Calling Graduating Auggies- Continue your educational journey in Leadership

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Master of Arts in Leadership Connection Hour

Monday, February 10, 2020 at 5:00 PM until 7:00 PM
Finnegan’s Brewer’s Den (2nd Floor)
817 5th Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55404

Augsburg Leadership Studies is hosting a happy hour for MA in Leadership alumni and current students!

You and a colleague or friend who is interested in leadership and looking to achieve a graduate degree.

Monday, February 10, 2020 from 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Finnegans Brewer’s Den (2nd Floor)
817 S 5th Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55404

Your colleagues and friends learn about our Leadership Studies, we support an Auggie-owned business, and your opportunity to network! Each Augsburg student or alum will receive one free drink ticket and additional drink tickets for each friend or colleague they bring.

Master of Arts in Leadership Connection Hour

New Leadership in International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS)

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I am pleased to announce that Angela Bonfiglio has been promoted to ISSS Program Director. In this role she will oversee and coordinate services for Augsburg’s international students and scholars, supporting their academic success and facilitating their adjustment to Augsburg University and life in the United States. She will also take over as the Primary Designated School Official (PDSO) for Augsburg’s F-1 student visa program and as a Responsible Officer (RO) for J-1 exchange visas. As the PDSO, she has final responsibility for Augsburg’s compliance with federal visa regulations.

Angela previously served as Augsburg’s International Student Advisor, and she brings a host of other skills and experiences to the job. She has served as both a church youth director and a co-chair of the Harrison Neighborhood Association. She is also a CGEE alum!

Please join me in congratulating Angela on this well-deserved promotion!

Free and Open Kitchen (on campus) hours

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Looking for a space to cook/bake with friends and family, or alone? Come to Campus Kitchen’s Open Food Lab hours! During the hours below Hagfors 108 is a public space for everyone and anyone to come and cook, gather or bake food. Occasionally we will hold food workshops to teach participants specific and fun recipes! Keep in touch if you’d like to learn more.

Below are the regular hours for Spring2020:
Mo: 4p-6p, 7p-9p
Tu: 11a-1p
Th: 7p-9p
Fr: 11a-1p

Have questions or concerns?

Lock It In – Lock In Your Housing for Next Year

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Residents have the opportunity to secure an apartment for the academic year of 2020-2021 before Housing Expo with Lock It In. Lock-It-In is a special offer for apartments in Anderson, Mortensen, and Luther.

In order to Lock-It-In you must:

Submit the Lock It In Survey by February 10, 2020 at 8:00 am.
Be currently enrolled at Augsburg University
Be registered for 2020 spring semester classes
Have all the beds full and all contracts signed for the apartment by the first day of Housing Expo 2/10/20
Only one roommate needs to complete the survey

Apartments are offered in the following configurations:


2 bedroom 4 person.

2 bedroom 4 person – doubles *REPEAT RATE RISING SOPHOMORES*
1 bedroom 2 person – doubles
2 bedroom 3 person – doubles and single

All unsecured apartments will be included in the Housing Expo: February 10th-14th

Lock It In Survey

Housing Expo

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Housing Expo 2020: February 10-14, 2020

Housing Expo is the opportunity to decide where and with whom you want to live for the following academic year. Before Expo, students receive a selection number based on the number of credits they have, so the more completed credits you have, the higher your selection number. At Housing Expo, you and your roommates add up your selection numbers and that total number determines what day you can come and choose your housing.

Don’t forget:

Bring your student ID Bring a digital or printed copy of the email you will be receiving from Residence Life, which will contain your housing selection number and also indicates your allotted time slot for attending the Housing Expo. This email is sent at the end of January 2020. Complete the online contract. If you have not completed an online contract, your space can not be reserved.

Housing Expo Week Schedule
Before Expo: Starting Dec. 16 Lock It In and Neighborhood properties available
Monday Feb. 10th 1PM – 4PM———————————–Designated Pre-Signers: Staff, Neighborhoods
Tuesday Feb. 11th 1PM – 4PM ———————————-Lock-It-In Confirmation
Wednesday Feb. 12th 1PM – 2:00 PM————————-Single Room Sign Up for Luther Studios, Anderson Suites, Mort 1/1s
Wednesday Feb. 12th 2:30 – 4:00 PM ————————Single Room Sign Up for Mort 2/2s, Luther 4/4s
Thursday Feb. 13th 1PM – 2PM———————————Selection Number totals between 18,000-36,000
Thursday Feb. 13th 2PM – 3PM——————————– Selection Number totals between 10,000-17,999
Thursday Feb. 13th 3PM – 4PM——————————– Selection Number totals between 2,000-9,999
Friday Feb. 14th 1PM – 4PM———————————— Confirmation Day – Come ask any follow up questions

Residence Life Website

Action Alert: Public Comment on ESG Investing Rule Change

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The campus sustainability world is encouraging people to make public comments about a recent Securities and Exchange Commission rule change that would negatively impact shareholders ability to advocate for Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing. The deadline for submitting a public comment is Monday, Feb. 3, and you can find more info below.

The Investment Subcommittee of the Augsburg Board of Regents has introduced a conversation to explore an ESG policy for our own investing. Feel free to reach out with questions and spread the word to others you know who would be impacted by this decision.

More details and template letter

Interested in having a STEM Mentor?

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Interested in having a STEM Mentor?

If so, STEM Peer Mentoring wants you!

STEM Peer Mentoring is a student-led mentoring program that focuses on providing support to First-years and Sophomores as they navigate their academic and professional careers in STEM.

Having a mentor in STEM Peer Mentoring can be a major benefit in establishing the success of your STEM career. If you’re a First-year or Sophomore in a STEM major, interested in having a peer mentor, and want to learn more about internships, research, certain classes, etc. — this is for you!!

Augsburg’s STEM majors include:

-Computer Science
-Environmental Studies

Students are matched according to their major and information they provide on the STEM Peer Mentoring Application (see link below!).

Generally, students are asked to commit about 3-4 hours/month of involvement as they meet one-on-one with their mentor and attend occasional group meetings.
Please apply! Complete the application below by Thursday, 2/20. Any questions can be sent to

Link to Application

Beez update

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Did you know Augsburg has been a Beez Kneez Urban Apiary Partner since 2015? Here’s an update on how our hives survived 2019.

Bee Report:
Although the spring weather of 2019 was slow to get started, we had enough sunshine and rain in late May and early June to give our bees a really nice boost in making more bees.
The honey harvest was not our best harvest but not our worst either. We also left the bees with more of their own honey this year in an effort to not have to feed sugar water.

We are striving year after year to be as sustainable as possible both in our bees and our business. Another way we are doing this is by raising our own queens. This is a new skill that takes some practice but we had good success in 2019 and are happy to report that most of our hives have queens we raised from our own hardy, northern and disease resistant stock.

So what does this mean for 2020?

