
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

The Hagfors Center is Nearly Fully Enclosed

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This week’s Hagfors Center construction overview includes updates on the following topics:

• Lobby exterior (including a photo)
• Green roof (including a photo)
• Community garden
• Window accent colors
• Skyway ramps
• Upper level lobby work
• Interior work
• Lab casework (including a photo)
• Elevators (including photos)
• Street closure beginning May 1

See the full Hagfors Center summary for the week of April 10, 2017.

Teaching and Learning

Paideia Courses Summer 2017

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Looking for a summer class to take? Interested in improving your skills as a discussion participant and leader? The 28th annual Paideia Institute, July 24 – 28, 2017, will explore the question What makes a Citizen? This timely and timeless concept will be interrogated through seminar discussions on a variety of genres. Coaching activities will develop participants’ skill in facilitating democratic discussions in educational or professional settings.

UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS: INS 255-A: Paideia Approach: Thinking, Talking, and Reading is a 4 credit course that includes the Paideia Institute, or EDC 498 Independent Study for 2 Credits. Register online through Records and Registration.

GRADUATE STUDENTS: ECS 543 can be taken for either 2 or 4 graduate semester credits and can be counted as an elective course in the MAE program. This course is not offered through the college Records and Registration site. Contact Rachel Lloyd at to register.

Paideia Institute

Study Abroad Next Year

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Now is the time to start planning ahead for study abroad. Short-term study abroad/away programs are a perfect way to have a global experience while maintaining your busy life. Check out the new opportunities for Winter Break, Spring Break, and Summer 2018 options.

Study in England, New York, Mexico, Thailand and Laos, Denmark and Iceland, Palestine and Israel, Greece, Puerto Rico, and China!

Get the details on study abroad next year

End of the Term Deadlines? Find the Writing Lab

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The end of the term is near! Papers, reports, applications, resumes — whatever you are writing, please remember that the Augsburg College Writing Lab is open and the writing tutors are ready to help. Find the Writing Lab in Lindell Library, street level, just left of the circulation desk. Tutors will work with any Augsburg student with any writing assignment during these hours:

Mondays: 11:10 a.m.–1:40 p.m.; 6:30–9:30 p.m.
Tuesdays: 12:30–3 p.m.; 3:30–6 p.m.; 7:30–10 p.m.
Wednesdays: 3:30–6 p.m.; 6:30–9 p.m.
Thursdays: 12:30–3 p.m.; 3:30–6 p.m.; 7:30–10 p.m.
Fridays: 4–6:30 p.m.
Sundays: 5–8 p.m.

Note: Because the library will close at 6 on Thursday, April 13, there will be no evening hours on that day. The library and WL will also be closed on Friday, Sat., and Sunday. Regular WL hours resume on Monday, April 17.

Interested in being a CTL Faculty Fellow?

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The Center for Teaching and Learning is looking for faculty members interested in serving as CTL Fellows. CTL Faculty Fellows assist the CTL Director in designing and organizing programs with the goal of enhancing teaching and learning at Augsburg. Nominations, both self and of your peers, should be sent to by April 20th.

May 2017 Faculty Diversity and Inclusion Institute

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The May 2017 Faculty Diversity and Inclusion Institute will concentrate on select foundational principles of creating more inclusive classrooms and interactions by focusing on improving communication and conflict resolution across cultures and by improving the success of all students through culturally responsive teaching across majors.

● The Institute will be divided into a morning session and an afternoon session.
● Breakfast and lunch will be provided.
● Institute will be led by a faculty/staff collaboration.
● There are only 36 spaces available for the institute, and participants must register by using the link below. (A waiting list will be instituted if registration surpasses 36 participants.)
● Participation in the Institute counts towards a Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program requirement.
● If you have attended the Intercultural Conflict Styles Workshop, some information during the Institute may be repeated.

Attention: Please do not register for the Institute unless you are able to commit to both the morning and afternoon session.

Questions concerning the Institute should be directed to

Click here to register!

General Announcements

Bike Commuter Breakfast

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Join other cyclists for breakfast on April 19th at 8:30 am in the cafeteria.

As a way to build Augsburg’s bike commuter community and encourage others to bike to work instead of drive, let’s all have breakfast together. Join us if you regularly bike to work, have biked even once in the last year, or even are thinking about biking to work.

Hosted by Matt Fischer and Lee George

*Paying for breakfast is on your own.

If you have questions contact Lee at

Donate used athletic shoes and equipment to Cedar Riverside

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The HPE Department is collecting gently used athletic shoes and equipment for the Cedar Riverside School and the Check It Out program. Please drop off items at the collection boxes located in the 3rd floor of Kennedy Center and Sabo Center. We will collect items until April 21st. Yard games would be greatly appreciated, but any donations would be great!

