
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

May Events from the Center for Teaching and Learning

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Faculty and staff, add the upcoming May events from CTL to your own Google calendar now! These engaging sessions, with designated time to share a cup of coffee, will provide opportunities for both professional development and community-building in early May:

Monday, May 8
9:00am – Creating an Inclusive Campus Workshop
More information coming soon!

Tuesday, May 9
9:00am – A Roundtable Discussion on Working with Student Researchers
10:15am – Coffee Break
10:45am – Making Good Connections: Teaching via Interactive Video Conferencing
12:30am – Environmental Sustainability and Wellness in Your Curriculum: Activities for the Student Learning Outcome

Wednesday, May 10
9:00am – Creating Documents Accessible to Everyone. It’s Not Just a Good Idea, It’s the Law!
10:15am – Coffee Break
10:45am – Exploring the Possibilities of Virtual Reality and 360* Video
12:30pm – Building Resilience in Students with Mental Health and Substance Use Challenges

Thursday, May 11
9:00am – Open Faculty Discussion: Interpreting and Reflecting on Student Feedback
10:15am – Coffee Break
10:45am – Classroom Management Strategies to Engage Today’s Student: A Roundtable Discussion
1:00pm – CTL Portfolio Workshop
4:30 – Open Discussion (Happy Hour) on Academic Freedom

Visit the CTL website to see the CTL calendar and add the events to your own Google calendar.

NEW Theology and Public Leadership Degree

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The Religion department will be launching a new degree in Theology and Public Leadership in the fall of 2017. This degree program will be replacing the Youth and Family Ministry Degree. This new major will include concentrations in Youth Studies, Leadership and Management, Community Engagement, Worship and Music, Environmental Stewardship, Advocacy and Public Policy, Human Service, and Cross-Cultural Relations. We are excited for this new endeavor and for the leaders it will produce for our faith communities. Please visit our website for more information –

The End Is Near: Find the Writing Lab Now

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The end of the term is near! Papers, reports, applications, resumes — whatever you are writing, please remember that the Augsburg College Writing Lab is open and the writing tutors are ready to help. Find the Writing Lab in Lindell Library, street level, just left of the circulation desk. Tutors will work with any Augsburg student with any writing assignment during these hours:

Mondays: 11:10 a.m.–1:40 p.m.; 6:30–9:30 p.m.
Tuesdays: 12:30–3 p.m.; 3:30–6 p.m.; 7:30–10 p.m.
Wednesdays: 3:30–6 p.m.; 6:30–9 p.m.
Thursdays: 12:30–3 p.m.; 3:30–6 p.m.; 7:30–10 p.m.
Fridays: 4–6:30 p.m.
Sundays: 5–8 p.m.

Register for Augsburg Summer GRE Prep Course

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Augsburg Summer GRE Prep Course

Augsburg College offers a four and a half week general GRE prep course each summer for Augsburg students, alumni, and staff at a cost well below those found at private test centers (due to limited capacity, this course is not available for those outside of the Augsburg network). Throughout the course students will have a chance to take two full-length practice tests, complete practice problems for each area of the test, and receive in-depth feedback and instruction.

Course Dates: May 17 to June 19
Course Time: Monday and Wednesdays from 5-7:30 p.m.
Course Cost: $100 (The registration fee includes instruction, a six-month subscription to the online GRE study tool, Magoosh, as well as the official ETS GRE test prep book

How to register:

General Announcements

NODAPL Meeting – Wednesday at 3:30 p.m.

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There will be a meeting in the Cedar Room at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday to discuss how the Augsburg community can help the No Dakota Access Pipeline effort. We will be discussing creating a documentary to educate people about the pipeline. This documentary will include interviews with people who have been to Standing Rock. We will also be discussing Augsburg’s relationship with Wells Fargo because of Wells Fargo’s involvement with funding the pipeline. All are welcome to join us on Wednesday!

Farewell Celebration for Brenda Hemmingsen

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Please join the Admissions Office in a Farewell Open House for Brenda Hemmingsen, who will be leaving our office after almost 20 years here at Augsburg College. Brenda not only has been a huge asset to our office and campus community, but has been “Mama B” to hundreds of students throughout the years. We are forever indebted to her for her service and commitment to this institution and more importantly, to the her love of the students, past and present.

The open house will be Wednesday, April 5th from 2:00-3:30pm in the Admissions Suite (lower level Christensen Center). Join us for cake and coffee and celebration as we wish her farewell!

Help Inspire CSBR Artists

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We are looking for contributions to artwork to be installed in the new Hagfors Center. Two artists are looking for text passages to accompany three pieces designed for the new building, and we are looking for student input. Selections of text may come from any literary work or religious text of any faith tradition, as long as they are inspiring and fitting with the spirit of the artwork. Display boards depicting the artwork designs will be posted around campus, where anyone may fill out a slip and drop it in the submission box. Or check out the link below to see more information about the artists and make submissions online.

Click here for online form

Study Abroad this Winter and Spring Break

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Now is the time to start planning ahead for study abroad. Short-term study abroad/away programs are a perfect way to have a global experience while maintaining your busy life! Check out the new opportunities for Winter Break, Spring Break, and Summer 2018 options!

Study in England! New York! Mexico! Thailand & Laos! Denmark & Iceland! Palestine & Israel! Greece! Puerto Rico! China!