1. Your hives were alive and ready for winter in early November. Bees can endure this cold, however temperature swings can be hard on them. The warmer than average weather we have been having in January can cause them to eat more than they should. We will be checking on them and their food stores after the first week of February.

2. The other challenge is the spread of viruses by this nasty mite. Recent research revealed that mites actually feed on fat bodies of bees not the blood(similar to our liver), and weaken the bees right before winter when they need the most healthy bees to carry them through. We were proactive and used some preventative tactics through most of the year but experienced an exceptionally high year for the spread of this parasite. Similar to influenza, some years tend to be worse than others. Cross your fingers that spring is kind to us this year. Early and warm with no subzeros in March!

Learn more about The Beez Kneez

TONIGHT: Augsburg Theater’s Quake

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written by Melanie Marnich
directed by Emma Gustafson

It’s a big love Lucy is looking for. Her cross-country mission takes her through hilarious, but equally traumatic relationships in which time and emotion pass in a warped instant. Her quest becomes intertwined with that of a female serial killer. The two women find themselves on an exploration of the geography of the human heart.

Performances: January 30th, 31st, and February 1st at 7:00 PM, February 2nd at 3:00 PM
Tjornhom-Nelson Theater

Get your tickets here!

URGO Summer Research Phase 1 Due February 5

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URGO Summer Research Phase 1 applications must be signed by faculty mentor and submitted in hard copy to the URGO office (Hagfors 101) by 5:00 pm or sent electronically from faculty mentor’s email address by 11:59pm on February 5. The Phase 1 application is non-evaluative but required. Phase 2 is due February 19.
The URGO Summer Research Program is an on-campus program where undergraduate students are funded to conduct research or creative activities under the guidance of a faculty mentor.
• 200 or 400 hours
• Program runs May 14-July 29, 2020
• Full-time = $4,400 plus housing stipend
• Half-time = $2,200 plus housing stipend
• Design project with a faculty mentor
• Seminars and Speaker Series for support and professional development
• Final written product and oral presentation

There is also the option to be a Research Assistant at 100 hours for the summer (stipend of $1,100), in which undergraduates assist faculty with research tasks.

New Open Trip from CGEE

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CGEE is pleased to announce we will be running an open trip to Guatemala, which will engage with groups working to end poverty and hunger in the region. An “open trip” is a not-for-credit, educational travel opportunity, which is open to everyone! We are hoping to spread the word to community partners and others that might be interested in such an opportunity.

We will run three trips with identical itineraries: October 2020, November 2020, and April 2021. This is an opportunity to see a CGEE-style program in action, and to enjoy an educational travel experience. Please consider joining for yourself, or, sharing with friends, family, your church, anyone you think might be interested!

You can learn more about the program, Hunger and Hope, in the included link. You may email Lucy Hardaker at with any questions.

Hunger and Hope

Two weeks in Greece – study abroad in May 2020

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Study Abroad for 2 weeks in summer and earn 4 credits + Augsburg Experience!

***Economic Crisis, Small Business & Ethics in Greece***

Course options:
KEY 490, ECO 495 , or BUS 495 (students register for one course).
This program also fulfills the Augsburg Experience requirement.

Faculty Leaders:
Stella Hofrenning and Phyllis Kapetenakis

Travel Dates: May 12-30, 2020 Approximately 3 pre-travel meetings will also be held

This program explores economic, business, ethical and religious forces that have created vast changes in Greek life. Examine challenges and opportunities in Greece as it has suffered from economic crisis combined with the current refugee crisis. Gain an understanding of Greek history, Greek culture, and how that has led to the current Greek business/economic model. Through these connections, you will develop an understanding of Greece’s interaction with the European Union and the current instability in the region.

Get more info and apply online!

Becoming Critical of White Talk Moves Workshop

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In this interactive session, participants will learn to identify White Talk Moves, speech acts that people employ consciously or less than consciously to avoid talking about race and to maintain the accumulated privilege and status that accompanies Whiteness. In addition, participants will examine cases from predominantly white higher education spaces in which White Talk Moves silence diverse perspectives and voices.

Date: Tuesday, February 11th
Time: 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Location: Marshall Room, Christensen Center

Facilitators: Terrance Kwame-Ross and Peg Finders

For more information about this workshop, email or call (612)-330-1126

Study abroad in the Netherlands in May 2020

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LIVING GREEN IN AMSTERDAM, Study Abroad May 7-22, 2020

Program Leaders: Lars Christiansen and Allyson Green

Love to explore? Have a sense of adventure? Like to walk and take trains? Like to ride bike? See cities by boat? Enjoy gardens? Markets? Architecture? Parks? Ever been interested in how the people of the Netherlands live? Do you have the desire to learn about innovative and creative solutions to environmental challenges? Would you like to have new ideas and tools to make positive changes back here in the U.S.?

Join Allyson Green and Lars Christiansen on a two-week exploration of urban environmental sustainability in Amsterdam and Delft, Netherlands in May 2020! We begin with several course sessions in Minneapolis in early May, and then depart for the Netherlands on May 7. We return two weeks later. There is so much to see and discover! We hope you join us.

This is a 6-credit program:

Students choose one SOC/URB course for 4 credits:
SOC/URB 111: City Life: Intro to Urban Sociology (fulfills Social Behavioral Sciences LAF), or
SOC/URB 295: Living Green in Amsterdam (elective)

All students also take INS 292 for 2 credits:
INS 292: Topics: Environmental Sustainability through an Intercultural Lens

This program also fulfills the Augsburg Experience requirement.

Program Cost: $5,500
*This all-inclusive program fee covers: tuition for 6 credits, international round-trip airfare from Minneapolis, all lodging, all meals, all transportation during the program, and all program activities.

Financial Aid: Check with Student Financial Services in Sverdrup hall to learn about how your financial aid package might help cover the cost of this program.

Get more information and apply online

Join BrightSide Produce (Spring Semester)

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Are you interested in a weekly produce subscription?
Subscriptions range from $3 to $20. Your subscription will help bring fresh produce to corner stores in the Cedar Riverside area. We will be continuing our partnership with BrightSide Produce this semester.

If you are interested in being a part of Augsburg’s Buyer Club please follow the step by step instructions below.
1. Go to
2. Click the menu button in the top left corner of the screen and select “join the Buyers Club”.
3. Follow the instructions on the buyers club page (subscription size, Augsburg pick up,
items you prefer to be left out of your bags, and whether or not you would like to start a
weekly subscription or make a one time purchase.)
4. You will also have the option of purchasing a reusable tote bag from Brightside for you
subscriptions, if you feel inclined to do so.

Pick up will be from 11:00am to 5:00pm on Tuesdays, outside of the Sabo center, located in the basement of Anderson Hall.

Please help us spread the word to other students, staff and faculty! We appreciate your support in our program and mission to make healthy food more accessible in our neighborhoods. For more information feel free to email me: or

Sign up here!

