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Do you want to know more about Alternative Spring Break? This week Pastor John and Pastoral Intern D.J. will be tabling in Christensen Center Tuesday through Friday after chapel (Tuesday and Thursday from 12:00 – 1:30 pm and Wednesday and Friday from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm). Stop by for more information!
Since 2006, students from Augsburg University have dedicated their spring breaks to serving others in communities all over the country. Each year, a group led by a team of Augsburg students and staff partner with a local organization to serve the community.
Augsburg students have the opportunity to spend their spring break in Nashville, Tennessee, March (9th-16th), serving the community with a variety of local organizations This trip is sponsored by Campus Ministry and is available to all Augsburg students as an Augsburg Experience.
Bring $100 registration fee and copy of health insurance card to Janice Dames in Campus Ministry Office, 104 Foss
Dates of Trip: March 9-16, 2024
Destination: Nashville, Tennessee
Cost: $275, includes most lodging, transportation, and most meals. Please register by February 17, 2023. Please let us know if the cost presents a barrier to participation for you.
Sponsored By: Campus Ministry
Questions: Contact Pastoral Intern, D.J. Chatelaine at or Pastor John Schwehn at or stop by Campus Ministries in Foss 104.
The trip is available as a 0-credit class that fulfills the Augsburg Experience requirement. Please indicate on the online registration form if you would like more information about using this trip as an Augsburg Experience.