businesses Displaced by Recent Fire

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Our community recently experienced a fire that destroyed two buildings located a few blocks from the Augsburg campus, affecting seven small, East African-owned businesses. These businesses include a specialty shop selling Oromo cultural items, a tax and immigration service, a spa, a therapist office, and a home daycare. The businesses lack insurance and are now facing significant financial hardships. To support them, the West Bank Business Association has set up a GoFundMe page to raise funds. These donations will directly assist with income replacement, inventory replenishment, and relocation costs. Every contribution, big or small, can make a big difference in helping these businesses recover and thrive again. Please consider making a donation in support of our neighbors.

WBBA GoFundMe Page

Online Survey – Chance to Win $100 Gift Card

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Hello Auggies! I am a graduate student seeking participants for a research study. I am exploring how one’s ability to recognize and regulate their own and others’ emotions may relate to feelings of depression and social disconnect. Participation in this study will involve completing a series of behavioral health inventories and a demographic screener that will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. These inventories will ask if you have experienced symptoms of depression or loneliness and ask how intensely you experience your everyday emotions. Following completion of these inventories, participants will complete a test online that will walk participants through a variety of different tasks, such as recognition of facial expressions and implied social meanings. This test will take approximately 45 minutes to complete. All participation in this study is done online from the comfort of your own home. Students are invited to participate in this study if you: (1) are between the ages of 18 and 31; (2) have not been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, schizophrenia, or a personality disorder; (3) have not experienced an interpersonally traumatic life event (i.e., assault by another human being); and (4) are not currently experiencing a major health concern (i.e., life threatening illness/injury or significant transplant/removal surgery).

For your time, participants will be entered into a random lottery drawing for one of three $100 Amazon gift cards!

If you have any questions or concerns regarding participation in this study, please contact me at If you would like to participate in this study, please click the link below. You will be taken to a secure, online survey where you will be presented with a consent form followed by the demographic screener and brief inventories. Upon completion of these, you will be shown the link to the final assessment.

Thank you!

Need to Know When Elevators Are Down? Opt In Here

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Recently a task force represented by Equity and Inclusion Initiatives, CLASS Disability Services, Facilities Management, Public Safety, Marketing and Communication, and Residential Life developed a more streamlined process for communicating to the campus community when an elevator isn’t working normally.

As part of this new process, a new opt-in listserv will offer timely information and updates about elevator status around campus, including when normal service resumes after an elevator has been out of order. If this information would help you avoid disruptions and navigate campus more easily, please subscribe at the link below.

Subscribe to elevator updates:

Free Workshop: Multifaith Leadership and Engagement in a Fractured World

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Join us for this annual workshop co-hosted by the Interfaith Institute. Augsburg Professor Najeeba Syeed and Rabbi Dr. Rachel Mikva from Chicago Theological Seminary will be the featured keynote speakers. The workshop includes two breakout sessions and dinner. Registration is required.

Date: Sunday, March 3rd
Time: 1:00 -7:00 pm (includes dinner)
Location: St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN

To learn more and register:

We are looking forward to hosting next year’s workshop on Augsburg’s campus. More information to come!

Introducing One Yoga, a New Augsburg Local Partner

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One Yoga is a nonprofit yoga studio located in the Seward neighborhood. One Yoga’s mission is to improve health equity in the community through access to a broad range of teachings and practices of yoga. They break down social, cultural, and economic barriers to yoga. One Yoga is welcoming to all, offering a diverse schedule of in-person and virtual classes. Class styles range from Hatha and Vinyasa, to Kundalini and Ashtanga, to Gentle Flow and Restorative. Check out the One Yoga website for a class schedule and current pricing information, including a deeply discounted 15 day trial period of unlimited classes.

One Yoga also has a Work-Study Program, a volunteer program where participants earn one yoga class for each shift completed. They are looking for dedicated and dependable individuals who value the opportunity to build community and earn free classes. Shift duties include front door greeter, front desk check-in, and studio cleaning. Go to the One Yoga website to learn more and to complete an interest form.

One Yoga Website

Study Abroad and Away Fair – Wednesday, January 31

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Come learn about off-campus study programs available to Auggies, both abroad and in the USA. Programs range from a few weeks, to a semester, to a year, and there are opportunities that can work for every Auggie.

Wednesday, January 31st
10am – 1PM
Christensen Center lobby

Pick up brochures, ask questions, and get inspired!