Gluten-Free and Vegan Cookie Experimenting

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Dietary Restrictions are some of the things that make it hard to get food on campus, but thankfully Allyson Green, Augsburg Chief of Sustainability, (who also has dietary restrictions) has taken up baking cookie that are gluten-free and vegan! Join us on February 17th, 4pm-6pm at Hagfors108, to experiment baking with Gluten-Free and Vegan recipes.

Here we’ll engage in the fun and learning of baking gluten-free and vegan cookies! Take these recipe’s home with you to your family and friends who have these dietary restrictions.

Spots are limited so act fast and RSVP here ( RSVP form WILL close upon spots fulfillment or at noon of 2/17/20.

Click here for the Kreative Cookiez Flyer!

Campus Cupboard/Share Shop Hours

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Welcome back to campus and Spring semester 2020!
Need a water kettle, vegetables, air mattress, pasta, clothes??
Come to Campus Cupboard/Share Shop in Science Building 8!

We’re currently making efforts to be open as often as possible M-F. Current hours are as follows:
Mo: 9:00am-1:00pm, 2:00pm-4:00pm
Tu: 10:00am-5:00pm
W: 10:00am-5:00pm
Th: 10:00am-1:30pm, 2:00p-5:00pm
Fr: 9:00am-1:00pm, 2:00pm-4:00pm

Please make note of these regular hours. Changes will be posted when needed.
Have questions or concerns?
Contact, or ask our staff there!

Visit our Campus Cupboard page

Comm Majors: fall semester in Mexico is made for you

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Are you a Comm Major looking to study abroad? Want to get intercultural experience? Interested in using your media skills to engage in social justice issues?

Join us for the Fall 2020 semester in Mexico:


Develop yourself as a socially-conscious media professional equipped for the challenges of modern-day media! During your semester in Cuernavaca, Mexico, you will:

-Hear from experienced professionals on responsible journalism on critical issues such as (im)migration and the environment.
-Listen to the stories from those traditionally marginalized by society such as migrants, deportees, immigrant returnees from the U.S. and Canada, indigenous people, women, LGBTQ people, and low-income people.
-Engage deeply with critical issues facing the U.S. and Mexico.
-Learn to look at the world through the intersectional lenses of people from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Costs for this program are often LOWER than your costs on campus because:
-You can use your full financial aid package for semester programs off-campus
-You will recieve a $1500 CGEE Travel Grant on top of your fin aid, just for being an Auggie!
-Many additional scholarship opportunities available

This program is great for Communications Majors or Minors in their Sophomore or Junior years. Check out the website for more info!

Apply by March 1

Get more information and apply online

A Screening and Discussion of the Short Film, Old Media Studies, with Stephan Clark

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A “Speaking of Sabbatical” Event: Stephan Clark will offer a screening and discussion of Old Media Studies, a short film shot on the campus of Augsburg University that focuses on a professor who pushes back against a proposal for a New Media Studies major by jokingly promoting the idea of an Old Media Studies major.

Wednesday, February 12 | A Screening and Discussion of the Short Film, Old Media Studies, with Stephan Clark | 11:10 am – 12:20 pm, OGC 100

RSVP for the Screening with Stephan Clark

Apply Now for CTL Grants

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Faculty, visit for information about the Scholarship, ICD, and Provost’s Internationalization Travel Grants. There are samples of successful grant applications, as well as frequently asked questions. The deadline for submissions is February 17 at noon.

Check out the link below for a message from Katie Clark about Scholarship Grants.

Katie Clark Speaks about the Scholarship Grant

Accounts Payable Announcement

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It is with regret we announce the resignation of Rio Schaekel as Augsburg’s Accounts Payable Specialist. She has been a valuable member of our team during her time here. Rio’s last day will be Friday, January 31st. As we search for a replacement, Kay Johnson will temporarily be taking over the accounts payable duties.

We thought this would also be a good time to provide a quick reference guide on the accounts payable process and the most common mistakes which can slow down the payment process. The guides are located at ORGSAdministrative AccountingPublicPolicies.

We wish Rio well on her new endeavors and appreciate your patience as we manage this transition.

Soup for You Celebration TODAY

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TODAY is the 5 year anniversary celebration of Soup for You Cafe starting at 11am and going until 1pm at Bethany Lutheran Church 2511 Franklin Avenue (5 blocks from Augsburg). Come for lunch and join in on the celebration.

Here’s what Judah (the chef) said about it on Facebook…

“It’s been quite a journey so far. 5 years and almost 100,000 servings of made from scratch organic vegetarian locally sourced and globally inspired soups plus bread, salads, baked desserts, fruits and other healthful foods. Please help us to celebrate another year of living, another year of providing a safe warm and welcoming space for all. Another year of feeding, comforting and hopefully nurturing our Community. Please join us in recognizing all that have made this possible. The Village. Food, music and you. All FREE, this day and everyday! UPDATE!! Dallas and Siama will join The Grateful Fed Band in making a joyful noise.”

Register to attend the Retirewise Workshop Series (starts Tuesday, February 18)

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Augsburg Wellbeing is inviting the Retirewise program back to campus. Retirewise is a financial and retirement education program presented by MetLife and is coordinated by our benefits broker, NFP. This program has been well received in the past, so we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to participate.

We invite you to learn more and see for yourself what action steps you can take to better prepare you to Retirewise. In just a few sessions you’ll be on your way to creating a realistic financial and retirement plan that works for you.

Join your colleagues for the complimentary, practical and straightforward Retirewise workshop series. It doesn’t matter how much or how little planning you’ve done, or if your retirement is many years away, you’ll find the Retirewise workshops worthwhile.

For more detailed information about the workshop series, and to register for the event, follow this registration link:

By registering, you are committing to attend each session in this 4-workshop series, which begins on February 18th. Specific dates, times, and locations are provided in the registration link.

Retirewise Information Flyer:

Registration Link

Future Events for ASAC

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Hello Augsburg Day Students!

We are looking to have you all join us in our upcoming events for the spring semester. To do so, we are asking you all what you would like to see from ASAC this semester. We will bring these event ideas to our board meetings and discuss a possible future for them.

New Leadership in International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS)

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I am pleased to announce that Angela Bonfiglio has been promoted to ISSS Program Director. In this role she will oversee and coordinate services for Augsburg’s international students and scholars, supporting their academic success and facilitating their adjustment to Augsburg University and life in the United States. She will also take over as the Primary Designated School Official (PDSO) for Augsburg’s F-1 student visa program and as a Responsible Officer (RO) for J-1 exchange visas. As the PDSO, she has final responsibility for Augsburg’s compliance with federal visa regulations.

Angela previously served as Augsburg’s International Student Advisor, and she brings a host of other skills and experiences to the job. She has served as both a church youth director and a co-chair of the Harrison Neighborhood Association. She is also a CGEE alum!

Please join me in congratulating Angela on this well-deserved promotion!

