Active Violence Panel Discussion – Faculty/Staff

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All faculty and staff were notified by email of the requirement to complete the online training module, “Active Shooter: Run, Hide, Fight” no later than December 31, 2024. Additional information was provided about several live panel discussions to be offered in January, facilitated by Provost Paula O’Loughlin, Dawn Miller from Human Resources, and DPS leaders, to continue the dialogue on this important topic. Topics included a discussion on Augsburg-specific and building-specific questions and concerns as they relate to our campus safety and active violence preparedness.

Faculty and staff who are interested in this discussion prior to January are invited to attend an early session prior to the holiday break.

Date: Tuesday, December 17
Time: 12:30-1:30 PM
Location: Marshall Room

Additional sessions will be offered in January, 2025.

Thank you for your continued commitment to a safe, welcoming, inclusive campus for all.