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Teaching and Learning

New Sport Psychology Course Coming this Fall

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The HPE Dept is now offering Sport Psychology as a two credit elective course the 2nd half of Fall Semester. There are likely many students who would like the opportunity to take this course so please pass this on! Here are the details:
Sport Psychology – HPE 282 (2 credits)
T,R 1:50 – 3:30pm – Time 2 (2nd half of semester)
Instructor: Dr. Navarre

What’s the deal with Brexit? Study abroad on Winter Break to learn more

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Plan ahead to spend your winter break studying in both London and Edinburgh exploring the connections between youth culture, media, and social change, with a focus on Harry Potter and Brexit!

Course title:
From Harry Potter to #Brexit: Youth, Media, and Political Activism in the UK

Faculty Leader: Professor Adriane Brown

Travel Dates: December 29, 2019 to January 11, 2020

This program is limited to 15 students, accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. A waitlist will be used as needed.

Program cost TBD. Visit the program page for additional details, course information, and updates!

More information and application

Augsburg GRE Summer Prep Course

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Augsburg University offers a four and a half week GRE prep course each summer for Augsburg students, alumni, and staff at a cost well below those found at private test centers (due to limited capacity, this course is not available for those outside of the Augsburg network). This course is taught by experienced GRE test-prep educators and walks students through each section of the general test. Throughout the course students will have a chance to take a full-length practice test, complete practice problems for each area of the test, and receive in-depth feedback and instruction. The registration fee also includes a six-month subscription to the online GRE study tool, Magoosh.

Mondays and Wednesdays, 5:30 – 8:00pm (excluding Memorial Day)
May 13th – June 12th
Cost: $100 (includes 6-month subscription to online study tool, Magoosh)

Registration Form and Additional GRE Prep Course Info

Fulbright: Live abroad after you graduate

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The Fulbright Student Program fully funds students to study, research, or serve as an English teaching assistant abroad for a year (no classroom teaching experience required!). During their year abroad, Fulbrighters meet, work, live with and learn from the people of the host country, sharing daily experiences. The program facilitates cultural exchange through direct interaction on an individual basis in the classroom, field, home, and in routine tasks, allowing participants to gain an appreciation of others’ viewpoints and beliefs, the way they do things, and the way they think.

Past Augsburg students have been selected for Fulbright Awards to countries such as Czech Republic, South Korea, Ecuador, Poland, Kenya, Malaysia, Peru, Spain, Turkey, Taiwan, and Germany (and more!), and we currently have six alums abroad through the program! Augsburg’s focus on cross-cultural engagement and community involvement makes Auggies particularly strong candidates who are well-prepared to make the most of a Fulbright experience.

If you would like to learn more about the program, please contact or stop by Hagfors 101 to set up an appointment for April or May!

The competition is open to juniors, seniors, graduate students, and alumni in all fields, and a GPA of 3.0+ is considered competitive.

Writing Personal Statements for the Health Sciences Workshop

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Writing Personal Statements for the Health Sciences Workshop

Tuesday, May 7th
11am – 1pm
Hagfors 104

URGO is hosting a personal statement workshop for pre-health applicants with Simone Gbolo, executive director of the PPIA Program and former director of the Minnesota’s Future Doctors Program in the U of M Medical School’s Office of Admissions.
Please contact Catherina Kipper at with questions or to RSVP.

Call for Proposals for Place-Based Justice Network Summer Institute 2019

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The Sabo Center is excited to announce that this summer, Augsburg University will be hosting a national conference for the Place-Based Justice Network (PBJN), of which our institution is a member, along with 19 other higher education institutions from across the country. The Place-Based Justice Network is a learning community committed to transforming higher education and our communities by deconstructing systems of oppression through place-based community engagement with a racial justice lens.

At the Summer Institute on July 10-12, 2019, teams from universities and colleges from across the country will come together to learn, strengthen our practice, and network.

The PBJN has released a call for proposals for workshops and breakout sessions at the Summer Institute. They seek proposals for breakout sessions that center dialogue and interactivity on topics related to place-based community engagement initiatives and their planning, development, programs, evaluation and impact. Potential topics for breakout sessions include, but are not limited to:
*Scholar-activism and community-based research: examples and lessons learned
*Relationship-building and decentralized decision making
*Sustaining long-term commitments with neighborhoods and communities
*Critical scholarship on community engagement including racial justice, economic justice, education justice, disability justice, queer, and feminist theory and practices
*Lessons from community organizing
*Asset-based community development
*Power analysis and community voice
*Anti-racist storytelling strategies
*Preparing students to enter and transition out of place-based community engagement

Breakout session proposals are due Monday, May 13th, 2019 at 5pm PST.