Attend the Fair to Enter the Prize Drawing for one of three gift cards: Visa, Target, or Augsburg Bookstore!

Follow us on Instagram to get some sneak peek fair information! @global_auggies

Check out STudy Abroad & Away Programs Here

Study Away in the USA

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As an Augsburg Student, you are eligible to study away for a semester at another college or university across the United States! Our new partnership with National Student Exchange makes it possible for students to study for a semester at a variety of different types of universities!

Supplement and complement classes that you take here at Augsburg to graduate on time. Pay your augsburg tuition and be eligible for scholarships to help with your costs!

Gain cultural experiences at a variety of different universities such as

-Historically Black Colleges and Universities

-Hispanic Serving Institutions

-Private or Public Universities

-Speciality programs that are suited for your major!

-So much more!

The priority deadline for students who are looking to study in the year 2024-2025 is January 31st! Don’t hesitate to take advantage of this incredible experience!

Click here for more information about National Student Exchange through Augsburg

Summer Study Abroad in May – Deadline January 31

submitted by

***Innovation & Resistance: Photography and History in Paris and Berlin***

Travel: May 15-May 30

Faculty: Jacqueline deVries and Christopher Houltberg

This is a 2-class program, and you’ll earn 8 credits, also Augsburg Experience. You’ll choose one History and one Photography course:

• HIS 195 – Topics in European History, fulfills Humanities liberal arts foundation requirement, OR

• HIS 390 – Topics in European History,


• ART 133 – Introduction to Digital Photography, fulfills Fine Arts liberal arts foundation requirement, OR
• ART 333 – Advanced Digital Photography

***Explorations in Greece: Economy, Ethics and Culture***

Travel: May 12–27

Faculty: Stella Hofrenning and Phyllis Kapetenakis

Course options: All students must choose one course:

· KEY 490 – Keystone

· BUS 490 – Keystone

· ECO 495 available by arrangement with professors

Also fulfills the Augsburg Experience requirement.

Visit businesses of all kinds, enjoy guest lectures from Greek business professionals and experts, visit museums, try fresh, local foods, and more!

***Arts, Culture, and Community in Cuba***

– fine arts class for all majors

Have the experience of a lifetime–sign up for a summer fine arts study abroad program, led by professor Beliza Torres Narvaez. Spend 12 days in Cuba this May exploring arts and culture!

Travel: May 12-23

Course: THR 295 – Topics: Arts, Culture, and Community in Cuba, (Fine Arts requirement), 4 credits, fulfills Augsburg Experience

Click here to learn more about the programs

Help My Mom Afford to Live

submitted by

Hello everyone. Some of you here might already know about this, but my family at home is going through some struggle right now. My mom was injured and unable to work. The county has denied her unemployment and disability request due to the nature of her work. This means she won’t receive government benefits AND can’t receive income from her job.
All funds will go to paying her rent, providing for my two younger siblings at home(and 2 dogs) and to help her recover during this period where she is unable to work. Please share if you can’t donate to get the word out.
If you would like to help out in other ways, shoot me an email or text! 612-237-4334

She deserves so much, I am helping her as much as I can on top of being a full time student. Any financial would be more than appreciated, but if you can’t help even just spreading the word is more than enough. I know that many of you are in a tough spot yourself, do not make your situation worse. I appreciate all of you who took the time to read this. We keep each other safe.

Update: Next Steps for Gen Ed Revision Proposal

submitted by

Dear Augsburg Community,

The shared governance process for the 2023 General Education Revision proposal, completed in December, is underway. Here is a timeline and overview of the shared governance process this spring:

– January: Academic Affairs Committee vote
– February: Faculty Senate vote
– March: Faculty first reading
– April: Faculty second reading and vote
– May: Board of Regents vote

As context and a brief review, in February 2023, the Provost charged a representative group of faculty, staff, and students to bring forward a general education revision proposal by December 2023. Based in part on broad consultation with the Augsburg community, proposed revisions to our general education curriculum include:

– three new mission-based requirements in Equity, Power, & Social Justice, Local & Global Engagement, and Sustainability & Wellness
– a streamlined and transfer-friendly curriculum to facilitate students’ progress toward graduation
– opportunities for distinctive new certificate programs and emphases

For more information, please click on the proposal linked below.

