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The first Focused Conversation topic for 2018-19 is Sesquicentennial Planning, with updates from Sesquicentennial Co-chairs Darcey Engen ’88, Theater Department professor, and Jeff Swenson ’79, athletic director, and Sesquicentennial Project Manager Jodi Collen, senior director of University Events.
The sessions are:
Monday, September 10, 12:30 p.m., Marshall Room (including remote access)
Tuesday, September 11, 10 a.m., Marshall Room
The fall 2018 All Hands Meeting is Thursday, September 27, 11:30 a.m. (Chapel time), in Hoversten Chapel.
Use the link below to access the 2018-19 All Hands and Focused Conversations schedule, where you can click on events and add them to your calendar.
2018-19 All Hands and Focused Conversations schedule (login required)