3 more days to apply to the Peace Scholars Program: Deadline February 1

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Are you interested in being a Peace Scholar in 2020/21? With a seven-week stay in Norway?

Augsburg sophomores and juniors with a strong interest in peace and justice issues are invited to apply for the 2020-21 Peace Scholar Program. Two students will be selected to join the group of 14 students taking courses in Oslo, Norway, at the International Summer Schools and the Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue in June and July 2020.

Peace Scholars have high academic achievements, interest in international & global issues, openness to explore new ideas, and experience with civil engagement. This program allows scholars to learn, grow, and experience in areas related to peace and current global issues in a Norwegian context.

Program cost and room & board in Norway is covered, and students pay for travel cost and personal spendings.

Kristy Ornelas ( and Natalie Zavoral ( spent their summer as Peace Scholars in Norway last year, and any questions you may have can be directed to them via email.

You can also connect with our CGEE office for additional information (x1159 or

Hurry Up – deadline for applying is February 1, 2020

Apply Here

2019 W-2 Information

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All 2019 W-2’s were mailed Wednesday, January 29th and will be available for online viewing and printing Thursday, January 30th.

View and print through Inside Augsburg, Faculty and Staff can access through Administrative Tasks>Agresso Web and Student Workers can access through Records and Registration>Student Employment Pay Records.
Please email if you need any further assistance.

Lock It In – Lock In Your Housing for Next Year

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Lock It In Is Available Now – Time is Running Out!

Residents have the opportunity to secure an apartment for the academic year of 2020-2021 before Housing Expo with Lock It In. Lock-It-In is a special offer for apartments in Anderson, Mortensen, and Luther.

In order to Lock-It-In you must:

-Submit the Lock It In Survey by February 10, 2020 at 8:00 am.
-Be currently enrolled at Augsburg University
-Be registered for 2020 spring semester classes
-Have all the beds full and all contracts signed for the apartment by the first day of Housing Expo 2/10/20
-Only one roommate needs to complete the survey

Apartments are offered in the following configurations:


2 bedroom 4 person.

2 bedroom 4 person – doubles *REPEAT RATE RISING SOPHOMORES*
1 bedroom 2 person – doubles
2 bedroom 3 person – doubles and single

All unsecured apartments will be included in the Housing Expo: February 10th-14th

Lock It In Survey

Housing Expo

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Housing Expo 2020: February 10-14, 2020

Housing Expo is the opportunity to decide where and with whom you want to live for the following academic year. Before Expo, students receive a selection number based on the number of credits they have, so the more completed credits you have, the higher your selection number. At Housing Expo, you and your roommates add up your selection numbers and that total number determines what day you can come and choose your housing.

Don’t forget:

Bring your student ID
Bring a digital or printed copy of the email you will be receiving from Residence Life, which will contain your housing selection number and also indicates your allotted time slot for attending the Housing Expo. This email is sent at the end of January 2020.
Complete the online contract. If you have not completed an online contract, your space can not be reserved.

Housing Expo Week Schedule

Date and Time—————————————————— Selection # group total
Before Expo: Starting Dec. 16 Lock It In and Neighborhood properties available
Monday Feb. 10th 1PM – 4PM———————————–Designated Pre-Signers: Staff, Neighborhoods
Tuesday Feb. 11th 1PM – 4PM ———————————-Lock-It-In Confirmation
Wednesday Feb. 12th 1PM – 2:00 PM————————-Single Room Sign Up for Luther Studios, Anderson Suites, Mort 1/1s
Wednesday Feb. 12th 2:30 – 4:00 PM ————————Single Room Sign Up for Mort 2/2s, Luther 4/4s
Thursday Feb. 13th 1PM – 2PM———————————Selection Number totals between 18,000-36,000
Thursday Feb. 13th 2PM – 3PM——————————– Selection Number totals between 10,000-17,999
Thursday Feb. 13th 3PM – 4PM——————————– Selection Number totals between 2,000-9,999
Friday Feb. 14th 1PM – 4PM———————————— Confirmation Day – Come ask any follow up questions

Residence Life Website

Camp Fair on February 10

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ELCA Summer Camp Job Fair: Monday, February 10 from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm in the Christensen Center Lobby. Representatives from camps from all across the United States will be on campus to meet with students who are interested in working with children and youth for the summer. Working at a summer camp helps develop leadership skills and an opportunity to have a positive impact on youth. At the fair, you can interview on the spot! For more information, stop by the Strommen Center or Campus Ministry.

Global Citizenship: Whole World Sensibilities and Responsibilities

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When: February 6, 2020 8:00 am – 10:00 am
Where: DoubleTree by Hilton – University Area, Bridges Ballroom, 2nd Floor, 511 Huron Blvd. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414, Phone: 612-504-3000
Cost: $45 (Select Augsburg Student/Faculty/Staff for registration type. email address required!)
Level: Intermediate
Track: Global Diversity
Presenters: Mark Ritchie, Global Minnesota | Shawntera M. Hardy, PolicyGrounds Consulting | Khadija Ali, Global Language Connections
Price of registration includes full plated breakfast buffet and coffee and specialty teas.
Global citizenship and interconnectivity allows us to experience and impact the world in more expansive ways than ever before. With this new international reach, however, comes responsibility for simultaneously caring for both our local communities and for others on the planet impacted by our actions or decisions. Given these new realities, how do we ensure our practices and solutions meet increasingly complex challenges at the local and planetary levels?

This workshop will include specific examples of what it takes to develop critical practices that satisfy individual interests while keeping in mind the needs of current and future generations – here and everywhere.

Learning Outcomes
This session will include specific examples that will have the following learning outcomes:

Communications policies and practices that satisfy individual interests while keeping in mind the needs of current and future generations – here and everywhere
Team member training approaches to developing simultaneously local and global thinking/action
Feedback mechanism to involve the broader community in this “balancing” process

Augsburg University students, faculty, and/or staff must have email address for registration discount. Select “Augsburg Student/Faculty/Staff” registration type during online registration process.

Register Here

Facing Foward: 32nd Annual Forum on Workplace Inclusion Conference

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March 10 – 12, 2020

Minneapolis Convention Center
1301 2nd Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55403

A new decade brings challenges that demand new solutions to meet the diverse needs of changing markets, customers, and talent. With eyes on the future, leaders must be open to shifts in their approaches to addressing workplace issues and more—they must be willing to learn from those who bring different ideas, experiences, and perspectives. In 2020, we’re Facing Forward!

2020 is the inaugural year of The Forum on Workplace Inclusion annual conference at Augsburg University! Augsburg faculty and staff are given a special discounted rate to The Forum’s 2020 annual conference. Visit the rates page ( for rates information. Don’t miss out in the nation’s largest workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion conference, and register with the special discounted rate!

When registering, select “Augsburg Faculty / Staff” registration type to receive the discount.