With gratitude,
Stacy (

The General Education Advisory Group (aka GenEd(it) Group)
Amanda Case, Kristen Chamberlain, Jennie Diaz, George Dierberger, Darcey Engen, Salma Caamir, Marah Jacobson, James Vela-McConnell, Stacy Freiheit (GenEd Director)


2023 General Education Revision Proposal:

GenEd(it) Comment Box:

General Education Revision 2023 Community Moodle page (self-enrollment is available):

General Education Revision 2023 Google Drive:

Undergrads: Chance for a $50 Gift Card – Take Our Survey

submitted by

My name is Dean Harris, and I am a doctoral student in the Clinical Psychology Department at Augsburg University. I am conducting this study as partial fulfillment of my doctoral degree, with Dr. Patricia Hopkins-Smith as my advisor.

You are being invited to participate in a research study on investigating influences of intrapersonal factors on the relationship between casual sex and mental health. Our study focuses on experiences of casual sex in individuals who identify as single or recently single (i.e., have not been in a relationship longer than one month). As such, if you indicated you were in a relationship for longer than one month, you do not meet our study eligibility criteria. We respect and appreciate individuals in various types of relationships, including open or ethically non-monogamous ones, but our current study’s scope is limited to investigating casual sex in those who identify as single (or recently single). If you agree to this study, I will ask you to complete a survey via Qualtrics. This survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. After completing all the survey questions, you will be invited, if you wish, to provide contact information to enter in the raffle to win one of three $50 gift card prizes, and/or emailed the results at the end of the study’s conclusion.

If you have any questions now or later, you may contact me, Dean Harris at 612-239-2534 or You can also contact my advisor, Dr. Patricia Hopkins-Smith at 612-330-1567 or If you contact me or my advisor, understand that your anonymity cannot be guaranteed; however, if you decide to participate, your data will not be connected to your name. If you have questions about your rights as a research subject or want to discuss problems/complaints about the research study, send an email to

Dean Harris
Doctoral Student in Clinical Psychology Department at Augsburg University

Survey Link

Great Summer Job: URGO Summer Research Phase 1 Applications Due February 12

submitted by


Phase 1 of the applications are due February 12th at 11:59 PM, so start talking with your faculty members to learn about what research or creative activity is going on in your department!

The URGO Summer Research/Creative Activity Program is an 11-week, on-campus program (May 13th – July 26th) where students are funded to conduct research with a faculty mentor. URGO provides full-time summer researchers (400 hours) with a $6,000 stipend and housing discount while half-time researchers (200 hours) receive a $3,000 stipend and a housing discount.

URGO also provides funding for students to work for a professor as a research assistant on an ongoing research project. This is a 100-hour commitment over the course of the summer and comes with a $1,500 stipend. This is an excellent opportunity to try out research for the first time or focus on a specific aspect of a research project.

If you have questions, email or visit the link below.

URGO Summer Research Info and Application

Nominations Open: Faculty Distinguished Contribution Awards

submitted by

Augsburg annually recognizes faculty that have made exemplary contributions to creating an engaging academic learning environment in one of three categories: Teaching, Scholarship, and Service. All full-time faculty who have been employed at Augsburg for at least three years are eligible for the awards. Additionally adjunct faculty who have taught at Augsburg for at least three years are eligible for a Distinguished Contribution in Teaching Award.

Any member of the Augsburg Community (faculty student, staff, etc.) may nominate a person for these awards. For more information on the process and requirements of nominators, please see the individual nomination forms on the page linked below.

Nominations are open until March 1, 2024 at 11:59 pm.

Faculty Distinguished Contribution Awards

Monday, 3:40 pm: Designing Reading Assignments Workshop

submitted by

Designing Reading Assignments for Comprehension & Engagement
January 29, 2024, 3:40 to 5:00 pm
Presenter/s: Rachel Malchow Lloyd, Associate Professor, Education, & CTL Director

Location: Marshall Room

Description: Ever wondered if students are actually doing their assigned reading? Or how well they are understanding the reading? “Reading is not a timeless, universal capability. Advanced literacy is a specific intellectual skill and social habit” (Gioia, 2005); it is also increasingly differentiated by discipline in college courses. This session will explore key text analysis and reading comprehension tools faculty in all disciplines can use to design more impactful reading assignments for students.

RSVP Designing Reading Assignments Workshop

The Writing Center Will Open January 28

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The Writing Center opens January 28th!

