Mental Health: Mind Matters Exhibit and Facilitated Discussion at the Science Museum of Minnesota

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One in five US adults aged 18 or older experience mental illness in a given year. Like most schools, Augsburg is seeing the impact of this trend with our students, both in and out of the classroom.

Join the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) in their sponsored event viewing the brand new exhibit: Mental Health: Mind Matters at the Science Museum of Minnesota, followed by a discussion led by campus staff/faculty on this topic.

The Science Museum describes this event as a “groundbreaking exhibition that aims to build a greater understanding of the importance of mental health and create a safe space for important conversations about mental illness. Hands-on experience through the Mental Health: Mind Matters exhibit brings you closer to the facts, feelings, and issues surrounding this topic that touches so many lives.”

Attendees will meet at the Science Museum and will be provided admission to the exhibit. Following the viewing, attendees will engage in a facilitated discussion on how this topic relates to Augsburg University and our students.

9:30-11:00 am Mental Health: Mind Matters Exhibit viewing
11:00 am-12:00 pm: Facilitated group discussion at the Science Museum

To sign-up for this event, click the link attached to this A-Mail!

If you have any additional questions about this event, please contact Rachel Kruzel at or Katie Lane at

NOTE: Attendance at this event counts towards the Augsburg University Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program. For more information email