Get the details on study abroad next year!

“Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?”

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On Sunday, Alan Tuchtenhagen, Director of Augsburg’s Master of Arts in Leadership presented a half-day workshop at the 103rd National AACRAO Conference being held at the Minneapolis Convention Center this week. The topic of his session was “Why Can’t We All Just Get Along? Navigating the Politics of Higher Education.”

Last chance to vote: Vote Cody Thompson for Class Senator

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Hey Auggies!

Check your email for the link to the ballot to vote! Today April 4th is the last day of voting!

Vote Cody Thompson for Class Senator! I am willing and able to serve the student body at my greatest capacity next year!! I appreciate everyone’s support!

Vote Brandon Williams for Student Body President!

Vote Alyson Astleford for ASAC President!!

Thank you all! God bless! ❤️

Got extra athletic shoes and/or equipment hanging around?

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The “Sports Check It Out” Program in Cedar Riverside needs athletic shoes and equipment for youth in the neighborhood to be able to check out and use for sporting activities. Everything is useful!
Donations boxes are available in Kennedy and in the Sabo Center (lower level of Anderson Hall on 21st Avenue South).
Sponsored by Professor Ana Ribeiro and her HPE students.

Today at 5 PM: Spiritual & Emotional Wellness: An Islamic Perspective

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Join us for Halal appetizers as we meet for a second year with psychotherapist and Imam Dr. Hamdy El-Sawaf, to discuss some Islamic perspectives on spiritual and emotional health and wellness.
Dr. Hamdy will also perform a short blessing.

Today, April 4, from 5-7 PM
Center for Wellness and Counseling, First Floor of Anderson Residence Hall

Cosponsored by the Center for Wellness and Counseling, the Muslim Student Association, and Campus Ministry

Event Announcements

Intramural Yoga

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Exercise and meditation practices are proven to be beneficial to students and athletes by promoting healthy sleeping patterns, more restful sleep and greater memory retention.
All levels welcome – Open to current students, alumni, faculty & friends!
Join Erik Monson for an hour of Vinyasa yoga and guided breathing meditations every Tuesday this semester in Si Melby 130 – mats and props provided.
Questions? Email

Theater Dept. Presents: Passing Strange 3/30 – 4/9

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Passing Strange
Book and Lyrics by STEW

Music by STEW and Heidi Rodewald

Lead Collaborators
Jamil Jude
Sonja Thompson
Kelli Foster Warder

Thursday, March 30 at 7 p.m.
Friday March 31 at 7 p.m.
Saturday, April 1 at 7 p.m.
Sunday, April 2 at 3 p.m.

Saturday April 8 at 3 p.m.
Saturday April 8 at 7 p.m.
Sunday April 9 at 3 p.m.

Part comedy. Part coming-of-age story. Full-out rock concert! PASSING STRANGE, a Tony award-winning musical, is a genre-bending exploration of an artist’s journey to find life’s truths. The story follows Youth, a young Black man raised in the idyllic hills of California, as he passes through life, learning about himself and the world around him, through music and the people he meets because of it. Throughout his journey for “the real,” he gains so much, but is what he gives up too much? Will the ends justify the means? Will everything be alright?

Reserve Tickets Now!

2016-2017 Productions

Tjornhom-Nelson Theater, Foss Center

Vote for Brandon Williams and Kalyn McConnell for President and Vice-President

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Brandon Williams is a current Sophomore at Augsburg. He is majoring in Political Science: Pre-Law with a minor in Economics and Communication Studies. Brandon represents
Augsburg on the Minnesota Association of Private College Students (MAPCS). He is a Act-Six Leadership scholar as well as a current Junior Senator for Student Government. A fun fact about Brandon is that he is the youngest of 7 children on his father’s side of the family, and oldest of 7 siblings on his mother’s side.

Kalyn McConnell is a current Junior at Augsburg. She is a Social Work major with a minor in Psychology. She is currently involved in the LEAD Fellows program at Augsburg. She is also currently Junior Class President for Student Government. She is also the secretary for the Pan Afrikan Student Union at Augsburg. And a fun fact about Kalyn is that she loves working with youth in the communities and she loves to watch and play basketball.

Brandon is running for President and Kalyn is running for Vice President.

Once elected as President and Vice President of Augsburg Day Student Government, our goals are:

1) We would like to strengthen the balance between the students and teachers privileges.

2) We help to increase extra curricular activities amongst students

3) To provide a safe space no matter what race, home or first language, ability, race,age, religion, sexual orientation, or national origin for students.

4) To solidify the ethnic diversity to students.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Brandon at and Kalyn at Thank you and watch out for the email to vote. Voting day takes place Monday April 3rd at 7:00 a.m. through Tuesday April 4th at 11:59 p.m

Keeping Track of Auggies

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Earn $500 for One Week – Scrubs Camp Counselors Needed

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Counselors are needed to work at Metro Scrubs Camp at Augsburg from July 10 – July 14; 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM daily. Counselors earn $500 for the week. Metro Scrubs Camp provides opportunities for high school students from throughout the Twin Cities area to explore health careers by engaging in interactive sessions led by health care professionals. For the job description and application form, go to Questions? Contact Hli Vang at 612-330-1530;