McNally Smith College of Music Closing, Students Need Boxes, Food Etc.

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Our cafe has been shut down and we have students living in the dorms who rely on meal plans to eat. If you are looking for a way to help please consider bringing in some food to sustain them so they don’t have to worry about how they are eating today. There are students who are stranded here with no way of supporting or feeding themselves.

We have approximately 117 students living in the dorms at the Lowry building. They are also in need of boxes because they are being asked to move out.

They could really use some community support.

If you or someone you know has boxes, bins, or food to donate to students, please drop them off at the Residence Hall at 345 Wabasha St. N. Saint Paul, MN 55102 (Sign on the building says Gray Duck)

Call our RA duty phone at 651-324-1609 when you arrive and we’ll meet you in the lobby with a cart to grab any boxes you may have!

You can apparently also have food delivered to the commons in the secure area of McNally. Looks like people have been donating pizzas and whatnot.