Anthropocene River Semester looking for a few more adventurous students

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We are in the final stages of recruiting students for this amazing, once-in-a-lifetime to travel the length of the Mississippi River by canoe, in conjunction with a team of researchers, artists, scholars, activists, and river rats this fall. We have a good team of students who will be traveling from the headwaters at Lake Itasca all the way to the Gulf of Mexico. It would be great to have a few more to take advantage of this unique opportunity to be part of the combined River Semester and Anthropocene River project organized by the Haus der Kultur der Welt (HKW) and Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPI). The group will engage with a wide range of artistic, political, and scientific projects that are all part of different field stations along the way, culminating with a week-long conference in New Orleans in mid-November. This is really a one-time educational experience.

So students, consider applying, and anyone else please spread the word and encourage undergraduate students who would like to enroll in the program full-time to contact: I’m happy to visit or set up meetings as needed, and help figure out how to make the program work for particular student’s needs. And we still have some Pentair scholarship funds to support students (up to $4,000/student).

River Semester