Distinguished Contributions to Teaching and Learning Awards

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The Office of Academic Affairs and the Center for Teaching and Learning invite your nominations for the annual Distinguished Contributions to Teaching and Learning Awards. Augsburg annually recognizes individuals or groups that have made exemplary contributions to creating an engaging academic learning environment through awards for teaching, scholarship, or service. All faculty or full-time staff who have been employed at the university for at least three years are eligible for the awards.

Find more information and the nomination form in the link below.

CTL Awards

Auggie Basics Application Now Available

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As part of the Augsburg University Equity Proposal, the Auggie Basics – Housing initiative is designed to address the needs of students who experience housing instability. The purpose of the program is to provide a bridge for students whose housing is not stable as they seek to identify a permanent solution.

Students accepted into the Auggie Basics Program will live on campus without cost to the student. Regardless of when students enter the program, the housing commitment will cover the full academic year if needed. If the student secures permanent housing elsewhere, they will be released from the program and the spot will be offered to another student. Summer housing may be an option. Students must reapply each academic year. Being chosen for the Auggie Basics program one year does not guarantee participation in future years.

As part of the program, students will be encouraged to utilize resources on campus. These include but are not limited to the Center for Wellness and Counseling, the Center for Learning and Accessible Student Services (CLASS) office, TRiO/SSS, Academic Advising, Multicultural Student Services, Student Affairs office, etc. The Dean of Students will provide ongoing communication and support throughout the academic year to make sure students are aware of resources and may access them as necessary.

To apply, please complete the application by February, 17, 2020. If you have any questions, please contact or call the Student Affairs office at 612 330 1160.

Auggie Basics Application Form

Research support for faculty through the URGO Summer Research Program

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The URGO Summer Research Program is designed to enhance undergraduate student learning and support faculty research and creative activity here on campus. Faculty are the driving force behind the research program, and we want it to be as beneficial to you as possible.
While summer is the perfect time to push research projects ahead, we know all too well how quickly the time goes. We have research grants for 400, 200, and 100 student research hours that are designed to provide you with the optimal amount of student research support needed for your project. The 100-hour research assistantship is a particularly good fit if you have needs for data entry, transcription, or literature review.
Some of you may have already been approached by students who would like to do summer research through URGO. We encourage you to think about how these students might support your own research agenda. While some advanced students might have a project in mind, we have found that students benefit the most from working within a faculty member’s area of expertise and current line of inquiry.
To learn more about URGO summer research and working with a student, visit the “on-campus research” page on the URGO website:
Please encourage interested students to make an appointment with URGO staff by contacting

Applications available for URGO Summer Research 2020

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The URGO Summer Research Program is an on-campus program where undergraduate students are funded to conduct research or creative activities under the guidance of a faculty mentor.
• 200 or 400 hours
• Program runs May 14-July 29, 2020
• Full-time = $4,400 plus housing stipend
• Half-time = $2,200 plus housing stipend
• Design project with a faculty mentor
• Seminars and Speaker Series for support and professional development
• Final written product and oral presentation
There is also the option to be a Research Assistant at 100 hours for the summer (stipend of $1,100), in which undergraduates assist faculty with research tasks.
Applications can be found at Send an email to to make an appointment with URGO staff and get advising on the application process!

TONIGHT: Augsburg Theater’s Quake

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written by Melanie Marnich
directed by Emma Gustafson

It’s a big love Lucy is looking for. Her cross-country mission takes her through hilarious, but equally traumatic relationships in which time and emotion pass in a warped instant. Her quest becomes intertwined with that of a female serial killer. The two women find themselves on an exploration of the geography of the human heart.

Performances: January 30th, 31st, and February 1st at 7:00 PM, February 2nd at 3:00 PM
Tjornhom-Nelson Theater

Get your tickets here!

Beware of Toner Phoners

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There are several unscrupulous businesses out there who attempt to sell you outrageously priced toner over the phone. We have already gotten a call from someone (mis)representing themselves as our printer vendor – Marco, and referencing our fleet of Sharp copiers.

They may start with asking you what is the model or ID# of the copier near your desk. They may say they have extra stock of the toner you need or the price is due to increase. They may offer to ship you a toner on trial. Regardless of what they say, DO NOT give them any information as they will over-bill for anything they send. All you need to know is that you get toner for your copier or printer by either calling the Copy Center at extension x1054 or emailing at

You will NEVER need to purchase toner for machines in your area, it will ALWAYS be provided by the Copy Center.

Any toner received in this way is often 2nd rate or low quality/old and can cause issues if installed in any of our fleet of printers.

A quick way to ditch these “toner phoners” is to tell them you would like to transfer them to the person in the organization who purchases toner – they will very often hang up before you can transfer them!

New Staff at The Forum on Workplace Inclusion

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The Forum welcomes two new staff members: Wyatt Yager, Assistant Director of Finance and Operations and Earnest Jefferson, Registrar and Administrative Assistant. With The Forum conference a little over a month away, these two have quickly learned their jobs and become valuable assets to our team. Stop by and say hello!

Register to attend the Retirewise Workshop Series (starts Tuesday, February 18)

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Augsburg Wellbeing is inviting the Retirewise program back to campus. Retirewise is a financial and retirement education program presented by MetLife and is coordinated by our benefits broker, NFP. This program has been well received in the past, so we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to participate.

We invite you to learn more and see for yourself what action steps you can take to better prepare you to Retirewise. In just a few sessions you’ll be on your way to creating a realistic financial and retirement plan that works for you.

Join your colleagues for the complimentary, practical and straightforward Retirewise workshop series. It doesn’t matter how much or how little planning you’ve done, or if your retirement is many years away, you’ll find the Retirewise workshops worthwhile.

For more detailed information about the workshop series, and to register for the event, follow this registration link:

By registering, you are committing to attend each session in this 4-workshop series, which begins on February 18th. Specific dates, times, and locations are provided in the registration link.

Retirewise Information Flyer:

Registration Link

Free Tutoring Offered Online

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Students – we are now offering free tutoring online 24/7 for all students! Look for the TutorMe link under “Augsburg Tools” through your Moodle classes!

All students have 3 hours/week available to them!

Additionally, we recommend utilizing your faculty office hours, the Writing Center & Math labs on campus! There’s more information on our website :

Any questions or concerns, please email

Campus Kitchen Open Food Lab Hours

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At Hagfors 108 during the times mentioned below, the space is held for everyone (within and outside of Augsburg) to use as a free and open kitchen space!
Monday: 4pm-6pm
Thursday: 7pm-9pm
Friday: 2:30pm-5:30pm

Here there is a variety of ingredients, from seasoning to produce to butter, and materials, from pots & pans to spoons to stove-tops. We’ve also started holding food and cooking workshops for everyone to join us in.

Wish to be a part of our future programming? Fill out this form:
Have ideas for future Food Workshop’s? Go here:
Want to facilitate/teach a Food Workshop? Fill out this form:

Contact for questions/inquiry.