The Augsburg Writing Center offers both online and in-person tutoring. Skilled students will work with you one-on-one at whatever stage of writing you are in – the idea-development stage, the drafting stage, and the revision stage – and can show you how to choose an appropriate essay topic, how to develop a thesis statement and paragraphs, how to revise your essay, or assist with any other writing needs you may have. Tutors will be alert listeners and ask questions, and will not judge or evaluate the work in progress. For more information, please visit our website. We look forward to seeing you!

Located on the second floor (across from Advising) of the Lindell Library in person (drop-in only): Sunday 5-8pm and Monday- Thursday 2-8pm
Online (appointment needed): Sunday-Thursday 6-8pm

Interested in Art, Design, and Literature?

submitted by

Submit your application to join the 2023-2024 Thó Wiŋ Magazine Board!

Do you like art of all mediums? Do you believe art should be more accessible to the Augsburg community? Do you think publication should be accessible to anyone and everyone in the Augsburg community? If so, you’ll be a great addition to the Thó Wiŋ Magazine editorial board!

We are currently looking to hire an Art/Layout Director! Training will be provided by our current team. Thó Wiŋ Magazine (previously Murphy Square Quarterly) has been around since the 1970s and we are so excited to continue the legacy this year. These are stipend positions and a great way to dip your toe into the wonderful world of publishing!

This position is open to students of any level of experience! We encourage applications from students of any race, gender, sexuality, and background.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Addy Ney (they/she/he) (

We look forward to reviewing your applications!

Submit your application form here!

Need to Know When Elevators Are Down? Opt In Here

submitted by

Recently a task force represented by Equity and Inclusion Initiatives, CLASS Disability Services, Facilities Management, Public Safety, Marketing and Communication, and Residential Life developed a more streamlined process for communicating to the campus community when an elevator isn’t working normally.

As part of this new process, a new opt-in listserv will offer timely information and updates about elevator status around campus, including when normal service resumes after an elevator has been out of order. If this information would help you avoid disruptions and navigate campus more easily, please subscribe at the link below.

Subscribe to elevator updates:

Music Therapy Short-Term Study Abroad in South Africa in Summer 2024

submitted by

Music Therapy Short-Term Study Abroad Program is available this Summer! We go to South Africa between July 7th and 17th, 2024! We welcome non-music/music therapy majors as well. If you study related fields such as psychology, social work, nursing, and physician assistant, consider joining us! Here is the webpage link:

“Disability Visibility” Book Discussion: Jan 30 – Join Us

submitted by

CLASS and Lindell Library invite you to a book discussion for “Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories from the 21st Century” edited by Alice Wong. “This anthology gives a glimpse into the rich complexity of the disabled experience, highlighting the passions, talents, and everyday lives of this community.”

We’ll discuss narratives from Part 3: “Doing” on Tuesday, January 30, 4:00-5:00 pm in Lindell Library, Room 301. We welcome you (students, faculty, and staff) to this discussion regardless of how much of the book you read! Faculty/Staff can apply this event toward Good/Advanced standing for the Diversity & Inclusion Certificate.

A few copies of the book are available to borrow from Lindell Library at the circulation desk. You can find the book at your favorite bookstore, public library and Bookshare. For questions about this event or accommodation needs please contact

Last Day to Charge Bookstore Purchase to Student Account Is Friday

submitted by

The deadline to charge your books online has passed, but you can still charge your books to your student account in-person at the bookstore until Friday the 26th! After Friday, bookstore purchases can no longer be charged to your student account.

MN Private Colleges’ Spring Job & Internship Fair (Feb 22)

submitted by

Date: Thursday February 22nd, 2024
Time: 9am-2pm
Location: Minneapolis Convention Center – 1301 2nd Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55403
Who Should Attend: Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors

Opportunity to network with 200+ organizations who are interested in starting and maintaining employment relationships with Minnesota graduates!

Many of the organizations who will be present at the event will be actively recruiting for jobs and internships. Other organizations may anticipate hiring in the next six months.

To explore what employers will be at the fair, visit

Registration on Handshake is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED. It will make your check-in time faster.

Any questions can be directed to the Strommen Center or

Register on Handshake

Study Abroad and Away Fair – Wednesday, January 31

submitted by

Come learn about off-campus study programs available to Auggies, both abroad and in the USA. Programs range from a few weeks, to a semester, to a year, and there are opportunities that can work for every Auggie.

