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Dear colleagues,
This spring we are conducting searches for two important leadership roles in the Academic Affairs division: (1) a Dean of Professional Studies and (2) an Assistant Provost for Global Education and Experience. These positions are now posted on the College website and in national publications, including the Chronicle of Higher Education and Inside Higher Ed.
Our chances of drawing a deep and diverse pool is greatly enhanced when we all use what professional networks we have to identify potential candidates. I would like to engage each of you in this process by asking you to share our postings
with people in your networks. Please encourage those who would be strong candidates to apply. Another option, if you have names of individuals you would like to recommend for either of these positions, is to send them to the search committee chairs.
For the Dean of Professional Studies, contact Laura Boisen (
For the Assistant Provost for Global Education and Experience, contact: Leah Spinosa de Vega (
Thank you. In April, we plan to bring the top candidates for each position to campus. I hope many of you will attend the open sessions and provide your feedback then.