Creating an Inclusive Campus Workshop – Monday, May 8

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All faculty and staff are invited to attend this year’s Creating an Inclusive Campus (CIC) workshop, entitled “Supporting Out Students in Turbulent Times: Civic Engagement and Nonviolent Philosophy in Higher Education.”

This half day workshop will engage participants in exploring the history, philosophy and skills needed to promote a deep commitment to civic engagement, democratic principles and pedagogy in the classroom and broader community.

Creating an Inclusive Campus (CIC) Workshop
Monday, May 8
Hoversten Chapel (General and Closing Sessions) & OGC 1st floor classrooms (Breakout Sessions)

Lunch is included – please RSVP using the form below!

The Creating an Inclusive Campus (CIC) Workshop is offered as part of Augsburg’s on-going college mission commitment to “intentional diversity in our life and work.” The goals of the workshop are to provide faculty and staff participants with the opportunity for continued growth in personal intercultural competence and to build skills necessary for creating an inclusive campus community.

Co-sponsored by the Diversity, Inclusion & Equity Committee, CTL & the Sabo Center.

Please click here to RSVP for the 2017 Creating an Inclusive Campus (CIC) Workshop