CTL Diversity Dialogue Book Group Meeting on Thursday, Jan. 19

submitted by kilgorem@augsburg.edu

The CTL Diversity Dialogue book group will meet for their second and final discussion of “A Good Time for the Truth: Race in Minnesota,” a collection of essays edited by Sun Yung Shin, next Thursday, January 19, from 12:00-1:15pm in OGC 100.

All free copies of the book have been claimed. However, members of the community who wish to join the discussion and read the book on their own are welcome to attend. At the first meeting, the group read pages 1-97; for next Thursday they will finish the book (pp. 99-221).

Participants are welcome to bring their own lunch and eat during the discussion. CTL Diversity Fellows Rachel Lloyd, Education, and Mzenga Wanyama, English, will facilitate. All faculty and staff are welcome. Contact ctl@augsburg.edu with questions.