Open Food Lab Flyer

Accounts Payable Announcement

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It is with regret we announce the resignation of Rio Schaekel as Augsburg’s Accounts Payable Specialist. She has been a valuable member of our team during her time here. Rio’s last day will be Friday, January 31st. As we search for a replacement, Kay Johnson will temporarily be taking over the accounts payable duties.

We thought this would also be a good time to provide a quick reference guide on the accounts payable process and the most common mistakes which can slow down the payment process. The guides are located at ORGSAdministrative AccountingPublicPolicies.

We wish Rio well on her new endeavors and appreciate your patience as we manage this transition.

Join BrightSide Produce Spring Semester

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Are you interested in a weekly produce subscription?

Subscriptions range from $3 to $20. Your subscription will help bring fresh produce to corner stores in the Cedar Riverside area. We will be continuing our partnership with BrightSide Produce this semester. If you are interested in being a part of Augsburg’s Buyer Club please follow the step by step instructions below.

1. Go to
2. Click the menu button in the top left corner of the screen and select “join the Buyers Club”.
3. Follow the instructions on the buyers club page (subscription size, Augsburg pick up,
items you prefer to be left out of your bags, and whether or not you would like to start a
weekly subscription or make a one time purchase.)
4. You will also have the option of purchasing a reusable tote bag from Brightside for you
subscriptions, if you feel inclined to do so.

Pick up will be from 11:00am to 5:00pm on Tuesdays, outside of the Sabo center, located in the basement of Anderson Hall.

Please help us spread the word to other students, staff and faculty! We appreciate your support in our program and mission to make healthy food more accessible in our neighborhoods. For more information feel free to email me: or our supervisor Natalie Jacobson:

Sign up here!

Campus Cupboard and Shareshop Hours

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Hello everyone,

Sorry for the wait on final hours for this semester in the cupboard and shareshop. A reminder that the cupboard and shareshop are open for all students and you are able to visit once a day five days a week. Please remember your student ID or #. The hours for this semester will be:

Monday: 9a-1p & 2p-4p
Tuesday: 10a-5p
Wednesday: 10a-5p
Thursday: 10a-1:30p & 2p-5p
Friday: 9a-1p & 2p-4p

Any cupboard/shareshop donations can be brought in during open hours. If these hours do not work or for bigger donations please feel free to email me: to set up a drop off time.

Campus Cupboard Homepage

Open Food Lab Spring 2020 hours

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Looking for a space to cook/bake with friends and family, or alone? Come to Campus Kitchen’s Open Food Lab hours! During the hours below Hagfors 108 is a public space for everyone and anyone to come and cook, gather or bake food. Occasionally we will hold food workshops to teach participants specific and fun recipes! Keep in touch if you’d like to learn more.

Below are the regular hours for Spring2020:
Mo: 4p-6p, 7p-9p
Tu: 11a-1p
Th: 7p-9p
Fr: 11a-1p

Have questions or concerns?

Click here for Open Food Lab’s Google Calendar!

Research support for faculty through the URGO Summer Research Program

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The URGO Summer Research Program is designed to enhance undergraduate student learning and support faculty research and creative activity here on campus. Faculty are the driving force behind the research program, and we want it to be as beneficial to you as possible.
While summer is the perfect time to push research projects ahead, we know all too well how quickly the time goes. We have research grants for 400, 200, and 100 student research hours that are designed to provide you with the optimal amount of student research support needed for your project. The 100-hour research assistantship is a particularly good fit if you have needs for data entry, transcription, or literature review.
Some of you may have already been approached by students who would like to do summer research through URGO. We encourage you to think about how these students might support your own research agenda. While some advanced students might have a project in mind, we have found that students benefit the most from working within a faculty member’s area of expertise and current line of inquiry.
To learn more about URGO summer research and working with a student, visit the “on-campus research” page on the URGO website:
Please encourage interested students to make an appointment with URGO staff by contacting

Applications available for URGO Summer Research 2020

submitted by

The URGO Summer Research Program is an on-campus program where undergraduate students are funded to conduct research or creative activities under the guidance of a faculty mentor.
• 200 or 400 hours
• Program runs May 14-July 29, 2020
• Full-time = $4,400 plus housing stipend
• Half-time = $2,200 plus housing stipend
• Design project with a faculty mentor
• Seminars and Speaker Series for support and professional development
• Final written product and oral presentation
There is also the option to be a Research Assistant at 100 hours for the summer (stipend of $1,100), in which undergraduates assist faculty with research tasks.
Applications can be found at Send an email to to make an appointment with URGO staff and get advising on the application process!

Becoming Critical of White Talk Moves Workshop

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In this interactive session, participants will learn to identify White Talk Moves, speech acts that people employ consciously or less than consciously to avoid talking about race and to maintain the accumulated privilege and status that accompanies Whiteness. In addition, participants will examine cases from predominantly white higher education spaces in which White Talk Moves silence diverse perspectives and voices.

Date: Tuesday, February 11th
Time: 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Location: Marshall Room, Christensen Center

Facilitators: Terrance Kwame-Ross and Peg Finders

For more information about this workshop, email call (612)-330-1126

Campus Cupboard/Share Shop Hours

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Welcome back to campus and Spring semester 2020!
Need a water kettle, vegetables, air mattress, pasta, clothes??
Come to Campus Cupboard/Share Shop in Science Building 8!

We’re currently making efforts to be open as often as possible M-F. Current hours are as follows:
Mo: 9:00am-1:00pm, 2:00pm-4:00pm
Tu: 10:00am-5:00pm
W: 10:00am-5:00pm
Th: 10:00am-1:30pm, 2:00p-5:00pm
Fr: 9:00am-1:00pm, 2:00pm-4:00pm

Please make note of these regular hours. Changes will be posted when needed.
Have questions or concerns?
Contact, or ask our staff there!

Visit our Campus Cupboard page

Gluten-Free and Vegan Cookie Experimenting

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Dietary Restrictions are some of the things that make it hard to get food on campus, but thankfully Allyson Green, Augsburg Chief of Sustainability, (who also has dietary restrictions) has taken up baking cookie that are gluten-free and vegan! Join us on February 17th, 4pm-6pm at Hagfors108, to experiment baking with Gluten-Free and Vegan recipes.

Here we’ll engage in the fun and learning of baking gluten-free and vegan cookies! Take these recipe’s home with you to your family and friends who have these dietary restrictions.

Spots are limited so act fast and RSVP here ( ). RSVP form WILL close upon spots fulfillment or at noon of 2/17/20.

Click here for the Kreative Cookiez Flyer!

Augsburg Theater presents: Quake

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written by Melanie Marnich
directed by Emma Gustafson

It’s a big love Lucy is looking for. Her cross-country mission takes her through hilarious, but equally traumatic relationships in which time and emotion pass in a warped instant. Her quest becomes intertwined with that of a female serial killer. The two women find themselves on an exploration of the geography of the human heart.