Law student seeks furnished room near mass transit

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Augsburg alumna Paris Yarbrough ’13 is looking to help a St. Thomas University law school colleague of hers find a furnished room to rent. Chelsea is looking to find a place in the Twin Cities in June. Ideally, Chelsea would like to rent a furnished room from a faculty or staff member of Augsburg or an area higher education institution. She is looking for a 1-year lease term or longer, as her anticipated date of graduation is May 2019. She does not drive, so would like to be near mass transit. If you are interested and/or able to rent a furnished room, please contact Chelsea at:

Asst. Provost of Global Education and Experience-Finalist Presentations

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Please join the campus community to meet the 3 finalists for the position of Assistant Provost of Global Education and Experience. Finalist presentations will describe their vision for global education at Augsburg University and how their leadership style will serve as a catalyst for realizing this vision. Each presentation will be followed by QA.

• Monday, 4/17 2:45-3:30, OGC 100 | Karen Rodriguez
• Tuesday, 4/18 2:45-3:30, OGC 100 | Heidi Soneson
• Wednesday, 4/19 2:45-3:30, Lindell 301 | Patrick Mulvihill

Surveys to gather campus community feedback will be available after each presentation

CV Links:
Karen Rodriguez:

Heidi Soneson:

Patrick Mulvihill:

Study Abroad/Away is hiring student workers

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Study Abroad/Away is hiring.

Calling all study abroad returnees and international students. The Center for Global Education & Experience is hiring a new Peer Advisor to start this summer.

This is a key office support position supporting students who want to study abroad or study away in the US. Responsibilities in this position include: Peer Advising, library upkeep, office management, Event Promotion, Maintenance of online application system, and study abroad/away promotion through peer-to-peer outreach, class visits, tabling, and social media.

We can offer 15-35 hours per week this summer (depending on your schedule/needs) and/or starting in August. During the semesters, we offer 10 hours per week.

Watch for the job posting on the HR website soon, or contact to express interest in applying.

Food Service Hours

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Einsteins is open from 7:30am-9pm, with the Late Night Menu starting at 7pm.

Nabo is open from 7:30am-8pm, with Hot Food starting at 10am

The Commons is open from 7:30am-7pm
Breakfast 7:30-9:45am
Continental Breakfast 9:45-11am
Lunch 11am-1:30pm
Light Lunch 1:30-4:30pm
Dinner 4:30-7pm

Nabo and Einsteins will be closed from Friday 4/14- Sunday 4/16.

On Friday April 14th The Commons will only be open from 11am-1pm for Brunch, and 5-7pm for Dinner. On Saturday and Sunday The Commons will have normal Brunch and Dinner hours, 11:30am-1pm, and 5-7pm.

Looking for artists

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Do you like to paint? Draw? Do you write spoken word? We are looking for you! On April 22 at 7:30pm the Augsburg Orchestra has a concert at the end of ADSG Environmental Action Committee’s event “Environmental Synergy.” We are calling all spoken and visual artists to contribute to the performance with a dance, poem, painting, drawing, etc. Want to know more? Contact Grace Corbin at

Augsburg staff, we need homework help

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Homework Help at Trinity Lutheran-down the block-needs extra help after our students leave for the semester and before the school year ends from 3:30pm-6:00pm, Monday-Friday at Trinity Congregation (2 blocks from campus0 2001 Riverside Avenue. You will be paired with a neighborhood youth for an hour or 2 (whatever fits your schedule) to work with them on their homework. You can use your community service hours!
Please contact Mary Laurel True, if you are interested in this opportunity, Thanks!

Commencement Help Needed 2017

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Are you wanting to take part in Commencement as we send off our graduating seniors? Help with staffing Commencement! Annually we rely on staff, current students and alumni to assist with rehearsal as well as ushering and ticket taking at the ceremony for they strongly contribute to the success and smooth flow of the event. There is also the chance to see some of the ceremony with most ushering responsibilities.

Help is needed:
-Rehearsal: Thursday, April 27 from 4:00-6:45 p.m.
-Undergraduate Graduation: Saturday, April 29 from 8:00-11:30 a.m.
-Adult Day/Graduate Studies Graduation: Saturday, April 29 from 2:00-5:30 p.m.

Please sign up today by contacting Katie Radford at .

We need all hands on deck!

Event Announcements

Morning Chapel: Prof. Matthew Maruggi

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Morning Chapel:
Join us in the chapel today at 11:30am to hear Prof. Matthew Maruggi, Department of Religion. Music: Chapel Brass. Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center

Wednesday 4/12: No Chapel
Thursday 4/13, 11:30 a.m.: Maundy Thursday service with Holy Communion, Foot Washing, and Stripping of the Altar
Friday 4/14: No chapel – Augsburg closed for Good Friday

More info

Public presentations by Dean of Professional Studies candidates

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Please join us in welcoming to campus Jill Pinkney Pastrana, the second candidate for the Dean of Professional Studies position. Links to Jill’s CV and the feedback form (which will be available until Wednesday at 5pm) are included in my email from yesterday. Those who cannot attend the public presentation are welcome to sit in on the search committee’s meeting with Jill in the morning.