Wednesday, January 31st
10am – 1PM
Christensen Center lobby

Pick up brochures, ask questions, and get inspired!

Attend the Fair to Enter the Prize Drawing for one of three gift cards: Visa, Target, or Augsburg Bookstore!

Follow us on Instagram to get some sneak peek fair information! @global_auggies

Check out Study Abroad & Away Programs here

ASAC Basketball and Volleyball Tournaments – Prizes

submitted by

ASAC is having two tournament events for our Spring week of Auggie Olympics!!!

**Volleyball Tournament! Monday, January 29th @ 8PM-10PM in the Si Melby Gym
Team sign up:

**Basketball Tournament! Thursday, February 1st @ 8PM-10PM in the Si Melby Gym
Team sign up:

^There will be prizes for winning teams and snacks available!^

Monday, January 29th is Jersey Day!! Wear your favorite sports teams jersey to show your support!

New Student Positions This Week (2)

submitted by

The following Augsburg Student positions were posted within the past 7 days:

01/17/2024: Central Services Customer Service Assistant, Spring Semester 2024
01/17/2024: Student: Academic Advising Assistant, Spring Semester 2024

Search Augsburg Job Postings

Online Survey – Chance to Win $100 Gift Card

submitted by

Hello Auggies! I am a graduate student seeking participants for a research study. I am exploring how one’s ability to recognize and regulate their own and others’ emotions may relate to feelings of depression and social disconnect. Participation in this study will involve completing a series of behavioral health inventories and a demographic screener that will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. These inventories will ask if you have experienced symptoms of depression or loneliness and ask how intensely you experience your everyday emotions. Following completion of these inventories, participants will complete a test online that will walk participants through a variety of different tasks, such as recognition of facial expressions and implied social meanings. This test will take approximately 45 minutes to complete. All participation in this study is done online from the comfort of your own home. Students are invited to participate in this study if you: (1) are between the ages of 18 and 31; (2) have not been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, schizophrenia, or a personality disorder; (3) have not experienced an interpersonally traumatic life event (i.e., assault by another human being); and (4) are not currently experiencing a major health concern (i.e., life threatening illness/injury or significant transplant/removal surgery).

For your time, participants will be entered into a random lottery drawing for one of three $100 Amazon gift cards!

If you have any questions or concerns regarding participation in this study, please contact me at If you would like to participate in this study, please click the link below. You will be taken to a secure, online survey where you will be presented with a consent form followed by the demographic screener and brief inventories. Upon completion of these, you will be shown the link to the final assessment.

Thank you!

Learn About Short Term Study Abroad Options

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Come to Christensen lobby on Wednesday, January 24, from 10:30AM-12PM to learn more about short-term faculty led study abroad programs for summer 2024. These programs take you abroad to amazing places alongside a group of your fellow Auggies and an Augsburg faculty member for a short time (usually 10-15 days). You will have a chance to talk with the faculty that will be leading these incredible programs and get any of your questions answered! The following programs will have faculty leaders ready to answer your questions at the event:

***Innovation & Resistance: Photography and History in Paris and Berlin***

Travel: May 15-May 30

This is a 2-class program, and you’ll earn 8 credits, also Augsburg Experience. You’ll choose one History and one Photography course:

• HIS 195 – Topics in European History, fulfills Humanities liberal arts foundation requirement, OR

• HIS 390 – Topics in European History,


• ART 133 – Introduction to Digital Photography, fulfills Fine Arts liberal arts foundation requirement, OR
• ART 333 – Advanced Digital Photography

***Explorations in Greece: Economy, Ethics and Culture***

Travel: May 12–27

Faculty: Stella Hofrenning and Phyllis Kapetenakis

Course options: All students must choose one course:

· KEY 490 – Keystone

· BUS 490 – Keystone

· ECO 495 available by arrangement with professors

Also fulfills the Augsburg Experience requirement.

Visit businesses of all kinds, enjoy guest lectures from Greek business professionals and experts, visit museums, try fresh, local foods, and more!

***Arts, Culture, and Community in Cuba***

– fine arts class for all majors

Have the experience of a lifetime–sign up for a summer fine arts study abroad program, led by professor Beliza Torres Narvaez. Spend 12 days in Cuba this May exploring arts and culture!

