You’re Invited – Spring Brunch May 6th

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Please join us for the annual SPRING BRUNCH sponsored by the Augsburg Associates on Saturday, May 6, in Hoversten Chapel, beginning with registration at 9:30 a.m. The theme is Bon Voyage – Augsburg’s Alumni Travel Program. Katie Koch ’01, director of alumni and constituent relations, will share her experiences and photos from the recent trip to Germany, which celebrated the 500th Anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation, and will speak about the history of the travel program. Professor Kathy Swanson, who led the January 2017 trip to Thailand and Cambodia, will highlight her travel stories and photos. The cost of this event is $30 per person. There is also an opportunity to sponsor a student for $30. Friends, family, and all Augsburg alumni welcome! Registration deadline is April 24. Register now at or call Becky at 612-330-1085 with your credit card information.