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A new report was released recently by the National Association of Scholars (NAS) called, Making Citizens: How Universities Teach Civics. The report targets “the civic engagement movement” in higher education which the authors claim is aimed at turning today’s younger generation of students, both college and K-12, into left wing activists. This includes service learning, various kinds of civic engagement and community involvement. NAS is planning a state by state campaign with state legislators to defund service learning and other kinds of community involvement.
Augsburg is highlighted in the report for its long history in service learning and experiential education, and a great deal of attention is given specifically to Public Achievement, the Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship’s youth empowerment initiative, and our theory of public work. NAS has invited Harry Boyte to submit a response to the report.
Before submitting his response, he invites feedback on the draft. Please join the Sabo Center on:
January 24, 2017, 3:30-4:30 p.m.
OGC 100
Michael Lansing will kick off the session with reflections on background of the report in the cultural wars of recent years, then we will discuss the draft.
Here is the link to Boyte’s draft response, please read it before the session on the 24th.