Travel: May 12-23

Course: THR 295 – Topics: Arts, Culture, and Community in Cuba, (Fine Arts requirement), 4 credits, fulfills Augsburg Experience

Click here to learn more about the programs

Check Out One Yoga, a New Augsburg Local Partner

submitted by

One Yoga is a nonprofit yoga studio located in the Seward neighborhood of Minneapolis. One Yoga’s mission is to improve health equity in the community through access to a broad range of teachings and practices of yoga. They break down social, cultural, and economic barriers to yoga. One Yoga is welcoming to all, offering a diverse schedule of in-person and virtual classes. Class styles range from Hatha and Vinyasa, to Kundalini and Ashtanga, to Gentle Flow and Restorative. Check out the One Yoga website for a class schedule and current pricing information, including a deeply discounted 15 day trial period of unlimited classes.

One Yoga also has a Work-Study Program, a volunteer program where participants earn one yoga class for each shift completed. They are looking for dedicated and dependable individuals who value the opportunity to build community and earn free classes. Shift duties include front door greeter, front desk check-in, and studio cleaning. Go to the One Yoga website to learn more and to complete an interest form.

One Yoga Website

MN Private Colleges’ Spring Job & Internship Fair (Feb 22)

submitted by

Date: Thursday February 22nd, 2024
Time: 9am-2pm
Location: Minneapolis Convention Center – 1301 2nd Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55403
Who Should Attend: Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors

Opportunity to network with 200+ organizations who are interested in starting and maintaining employment relationships with Minnesota graduates!

Many of the organizations who will be present at the event will be actively recruiting for jobs and internships. Other organizations may anticipate hiring in the next six months.

To explore what employers will be at the fair, visit

Registration on Handshake is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED. It will make your check-in time faster.

Any questions can be directed to the Strommen Center or

Register on Handshake

Augsburg Intramurals – Team Submission

submitted by

Augsburg will be offering Intramural Volleyball with a proposed start date of February 1st. Volleyball will be played on Thursday Nights at a time to be announced. Registration deadline in January 25th. Please refer to the Intramural website for registration directions.

Study Abroad and Away Fair – Wednesday, January 31

submitted by

Come learn about off-campus study programs available to Auggies, both abroad and in the USA. Programs range from a few weeks, to a semester, to a year, and there are opportunities that can work for every Auggie.

Wednesday, January 31st
10am – 1PM
Christensen Center lobby

Pick up brochures, ask questions, and get inspired!

Attend the Fair to Enter the Prize Drawing for one of three gift cards: Visa, Target, or Augsburg Bookstore!

Follow us on Instagram to get some sneak peek fair information! @global_auggies

Check out Study Abroad & Away Programs here

Study Away in the USA

submitted by

As an Augsburg Student, you are eligible to study away for a semester at another college or university across the United States! Our new partnership with National Student Exchange makes it possible for students to study for a semester at a variety of different types of universities!

Supplement and complement classes that you take here at Augsburg to graduate on time. Pay your augsburg tuition and be eligible for scholarships to help with your costs!

Gain cultural experiences at a variety of different universities such as

-Historically Black Colleges and Universities

-Hispanic Serving Institutions

-Private or Public Universities

-Speciality programs that are suited for your major!

-So much more!

The priority deadline for students who are looking to study in the year 2024-2025 is January 31st! Don’t hesitate to take advantage of this incredible experience!

Click here for more information about National Student Exchange through Augsburg

Phishing Awareness Workshop – Feb 7, 3-4pm

submitted by

We cordially invite you to a Zoom session about enhancing your awareness of phishing scams, a critical issue in our digital age. As educators, it is imperative to stay informed about these deceptive practices that threaten our online security. This session will equip you with the necessary tools and knowledge to identify and protect yourself from phishing attempts. Join us for an engaging and informative experience, where we will delve into real-life examples and prevention strategies. Thank you for helping safeguard our academic community. Please mark your calendars and be a part of this essential conversation. We look forward to your participation!

Date: Wednesday, February 7th on Zoom
Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm

Registration Required:

Great Summer Job: URGO Summer Research Phase 1 Applications Due February 12

submitted by


Phase 1 of the applications are due February 12th at 11:59 PM, so start talking with your faculty members to learn about what research or creative activity is going on in your department!

The URGO Summer Research/Creative Activity Program is an 11-week, on-campus program (May 13th – July 26th) where students are funded to conduct research with a faculty mentor. URGO provides full-time summer researchers (400 hours) with a $6,000 stipend and housing discount while half-time researchers (200 hours) receive a $3,000 stipend and a housing discount.

