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Dear white-bodied colleagues,
Are you unsure how to respond when a fellow white-bodied person says or does something with a racist impact? Do you ever find yourself, despite your best intentions, feeling uneasy or tense when the topic of race comes up? Do you ever experience the impulse to fight, flee, or freeze in racialized moments and then struggle to navigate the shame of inaction or imperfect action? Are you eager to build loving, accountable community where we can learn to cause less harm and lean into the discomfort that comes with growth?
Learn more and apply to be part of a 2019-2020 academic year cohort of white faculty and staff learning to undo the ways white supremacy shows up in our bodies, not just in our minds. Applications are due by 5:00 p.m on Monday, May 13, 2019. Selected participants will be notified by Friday, May 17, 2019.
The Sabo Center is convening the Undoing White Body Supremacy Pilot Project in partnership with Augsburg’s Equity and Inclusion Initiatives. Contact Rachel Svanoe or Allyson Green with questions about this opportunity.