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A Civic Studies Symposium
Tuesday, April 4, 4-5:30 p.m. East Commons, Christensen Center
* Today’s idea of politics refers to what politicians, parties, and party members do. It is based on a Manichean model that sees politics as war-like, reducing others to stereotypes.
* The Manichean model is widespread, built into today’s politics and civic action. It grows from an identifiable formula which pits the forces of “good” against the forces of “evil.”
* It is increasingly dysfunctional for those committed to an inclusive, equal, and just society.
This symposium looks at the nonviolent alternative to demonizing politics. It includes small group discussion about problems we share, differences among us, and what we can do.
It addresses several questions:
* How can we combine relational power and public love?
* How can we develop the skills to meet injustice with discipline and dignity, not demonization?
* How can we bridge today’s ideological divides, engaging others in their full complexity?
Welcome and opening comments: Harry Boyte, senior scholar, Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship, Augsburg College; Convener, Augsburg Civic Studies Initiative
Joaquin Munoz, assistant professor, Department of Education, Augsburg College
Michael Grewe, director, LGBTQIA Student Services, assistant director, Campus Activities and Orientation, Augsburg College
Dee Anand, UMN Student, Citizen Student Movement
Zach Maron, UMN Student (former Augsburg Student), Beyond Polarization Student Group
Moderator Christy Mattingly, Academic Liaison for Computing, Augsburg College
Small group discussions on problems we share, differences among us, and what we can do in Augsburg and beyond.
A Civics Studies Symposium sponsored by:
• Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship
• Center for Teaching and Learning
• Education Department
*Citizen here is not legal status, but contributor community.