URGO also provides funding for students to work for a professor as a research assistant on an ongoing research project. This is a 100-hour commitment over the course of the summer and comes with a $1,500 stipend. This is an excellent opportunity to try out research for the first time or focus on a specific aspect of a research project.

If you have questions, email or visit the link below.

URGO Summer Research Info and Application

Free Trip to Holocaust Museum

submitted by

Applications due February 19, 2024 and can be found at The trip will take place on Tuesday, April 16, 2024. If you would like to learn more about the program or would like advising on the application, please contact the URGO office at

The MINNE Holocaust Fellows program selects college students to participate in a fully-paid, one-day trip to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. to acquire a more in-depth knowledge of the Holocaust. Fellows tour the permanent exhibits and featured exhibits, as well as meet with a museum representative. Awards come through the MINNE Fund of the Minneapolis Jewish Federation, who has chosen Augsburg to be one of the select universities to participate in the program.

*You DO NOT need to be a US citizen*

• Full-time student
• Sophomore or above with at least one year left before graduating
• 3.0 GPA or higher
• Proof of COVID vaccinations may be required

Trip and Application Info

Undergrads: Chance for a $50 Gift Card – Take Our Survey

submitted by

My name is Dean Harris, and I am a doctoral student in the Clinical Psychology Department at Augsburg University. I am conducting this study as partial fulfillment of my doctoral degree, with Dr. Patricia Hopkins-Smith as my advisor.

You are being invited to participate in a research study on investigating influences of intrapersonal factors on the relationship between casual sex and mental health. Our study focuses on experiences of casual sex in individuals who identify as single or recently single (i.e., have not been in a relationship longer than one month). As such, if you indicated you were in a relationship for longer than one month, you do not meet our study eligibility criteria. We respect and appreciate individuals in various types of relationships, including open or ethically non-monogamous ones, but our current study’s scope is limited to investigating casual sex in those who identify as single (or recently single). If you agree to this study, I will ask you to complete a survey via Qualtrics. This survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. After completing all the survey questions, you will be invited, if you wish, to provide contact information to enter in the raffle to win one of three $50 gift card prizes, and/or emailed the results at the end of the study’s conclusion.

If you have any questions now or later, you may contact me, Dean Harris at 612-239-2534 or You can also contact my advisor, Dr. Patricia Hopkins-Smith at 612-330-1567 or If you contact me or my advisor, understand that your anonymity cannot be guaranteed; however, if you decide to participate, your data will not be connected to your name. If you have questions about your rights as a research subject or want to discuss problems/complaints about the research study, send an email to

Dean Harris
Doctoral Student in Clinical Psychology Department at Augsburg University

Survey Link

Looking for an Art/Layout Director for Literary Magazine

submitted by

Submit your application to join the 2023-2024 Thó Wiŋ Magazine Board!

Do you like art of all mediums? Do you believe art should be more accessible to the Augsburg community? Do you think publication should be accessible to anyone and everyone in the Augsburg community? If so, you’ll be a great addition to the Thó Wiŋ Magazine editorial board!

We are currently looking to hire an Art/Layout Director! Training will be provided by our current team. Thó Wiŋ Magazine (previously Murphy Square Quarterly) has been around since the 1970s and we are so excited to continue the legacy this year. These are stipend positions and a great way to dip your toe into the wonderful world of publishing!

This position is open to students of any level of experience! We encourage applications from students of any race, gender, sexuality, and background.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Addy Ney (they/she/he) (

We look forward to reviewing your applications!

Submit your application form here!

Need to Know When Elevators Are Down? Opt In Here

submitted by

Recently a task force represented by Equity and Inclusion Initiatives, CLASS Disability Services, Facilities Management, Public Safety, Marketing and Communication, and Residential Life developed a more streamlined process for communicating to the campus community when an elevator isn’t working normally.

As part of this new process, a new opt-in listserv will offer timely information and updates about elevator status around campus, including when normal service resumes after an elevator has been out of order. If this information would help you avoid disruptions and navigate campus more easily, please subscribe at the link below.

Subscribe to elevator updates:

Last Day to Charge Bookstore Purchase to Student Account Is Friday

submitted by

The deadline to charge your books online has passed, but you can still charge your books to your student account in-person at the bookstore until Friday the 26th! After Friday, bookstore purchases can no longer be charged to your student account.

