Student Wins Rossing Physics Award

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Elise Linna (2018, physics with minors in mathematics and environmental studies and AugSTEM scholar) has received the Rossing Physics Scholarship for $5,000. Physics majors at ELCA colleges are eligible to apply. Since coming to Augsburg Elise has completed an URGGO summer research project, mentored by Dr. Emily Schilling, and summer of research with Dr. David Murr. This summer she will continue her work in Dr. Ben Stottrup’s lab. Her career goal is to obtain a master’s or doctorate in environmental engineering and work on the ecological restoration of our watersheds in urban areas. She finds her vocation in the realities she describes in her application essay: “Our valuable water resources are exposed to over-pumping and various sources of pollution, which is exacerbated by an increasing population. We must conduct research in order to devise plans to meet the water demands of our future.”

Congratulations, Elise.