Paideia Institute 2019

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Join us for our 30th anniversary celebration of the Paideia Institute from July 22-26, 2019 at Augsburg University. This year’s question, “What’s the great idea?” will explore a multitude of great ideas from beauty to justice. During the Paideia Institute attendees participate in inquiry-based seminars on various texts. In coaching activities participants gain expertise in facilitating seminars. Paideia seminars are applicable in many professional settings and can be used with all ages and any subject area. Educators use seminars to introduce students to the vital skills necessary to have courteous conversations about challenging issues presented in texts.

This professional development course welcomes all Augsburg faculty, staff, and students, and can be taken for credits or continuing education units. Scholarships applications due May 1. On time registration is open until June 1.

For more information check out the Paideia website for details on cost, scholarships, and courses, or contact Rachel Lloyd (, 612-330-1561) or Anne Kaufman (, 612-209-2100).

Paideia Institute 2019