Employer Tabling: ACR Homes

submitted by

Come meet a possible employer, ACR Homes, today in the Christensen Center Lobby from 10am-1pm!

ACR Homes was voted a Top 5 Workplace 5 straight years, voted #1 by its employees TWICE, and received Special Awards for Meaningfulness, Ethics & Values, and Innovation Encouragement. (Star Tribune)

ACR Homes provides high quality residential health care & assistance for people with disabilities in the Twin Cities. We hire caring & dependable people to work with us in bringing the best quality of life possible to those we support while enjoying a unique & rewarding Job, Internship or Career.

Employer Tabling: ACR Homes

“Disability Visibility” Book Discussion (Part 3): Jan 30 – Join Us

submitted by

CLASS and Lindell Library invite you to a book discussion for “Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories from the 21st Century” edited by Alice Wong. “This anthology gives a glimpse into the rich complexity of the disabled experience, highlighting the passions, talents, and everyday lives of this community.”

We’ll discuss narratives from Part 3: “Doing” on Tuesday, January 30, 4:00-5:00 pm in Lindell Library, Room 301. We welcome you (students, faculty, and staff) to this discussion regardless of how much of the book you read! Faculty/Staff can apply this event toward Good/Advanced standing for the Diversity & Inclusion Certificate.

A few copies of the book are available to borrow from Lindell Library at the circulation desk. You can find the book at your favorite bookstore, public library and on Bookshare. For questions about this event or accommodation needs please contact

New Student Positions This Week (2)

submitted by

The following Augsburg Student positions were posted within the past 7 days:

01/17/2024: Central Services Customer Service Assistant, Spring Semester 2024
01/17/2024: Student: Academic Advising Assistant, Spring Semester 2024

Search Augsburg Job Postings

New Staff Positions This Week (2)

submitted by

The following Augsburg Staff positions were posted within the past 7 days:

01/22/2024: Program Associate, Off-Campus Study
01/16/2024: Graduate Assistant Football Coach

Search Augsburg Job Postings

Online Survey – Chance to Win $100 Gift Card

submitted by

Hello Auggies! I am a graduate student seeking participants for a research study. I am exploring how one’s ability to recognize and regulate their own and others’ emotions may relate to feelings of depression and social disconnect. Participation in this study will involve completing a series of behavioral health inventories and a demographic screener that will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. These inventories will ask if you have experienced symptoms of depression or loneliness and ask how intensely you experience your everyday emotions. Following completion of these inventories, participants will complete a test online that will walk participants through a variety of different tasks, such as recognition of facial expressions and implied social meanings. This test will take approximately 45 minutes to complete. All participation in this study is done online from the comfort of your own home. Students are invited to participate in this study if you: (1) are between the ages of 18 and 31; (2) have not been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, schizophrenia, or a personality disorder; (3) have not experienced an interpersonally traumatic life event (i.e., assault by another human being); and (4) are not currently experiencing a major health concern (i.e., life threatening illness/injury or significant transplant/removal surgery).

For your time, participants will be entered into a random lottery drawing for one of three $100 Amazon gift cards!

If you have any questions or concerns regarding participation in this study, please contact me at If you would like to participate in this study, please click the link below. You will be taken to a secure, online survey where you will be presented with a consent form followed by the demographic screener and brief inventories. Upon completion of these, you will be shown the link to the final assessment.

Thank you!

Tiger Sushi at Nabo TODAY (Really, We Promise)

submitted by

We apologize for the schedule mix up in yesterday’s A-mail. Tiger Sushi IS at Nabo this week and next to sell a variety of items, including sushi! Stop by Nabo to order from Tiger Sushi on these specific days:

Wednesday, January 24
Thursday, January 25
Monday, January 29
Wednesday, January 31
Thursday, February 1

Tiger Sushi Menu

Information Session: Peace Scholars TODAY: 10:40 – 11 a.m.

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Join us in the Marshall Room (Christensen Center) to receive information about the Peace Scholars Program. Previous peace scholars, Theresa Akinjo and Heidi Danielson, will share their experiences in Oslo, Norway from this past summer of 2023.

This is a time to get your questions answered, and gain an understanding of this incredible program.

Application Deadline is February 1, 2024

Information sessions will be held:

Wednesday, January 24, from 10:40 am – 11:00 am (Marshall Room)