Interested? Contact the Sabo Center for more information about how to participate and apply (

Place-Based Justice Network Website

Curious about reflection and experiential education? 3 Days in May Workshop with special guest

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Join the Sabo Center for an extended workshop on *reflection and experiential education* during 3 Days in May. We’ll learn about designing, incorporating, and evaluating reflection in experiential education with a special guest presenter, MN Campus Compact Associate Director Sinda Nichols!

It may be the final afternoon of 3 Days in May, but it’s sure to be thought-provoking, fulfilling, and fun! We hope you’ll join us!

Experiential Education: Strategies for Student Reflection
Hagfors 150 B/C
Thursday, May 16, 1-4 p.m.

Experiential Education: Strategies for Student Reflection–RSVP

Paideia Institute 2019

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Join us for our 30th anniversary celebration of the Paideia Institute from July 22-26, 2019 at Augsburg University. This year’s question, “What’s the great idea?” will explore a multitude of great ideas from beauty to justice. During the Paideia Institute attendees participate in inquiry-based seminars on various texts. In coaching activities participants gain expertise in facilitating seminars. Paideia seminars are applicable in many professional settings and can be used with all ages and any subject area. Educators use seminars to introduce students to the vital skills necessary to have courteous conversations about challenging issues presented in texts.

This professional development course welcomes all Augsburg faculty, staff, and students, and can be taken for credits or continuing education units. Scholarships applications due May 1. On time registration is open until June 1.

For more information check out the Paideia website for details on cost, scholarships, and courses, or contact Rachel Lloyd (, 612-330-1561) or Anne Kaufman (, 612-209-2100).

Paideia Institute 2019

CTL Faculty Fellows – Seeking Nominations

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The Center for Teaching and Learning is looking for four faculty members interested in serving as CTL Fellows. CTL Faculty Fellows assist the CTL Director in designing and organizing programs with the goal of enhancing teaching and learning at Augsburg. Fellows are also eligible for additional travel funds to spend on professional development. Nominations, both self and of your peers, should include a brief statement addressing why you would like (or why you are nominating your colleague) to serve as a CTL Fellow. Please submit all nominations to by noon, April 26th.

RSVP for the “3 Days in May” Workshops

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The “3 Days in May” will take place on May 14 – May 16. Use the RSVP link below to register for the sessions that you would like to attend. Note that there are some overlapping sessions, so be sure to only sign up for one workshop in each time slot. You can find a schedule, with descriptions below it, here:

RSVP for the “3 Days in May”

General Announcements

Retirement Open House for Theresa Gade

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Retirement Open House for Theresa Gade

Please join us in the Human Resources office on Friday, May 3 between 1-2 PM for an open house to celebrate Theresa Gade’s retirement. Theresa has been a key member of the Augsburg Human Resources team for over 10 years, and her contributions in the areas of compensation, benefits, payroll and HR information systems have been invaluable to the Augsburg community. We thank her for all she’s done for Augsburg, and wish her well as she spends more time with her family, and on the golf course!

Theresa’s last day is Friday, May 3.

Interested in joining a musical theater production about the Augsburg community, past and present?

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Members of the community are invited to take part in every step of the process, from creating material to performing in the production. Learn more in this update at Inside Augsburg Sesquicentennial Planning.

TIAA Financial Consultants on Campus in May

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Take advantage of this on-campus opportunity to discuss your personal financial situation with an experienced TIAA Financial Consultant. They are available to talk about how to help you pursue your financial goals, where ever you might be in your retirement planning. All meetings are confidential!

Available dates and times:

Tuesday, May 14 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Nelson Room, Christensen Center

Wednesday, May 15 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Nelson Room, Christensen Center

Thursday, May 16 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Nelson Room, Christensen Center

You can use the link below to sign up or call 800-732-8353, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (ET).

Space is limited, so please register soon!

Questions? Please contact

Schedule your private consultation here.

Filmmaking in France – Summer 2020 – Plan ahead to study abroad

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Spend summer 2020 in France while earning credits!

Program: Filmmaking and Culture in France, 6 credits
Faculty Leader: Jila Nikpay
Travel Dates: May 14- June 1, 2020 (may change slightly)

This Program provides you with the foundation of film language, storytelling, and filmmaking skills through immersion in France’s contemporary culture, fascinating landscape, and historical sites in the Paris and Dordogne regions.

You will learn the language of film and will be able to master its basic, yet complex, elements by practicing it daily throughout the program travel. As the course progresses, you will learn to write, direct, and edit short videos and work collaboratively with your peers.