Performances: January 30th, 31st, and February 1st at 7:00 PM, February 2nd at 3:00 PM
Tjornhom-Nelson Theater

Get your tickets here!

Two weeks in Greece – study abroad in May 2020

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Study Abroad for 2 weeks in summer and earn 4 credits + Augsburg Experience!

***Economic Crisis, Small Business & Ethics in Greece***

Course options:
KEY 490, ECO 495 , or BUS 495 (students register for one course).
This program also fulfills the Augsburg Experience requirement.

Faculty Leaders:
Stella Hofrenning and Phyllis Kapetenakis

Travel Dates: May 12-30, 2020 Approximately 3 pre-travel meetings will also be held

This program explores economic, business, ethical and religious forces that have created vast changes in Greek life. Examine challenges and opportunities in Greece as it has suffered from economic crisis combined with the current refugee crisis. Gain an understanding of Greek history, Greek culture, and how that has led to the current Greek business/economic model. Through these connections, you will develop an understanding of Greece’s interaction with the European Union and the current instability in the region.

Get more info and apply online!

Explore Amsterdam this summer and earn 6 credits

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LIVING GREEN IN AMSTERDAM, Study Abroad May 7-22, 2020

Program Leaders: Lars Christiansen and Allyson Green

Love to explore? Have a sense of adventure? Like to walk and take trains? Like to ride bike? See cities by boat? Enjoy gardens? Markets? Architecture? Parks? Ever been interested in how the people of the Netherlands live? Do you have the desire to learn about innovative and creative solutions to environmental challenges? Would you like to have new ideas and tools to make positive changes back here in the U.S.?

Join Allyson Green and Lars Christiansen on a two-week exploration of urban environmental sustainability in Amsterdam and Delft, Netherlands in May 2020! We begin with several course sessions in Minneapolis in early May, and then depart for the Netherlands on May 7. We return two weeks later. There is so much to see and discover! We hope you join us.

This is a 6-credit program:

Students choose one SOC/URB course for 4 credits:
SOC/URB 111: City Life: Intro to Urban Sociology (fulfills Social Behavioral Sciences LAF), or
SOC/URB 295: Living Green in Amsterdam (elective)

All students also take INS 292 for 2 credits:
INS 292: Topics: Environmental Sustainability through an Intercultural Lens

This program also fulfills the Augsburg Experience requirement.

Program Cost: $5,500
*This all-inclusive program fee covers: tuition for 6 credits, international round-trip airfare from Minneapolis, all lodging, all meals, all transportation during the program, and all program activities.

Financial Aid: Check with Student Financial Services in Sverdrup hall to learn about how your financial aid package might help cover the cost of this program.

Get more information and apply online

Communication Majors – study abroad this Fall

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Are you a Comm Major looking to study abroad? Want to get intercultural experience? Interested in using your media skills to engage in social justice issues?

Join us for the Fall 2020 semester in Mexico:


Develop yourself as a socially-conscious media professional equipped for the challenges of modern-day media! During your semester in Cuernavaca, Mexico, you will:

-Hear from experienced professionals on responsible journalism on critical issues such as (im)migration and the environment.
-Listen to the stories from those traditionally marginalized by society such as migrants, deportees, immigrant returnees from the U.S. and Canada, indigenous people, women, LGBTQ people, and low-income people.
-Engage deeply with critical issues facing the U.S. and Mexico.
-Learn to look at the world through the intersectional lenses of people from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Costs for this program are often LOWER than your costs on campus because:
-You can use your full financial aid package for semester programs off-campus
-You will recieve a $1500 CGEE Travel Grant on top of your fin aid, just for being an Auggie!
-Many additional scholarship opportunities available

This program is great for Communications Majors or Minors in their Sophomore or Junior years. Check out the website for more info!

Apply by March 1

Get more information and apply online

Housing Expo

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Housing Expo 2020: February 10-14, 2020

Housing Expo is the opportunity to decide where and with whom you want to live for the following academic year. Before Expo, students receive a selection number based on the number of credits they have, so the more completed credits you have, the higher your selection number. At Housing Expo, you and your roommates add up your selection numbers and that total number determines what day you can come and choose your housing.

Don’t forget:

Bring your student ID
Bring a digital or printed copy of the email you will be receiving from Residence Life, which will contain your housing selection number and also indicates your allotted time slot for attending the Housing Expo. This email is sent at the end of January 2020.
Complete the online contract. If you have not completed an online contract, your space can not be reserved.

Housing Expo Week Schedule

Date and Time—————————————————— Selection # group total
Before Expo: Starting Dec. 16 Lock It In and Neighborhood properties available
Monday Feb. 10th 1PM – 4PM———————————–Designated Pre-Signers: Staff, Neighborhoods
Tuesday Feb. 11th 1PM – 4PM ———————————-Lock-It-In Confirmation
Wednesday Feb. 12th 1PM – 2:00 PM————————-Single Room Sign Up for Luther Studios, Anderson Suites, Mort 1/1s
Wednesday Feb. 12th 2:30 – 4:00 PM ————————Single Room Sign Up for Mort 2/2s, Luther 4/4s
Thursday Feb. 13th 1PM – 2PM———————————Selection Number totals between 18,000-36,000
Thursday Feb. 13th 2PM – 3PM——————————– Selection Number totals between 10,000-17,999
Thursday Feb. 13th 3PM – 4PM——————————– Selection Number totals between 2,000-9,999
Friday Feb. 14th 1PM – 4PM———————————— Confirmation Day – Come ask any follow up questions

Residence Life Website

Lock It In – Lock In Your Housing for Next Year

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Lock It In Is Available Now – Time is Running Out!

Residents have the opportunity to secure an apartment for the academic year of 2020-2021 before Housing Expo with Lock It In. Lock-It-In is a special offer for apartments in Anderson, Mortensen, and Luther.

In order to Lock-It-In you must:

-Submit the Lock It In Survey by February 10, 2020 at 8:00 am.
-Be currently enrolled at Augsburg University
-Be registered for 2020 spring semester classes
-Have all the beds full and all contracts signed for the apartment by the first day of Housing Expo 2/10/20
-Only one roommate needs to complete the survey

Apartments are offered in the following configurations:


2 bedroom 4 person.

2 bedroom 4 person – doubles *REPEAT RATE RISING SOPHOMORES*
1 bedroom 2 person – doubles
2 bedroom 3 person – doubles and single

All unsecured apartments will be included in the Housing Expo: February 10th-14th

Lock It In Survey

Focused Conversation on Building Capacity for Enrollment Growth: TODAY

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Provost Karen Kaivola and Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management Robert Gould will co-host a Focused Conversation on building Augsburg’s institutional capacity to drive enrollment growth. They have invited special guest speaker David Strauss, principal of Art & Science Group, to join as a presenter via Zoom. For that reason, this Focused Conversation will be offered only once. A live stream will be available, and the session will be recorded for later viewing.

