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The auditions for the Augsburg Theater Department’s production of “The Rocky Horror Show” are next week! The sign up sheet is located on the Tjornhom-Nelson Theater door. Audition forms can be found in the Theater/Campus Ministries Office in the Foss Center. Make sure to pick up both forms!
Auditions will be taking place on:
Tuesday, January 23rd at 4-6:30pm, Foss Center
Wednesday, January 24th at 6-9pm, Foss Center
Callbacks: Thursday, January 25th at 5-7pm, Foss Center
Everyone is welcome to audition – no experience necessary! This play celebrates differences and challenges gender and sexual norms present in all sorts of ways. Please know that any body can be cast in any part in Rocky Horror – we are not looking for specific identities or types for any of the roles. We just need people willing to challenge norms and create welcoming spaces!
If you have any questions, reach out to the director, Darcey Engen at, or the Stage Manager, Amanda Barsness, at
We hope to see you there!
For more information, click the link here to our audition information form!