Romantic Relationships Study ($10 cash compensation)

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My name is Anabel Chavez, and I’m a Psychology major and McNair Scholar at Augsburg College. I am conducting research this semester as a part of my Psychology Honors project and I would like to invite you to participate in my study!

This study looks at how relationship memories may relate to relationship satisfaction. Therefore, the study asks for participants to disclose two personal relationship-defining memories.

WHO can participate?
Participants are required to be at least 18 years of age and are currently involved in a romantic (but not marital) relationship. Participants will also need to have been in their current romantic relationship for at least 6 months (or longer). Participants who have participated in my summer research experiment, cannot participate again.

The study will require participants to come to the Augsburg College campus to take a survey (20-30 minutes). Participants will then have the choice to either receive 1 credit for their research participation requirement in PSY105/PSY215 or receive a $10 cash compensation for their time and effort.

For any further questions, concerns, or to schedule an appointment please send me an email at

Thank You!