The program will spend approximately 5 nights in Paris and 12 nights in the Dordogne valley. In addition to the film course material, students will engage with the French culture through food, museum and site visits, and interaction with French people from all walks of life.

Program cost: TBD

Program & Course Information and Application

Dairy or Dairy Alternatives?

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A survey to see what kind of choices students make regarding dairy/dairy alternatives on campus and if they want more options. This is for a final project in Hon111, Effective Writing for Liberating Letters. My partner Lizzy Hoversten and I are conducting this survey in hopes of seeing what students at Augsburg know about the dairy industry and where their food comes from as well as the choices they make regarding dairy. This will be used to help see what we should focus our project on and what we feel more people need educated on.

April is Sexual Violence Prevention Month

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April is Sexual Violence Prevention Month.

From the National Sexual violence Resource Center:
You can support survivors
Chances are you know someone who has experienced sexual violence even if they haven’t told you.
They are listening to how you talk about the issues and hearing that you understand and believe survivors may help them feel safer and supported.

Embrace your voice
Sexual violence thrives when it is not taken seriously and victim blaming goes unchecked.
Your voice is essential in setting the record straight on sexual violence.

Thanks to Augsburg’s Sexual Misconduct Awareness Raising Team (SMART) for their advocacy, peer education, and events to eliminate sexual violence.

Augsburg has an agreement with the Aurora Center (U of Minnesota), so students can contact them for assistance. They have a 24-Hour Helpline: (612) 626-9111. Students can also get assistance through the Center for Wellness and Counseling (CWC), 612-330-1707, and the Department of Public Safety, 612-330-1717.

Interested in Project Management or Grant Writing?

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Interested in learning more about grant writing or project management? MAL is offering two courses this summer that you will find useful. Course descriptions and information on meeting times are below. Staff, Faculty, or graduate students who are interested in registering for either of these courses should contact Alan Tuchtenhagen at:

ML 599-B | Grant Writing
Effective grant writing skills are important for individuals working in many roles at nonprofit and government agencies – including education. This course will include an introduction to grants, budget development, and grants management, and establish an understanding of their role in supporting important community work. We will also address how to identify projects well-suited for grant support, as well as the process of prospect research, how to develop relationships with funders, and how to write a successful grant proposal. Students will build skills and practice creating letters of inquiry and competitive funding proposals.

Instructor: Lindsay Bacher
Meeting Dates: Tuesdays | Meeting Dates: May 14, 21, 28, June 4, 11, 18, 25
Meeting Times: 6:00 PM – 9:45 PM

ML 599 | Re-imagining Leadership for 21st Century Projects
Successful project management is strongly correlated to good leadership of teams. Corporate, non-profit, and public sector projects are increasing in complexity requiring the close collaboration and coordination of disparate disciplines, organizations, and teams. This course will help you unpack the critical leadership skills needed to to form and lead teams to optimal project outcomes using emotional intelligence, communication, conflict management, and clarity of strategic vision and purpose.

Instructor Mahad Ibrahim
Meeting Dates: Mondays | June 3, 10, 17, 24, July 8, 15, 22
Meeting Times: 6:00 PM – 9:45 PM

Today – Free Swag Career & Internship Services

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Students are you looking for a FREE Giveaway?

Stop by our table in the Christensen Center, Lobby between 10:00 am- 12:00 pm today, Wednesday, April 24th. We have some fun swag for you. We would love to hear about your summer plans, or simply stop by to say hi and pick up your swag!!

Strommen Career & Internship Services

2019-20 NSF Aspire Scholarship: Application deadline May 30, 2019

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Applications are now open for the 2019-20 NSF Aspire Scholarship. At Augsburg STEM majors include: biology, biopsychology, chemistry, environmental studies, physics, mathematics, and computer science.

Supports students pursuing a degree in STEM.
•Provides scholarships of $4,000 for the 2019-2020 academic year.
•Connects scholars with opportunities for career development.
•Open to current Augsburg students and incoming transfers.

•Enrolled full-time in a STEM major (biology, biopsychology, chemistry, computer science, environmental studies, mathematics, or physics)
•Within 7 semesters of graduating
•Major GPA of 2.75 or higher
•U.S. citizen, national, or permanent resident
•Financial need as demonstrated by the FAFSA
•Pell or Minnesota State Grant eligible

Application deadline: May 30, 2019 at midnight.

Note: students who apply to the 2019-20 AugSTEM Scholars Program will automatically be considered for a 2019-20 NSF Aspire Scholarship.

For more information, go to:

Questions? Contact

AugSTEM Scholars Program: Application deadline May 30, 2019

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Applications are now open for the 2019-20 AugSTEM Scholars Program.

