Thank you from CTL

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CTL would like to thank the following faculty and staff for sharing their expertise in workshops, panels, talks, and discussions this semester.

Joe Erickson, Bonnie Tensen, Joaquin Munoz, Melissa Hensley, Mike Grewe, Rachel Kruzel, Matt Beckman, Bill Green, Joanne Reeck ,Phil Adamo, Erica Swift, Tina Maria Tavera, Kirsten O’Brien, Dixie Shafer, Mary Lowe, Jennifer Diaz, Michael Wentzel, Cari Maguire, and John Schmit.

All events were also made possible through the hard work of the CTL Faculty Fellows and support staff: Dan Albert, Nishesh Chalise, Jennifer Diaz, Dave Conrad, Natalie Dinki, Mara Kilgore, Mary Lowe, Joaquin Munoz, Anna Sanchez, Bonnie Tensen, and John Zobitz.

CTL is a strong program at Augsburg because of folks like you!