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The General Education Team will be offering Q&A sessions regarding the Revised Gen Ed Proposal. You are welcome to attend one or all of the following:
TODAY (Monday, April 1st): 9:30-10:45 in OGC 100 (ZOOM is available for this session):
Wednesday, April 3rd: 3:15-4:30 in HC 150A
Monday, April 8th: 9:30-10:45 in the Marshall Room
In addition to the in-person sessions, you can ask questions and/or submit your comments via the online form linked below. If you provide an email address, you will receive a response to your question(s) from a member of the Gen Ed Team as quickly as time allows. Questions given without a contact will be posted with follow-up as we move forward. Comments and questions will be shared with the Augsburg community via Q&A sessions, faculty meetings, and other communications. For reference this link will take you to the Google Folder containing information on the Gen Ed Revisions:
Questions/Comments Regarding the Revised General Education Proposal