The AugSTEM program is designed to support Augsburg juniors and seniors who wish to pursue a career in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Funded by the National Science Foundation, AugSTEM Scholars receive scholarships of $5,000, $7,500 and $10,000 per student per year (differences in award amounts correspond to levels of financial need). Scholars also become a part of the STEM community at Augsburg with opportunities for summer research, faculty mentoring, and career development.


-Enrolled full-time in a STEM major (biology, biopsychology, chemistry, computer science, environmental studies, mathematics, or physics)
-Within 5 semesters of graduating as of Fall 2019
-Major GPA of 3.0 or higher
-U.S. citizen, national, or permanent resident
-Demonstrated financial need via FAFSA

Application deadline: May 30, 2019 at midnight.

(Check out the 2019-20 NSF Aspire Scholarship if you are 7 semesters away from graduating and/or have a major GPA of 2.75).

Incoming community college transfer students and Augsburg students who began their college careers at community colleges are encouraged to apply as well as students who began at Augsburg.

For more information, go to:

Questions? Contact

Donate gently used athletic shoes and equipment

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We are collecting gently used athletic shoes of all sizes (youth and adult) and sports equipment for all ages (balls, bats, gloves, jump ropes, clothing, etc). Our goal is to donate to the Ceder Riverside Community School and the Sports Check it Out program. Last year we donated over 100 items. You can drop your items off at the collection box in the lounge located on the 3rd floor of Kennedy Center. E-mail Dr. Ana Ribeiro for more questions. The last day for donations will be 4/30.

Event Announcements

Home(s): Where do we belong?

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A devised performance created to explore the idea(s) of home(s). Is it a building, a community, a person, or ourselves?

When we are forced to leave our homes or forced to go back home, how do we start this process? What do we bring, how do we travel back, how do we assimilate? Is that place/destination even our home?

This project hopes to answer some of these questions.

This event is free.

Date and Time: April 24th at 7:30 pm.
Location: Foss Center Studio Theater

Facebook page for Home(s): Where do we belong?


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In honor of Environmental Justice and Poetry Month, Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC) will take a dive into Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner, a poet and climate change activist, statement address and poem at the 2014 UN Climate Change. Her poems and activitism correlates to current social and environmental issues we are facing today. We will explore what it means to talk about our experiences of the changes we see around the world on a personal level and as a group.

Jetnil-Kijiner UN Climate Change Statemeng and Poem:

Environmental Stewardship Committee

Auggie Pride Awards – Taking Nominations for April

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Staff Senate is seeking nominations for the Auggie Pride Award! The Auggie Pride Award is given to staff members who have gone above and beyond to serve Augsburg and fulfill its mission and values. Reasons to acknowledge a staff member can include a variety of things, such as the completion of a project, the implementation of an innovative idea, or simply giving directions to a lost campus guest.

If you have a colleague who you feel is deserving of this award, please nominate them by filling out the nomination form at

The Auggie Pride Awards are awarded monthly, throughout the academic year. More information can be found at

Farewell for Kirsten O’Brien May 1

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After working in URGO for 6 and ½ years, Kirsten O’Brien will be leaving Augsburg to take a position as Grants Management Associate with the Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies. Students, faculty and staff who have worked with Kirsten in her role as URGO’s Undergraduate Research, Graduate School and National Fellowships Specialist are keenly aware of the considerable gifts Kirsten brought to every interaction and every task. Her attention to quality and supportive nature helped Augsburg students and alums reach their goals of attaining off-campus summer research, graduate school or national fellowship placements. Her considerable planning skills insured near-flawless Z events, Court Agre Summer Research Symposiums and URGO’s Summer Research Programs.

URGO will be hosting an open house in Kirsten’s honor in the URGO/McNair/STEM Programs suite (Hagfors 101) next Wednesday, May 1st from 2:00 to 4:30. Come by for cake and refreshments and to wish Kirsten well on her next career venture.

Metro Transit Photo Shoot to promote the universal pass

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Augsburg students will have a universal Metro Transit pass next year – good for all buses and light rail. Be part of the promotion!

Metro Transit Photo Shoot, Friday, April 26, 2019
8:00 – 11:30 am
Meet at West Bank METRO Station (Cedar Avenue Bridge)

Here is the sign up link:

1. Wear solid colors – no white clothes, neon colors, bold patterns, or writing (that includes obvious brand names).
2. Bring a backpack or purse.
3. Dress for the weather.
4. Be prepared to walk from the LRT station to Augsburg (approx. 1/2 mile).
5. Be prepared to ride on a bus for a little bit.