Candidate 2 – Tuesday, April 11
Jill Pinkney Pastrana, PhD
Public presentation: 1:30pm – Marshall Room
Meeting with search committee: 8:30am – LIN301
Online survey closes Wednesday 4/12 at 5pm

On Wednesday, we will welcome Monica Devers, our final candidate for this position. Links to her CV and feedback form are linked in my email message as well. Those who cannot attend the public presentation are welcome to sit in on the search committee’s meeting with Monica in the morning.

​Candidate 3 – Wednesday, April 12
Monica Devers, PhD
Public presentation: 1:15pm – OGC100
Meeting with search committee: 9:45am – LIN301
Online survey will be provided tomorrow and will close Thursday 4/13 at 5pm​

Thanks to all who were able to make time on Monday to meet Yan Searcy, our first candidate for the position Dean of Professional Studies. A link to Yan’s CV as well as the feedback survey, for your comments is linked in my email message. Please note this survey closes at the end of the day (5pm) today, 4/11.

Coming Up at Cedar Commons

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“Discussing Disability”
Tuesday, April 11th 6-8pm

In response to last semester’s panel audience asking for a more discussion-based event, please join us for a facilitated discussion about living with disability.

This will include an opportunity to hear first-person narratives of what it’s like to live in today’s world as a disabled individual as well as time for discussion about experiences, misconceptions, assumptions and other issues surrounding disability.

Speakers will include people with a range of experiences, abilities, and disabilities.

Light refreshments will be provided.

“Interfaith @ Cedar Commons: A Spirituality of Climate Justice”
Thursday, April 13th 6:30-8:30pm

The world’s wealthiest nations, with their activities and consumption, continue to drive climate change. The most marginalized communities are least responsible for it and yet bear the weight of its heaviest impacts: the poor, people of color, and indigenous communities. Climate change is foremost an issue of justice.

So what do faith and spirituality have to do with our relationship with the planet? How do our faith communities serve as both a catalyst for powerful change, and a source of denial and complacency?

Join us for an evening of delicious food and conversation with Interfaith Power and Light as we learn from their powerful work and consider how each of us can work together towards a better world.

ABOUT INTERFAITH @ CEDAR COMMONS: Do you need to be a “person of faith” to come? Absolutely not. We welcome anyone with interest in conversation about how faith/spirituality shape our lives and intersect with the issues we care about.

This gathering is hosted by the Interfaith @ Cedar Commons organizer team and the Augsburg Interfaith Scholars.

Where Is Cedar Commons? 2001 Riverside Ave. S (Below Trinity offices)

Intramural Yoga 8-9PM

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Exercise and meditation practices are proven to be beneficial to students and athletes by promoting healthy sleeping patterns, more restful sleep and greater memory retention.
All levels welcome – Open to current students, alumni, faculty, and friends.
Join Erik Monson for an hour of Vinyasa yoga and guided breathing meditations every Tuesday 8-9PM this semester in Si Melby 130 – mats and props provided.
Questions? Email

Focused Conversations: TODAY & TOMORROW

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University structure is the topic of the Focused Conversations, facilitated by Provost Karen Kaivola today and tomorrow. See below for details and to add a session to your calendar.

TODAY: Tuesday, April 11, 2 p.m., Oren 100
Add to calendar:

TOMORROW: Wednesday, April 12, 12:30 p.m., Marshall
Add to calendar:

Medicare Info Session on April 18

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Augsburg Total Wellness is pleased to announce an April brown bag lunch and learn information session on the topic of Medicare. Medicare can be confusing and oftentimes difficult to understand. If you’re nearing the time to start thinking about Medicare and want some answers, attend this HealthPartners Medicare information session to learn more.

When: April 18 from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Where: OGC 100

Bring your own lunch and join us to learn more about Medicare and what it means to you.

For questions, contact Nicole at

Kao Kalia Yang “We Are H.O.P.E.” Speaker Event

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Hmong Women Together, Augsburg Asian Student Association, Pan-Asian Student Services, and Augsburg’s Diversity and Inclusion are so excited to host Kao Kalia Yang at Augsburg College. Yang is the author of The Latehomecomer, and newly published The Song Poet. Yang is also the honorary guest speaker for the 25th anniversary of the Augsburg Pan-Asian Student Services.
We invite you all to join us in the East Commons on April 13th at 7:30pm.

7:30-8:30: Kao Kalia Yang – Speaking on H.O.P.E theme and book reading
8:30-9pm: Q & A, book signing


2017 Zyzzogeton Research Symposium

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Hosted by URGO, McNair, and STEM Programs


About Zyzzogeton
Augsburg College celebrates the creativity and scholarship of undergraduate students with its annual Zyzzogeton festival. The festival falls at the end of each academic year and is a culmination of achievement featuring work across departments. Over 80 students participate each year, showcasing their research. A “zyzzogeton” is a green leaf-hopper as well as the last word in the Webster Collegiate Dictionary, which is a fitting symbol to mark the end of the academic year. The public is welcome, so please come join us for this exciting event!

Visit for more information and for a full list of research abstracts.

Keeping Track of Auggies

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