Keeping Track of Auggies

HLC Recognition for Norma Noonan

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At the recent HLC annual meeting as a consultant-evaluator, team chair, and member of IAC (Institutional Actions Council), I was very proud to learn of Dr. Norma Noonan’s recognition for 45 years of service to HLC. This honor for Norma was announced (to great applause) at a formal luncheon on the first day of the conference. Congratulations, Dr. Noonan!

Drlandra Larkins wins Lead for America Fellowship

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Dralandra Larkins, a senior social work major, just received the Lead for America National Fellowship, along with 59 other fellows who will join her co-hort out of 681 national applicants. Dralandra currently holds two internships, one at Hennepin County as a case manager and a second at the Metropolitan Council as a housing assistant. As a Lead for America fellow, Dralandra will spend 5 weeks this summer at Harvard University with a cohort of passionate and informed leaders engaged in public administration and leadership development training. Following training, Dralandra will spend the next two years working full time with local government at the Metropolitan Council advancing economic security and housing opportunities for marginalized populations. During her two years as a fellow, Dralandra will receive ongoing training opportunities and attend fellow retreats in Washington D.C, where she will hear from prominent national, local and global leaders about significant challenges facing the 21st century society. Benefits from the fellowship program include a $12,000 graduate educational award, supportive mentorships, professional development and the summer institute training, health insurance as well as her internship salary.

Lead for America is a nonpartisan fellowship program that selects, trains, and places our nation’s most promising young leaders in two-year paid fellowships in local governments as a means of strengthening America’s public institutions, transforming our local communities, and cultivating a new generation of transformational public service leaders. To learn more about the fellowship, visit here or contact the URGO office at

Kudos to Dralandra.

Lidiya Ahmed wins $10,000 Rossing Scholarship

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Lidiya Ahmed (2020) has been awarded the top ELCA Rossing Physics Scholarship of $10,000, having won the $5,000 award last year. The award is granted to top physics students drawn from the 26 ELCA colleges in the country. A physics and mathematics major, Lidiya grew up in Ethiopia where her father, a one-time engineering student, inspired her to pursue her dream of being a physicist. Interested in space physics she found Dr. Mark Engebretson and his impressive research record on-line, which led her to Augsburg.

Her first summer at Augsburg she worked in Dr. Ben Stottrup’s biophysics lab, funded by URGO, where she learned important programming skills and that she “liked to work in a team to solve problems.” Last summer she worked in Dr. Mark Engebretson’s lab studying phenomena that occur at the edges of space, which has given her “an in-depth understanding of the space physics field and the career path [she] want[s] to follow.”

Lidiya is also a LEAD fellow who has worked at many different community-based programs, such as Campus Ministry’s Urban Plunge program, Soup for You, and the Campus Kitchens program. She is currently a STEM peer mentor and has worked as a teaching assistant for Calculus classes and Calc Workshop and was the 3D printing coordinator for the mathematics department last year. Lidiya is also a Christensen Scholar and will be a Sabo Scholar this coming fall.

After graduating from Augsburg, Lidiya plans to pursue a PhD in space physics. Ultimately, her plans are to “start a space physics department in Ethiopia since [she] believes that there are many young people who don’t get the opportunity to study space physics.”

Congratulations Lidiya! Thanks to her many Augsburg mentors and teachers.


Part-time/Full-time Summer House Painter

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Help Needed
MH Anderson Painting
 Small family business, has been operating since the 1960’s, became LLC in 2004
 We mainly work on small and medium houses, with some bigger projects on occasion
 Most work is exterior projects between the months of May to October
 We pride ourselves on high quality work
 Most work are on older houses in Minneapolis and St. Paul
 Hired as a sub-contractor with pay ranging from $15 to $17 per hour depending on experience
 Some experience desired, but will train
 Around 30 hours a week, with more available if desired.
 Most work done Monday through Friday with occasional weekend work
 Will be flexible with your schedule
 High quality prep and painting work, taking time to do the work as trained
 As a sub-contractor, you are expected to provide some of your own tools, brushes, etc.
 No insurance provided, expected to have your own
 Follow directions of supervisor, be one time, clean up at the end of the day
If interested please email or call me to discuss expectations and potential schedule.

Mike Anderson
Owner, MH Anderson Painting

Hiring Summer Camp Counselors

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Counselors are needed to work at Metro Scrubs Camp at Augsburg from July 8 – July 12, 2019; 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM daily. Counselors earn $500 for the week. Metro Scrubs Camp provides opportunities for high school students from throughout the Twin Cities area to explore health careers by engaging in interactive sessions led by health care professionals. For the job description and application form, go to Questions? Contact Hli Vang at 612-330-1530;