January 29, 2-3 p.m. (Christensen Center, Marshall Room)

To view the Focused Conversation schedule and access the live-stream link when available, visit the All Hands page.

All Hands

Register to attend the Retirewise Workshop Series (starts Tuesday, February 18)

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Augsburg Wellbeing is inviting the Retirewise program back to campus. Retirewise is a financial and retirement education program presented by MetLife and is coordinated by our benefits broker, NFP. This program has been well received in the past, so we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to participate.

We invite you to learn more and see for yourself what action steps you can take to better prepare you to Retirewise. In just a few sessions you’ll be on your way to creating a realistic financial and retirement plan that works for you.

Join your colleagues for the complimentary, practical and straightforward Retirewise workshop series. It doesn’t matter how much or how little planning you’ve done, or if your retirement is many years away, you’ll find the Retirewise workshops worthwhile.

For more detailed information about the workshop series, and to register for the event, follow this registration link:

By registering, you are committing to attend each session in this 4-workshop series, which begins on February 18th. Specific dates, times, and locations are provided in the registration link.

Retirewise Information Flyer:

Registration Link

Request for Feedback on General Education Learning Outcomes

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The directors of General Education and Assessment are requesting your feedback on the set of proposed General Education Learning Outcomes (GELOs). The link below will take you to a survey outlining the context for this effort and the importance of identifying learning outcomes following our recent HLC accreditation review. A draft version of the learning outcomes is provided with an opportunity to share your thoughts on the direction of this critical work.

General Education Learning Outcomes Survey

Hurry Up, Peace Scholar Application Deadline is February 1

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Are you interested in being a Peace Scholar in 2020/21? With a seven-week stay in Norway?

Augsburg sophomores and juniors with a strong interest in peace and justice issues are invited to apply for the 2020-21 Peace Scholar Program. Two students will be selected to join the group of 14 students taking courses in Oslo, Norway, at the International Summer Schools and the Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue in June and July 2020.

Peace Scholars have high academic achievements, interest in international & global issues, openness to explore new ideas, and experience with civil engagement. This program allows scholars to learn, grow, and experience in areas related to peace and current global issues in a Norwegian context.

Program cost and room & board in Norway is covered, and students pay for travel cost and personal spendings.

Kristy Ornelas ( and Natalie Zavoral ( spent their summer as Peace Scholars in Norway last year, and any questions you may have can be directed to them via email.

You can also connect with our CGEE office for additional information (x1159 or

Application Deadline: February 1, 2020

Apply Here

Becoming Critical of White Talk Moves Workshop

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In this interactive session, participants will learn to identify White Talk Moves, speech acts that people employ consciously or less than consciously to avoid talking about race and to maintain the accumulated privilege and status that accompanies Whiteness. In addition, participants will examine cases from predominantly white higher education spaces in which White Talk Moves silence diverse perspectives and voices.

Date: Tuesday, February 11th
Time: 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Location: Marshall Room

Facilitators: Terrance Kwame-Ross and Peg Finders

Focused Conversation on Building Capacity for Enrollment Growth: TOMORROW

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Provost Karen Kaivola and Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management Robert Gould will co-host a Focused Conversation on building Augsburg’s institutional capacity to drive enrollment growth. They have invited special guest speaker David Strauss, principal of Art & Science Group, to join as a presenter via Zoom. For that reason, this Focused Conversation will be offered only once. A live stream will be available, and the session will be recorded for later viewing.

January 29, 2-3 p.m. (Christensen Center, Marshall Room)

To view the Focused Conversation schedule and access the live-stream link when available, visit the All Hands page.

All Hands

Spring Blood Drive Coming March 4, 2020

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The Center for Wellness & Counseling (CWC) welcomes Memorial Blood Centers for its annual Spring Blood drive on Wednesday 3/4/2020 from 10:00 – 4:00 pm in the East Commons (upstairs Christensen Center). Please consider scheduling a blood donation that day. You can schedule an online appointment at and enter sponsor code 0027. Or you can call the CWC office at 612-330-1707 to schedule an appointment time as well. Please help save lives and donate blood on Wednesday, March 4th!

Blood Memory

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The Augsburg Native American Film Series presents Blood Memory on February 19, 2020.
The title “Blood Memory” is derived from the concept that the experiences of one generation are passed onto the next through DNA. Future generations live with the shared knowledge of their ancestors – meaning there is a foundation of survival instinct and cultural identity that exists within us prior to learned experience. In many ways, this is a beautiful and poetic concept, but trauma and abuse can also be transferred intergenerationally, sometimes unknown to the carrier. This film is about acknowledging and honoring all aspects of blood memory, and how we as individuals and community members heal our collective traumas and learn to pass positive ancestral knowledge to the next generation–Director’s Statement (Blood Memory, Official Film Site)
Blood Memory, a true life “dark-horse political thriller”, tells Sandy White Hawk’s story of adoption out of her home community at a young age and her work to help the “stolen generation” of the American Indian Adoption Era return home. Intertwined with her saga is that of Mark Fiddler, an ICWA lawyer whose advocacy as co-council in Adoptive Couple vs. Baby Girl 2013 helped to dismantle the law he once fought to protect (Vision Maker Media). Join Sandy White Hawk for an evening of screening the film and discussion.

Native American Film Series

Applications Due Friday – Business/Econ Study abroad in Greece – May 2020

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Study Abroad for 2 weeks in summer and earn 4 credits + Augsburg Experience!

***Economic Crisis, Small Business & Ethics in Greece***

Course options:
KEY 490, ECO 495 , or BUS 495 (students register for one course).
This program also fulfills the Augsburg Experience requirement.

Faculty Leaders:
Stella Hofrenning and Phyllis Kapetenakis

Travel Dates: May 12-30, 2020 Approximately 3 pre-travel meetings will also be held

This program explores economic, business, ethical and religious forces that have created vast changes in Greek life. Examine challenges and opportunities in Greece as it has suffered from economic crisis combined with the current refugee crisis. Gain an understanding of Greek history, Greek culture, and how that has led to the current Greek business/economic model. Through these connections, you will develop an understanding of Greece’s interaction with the European Union and the current instability in the region.

Get more info and apply online!

Applications Due Friday: Study abroad in the Netherlands in May 2020

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LIVING GREEN IN AMSTERDAM, Study Abroad May 7-22, 2020

Program Leaders: Lars Christiansen and Allyson Green

Love to explore? Have a sense of adventure? Like to walk and take trains? Like to ride bike? See cities by boat? Enjoy gardens? Markets? Architecture? Parks? Ever been interested in how the people of the Netherlands live? Do you have the desire to learn about innovative and creative solutions to environmental challenges? Would you like to have new ideas and tools to make positive changes back here in the U.S.?

Join Allyson Green and Lars Christiansen on a two-week exploration of urban environmental sustainability in Amsterdam and Delft, Netherlands in May 2020! We begin with several course sessions in Minneapolis in early May, and then depart for the Netherlands on May 7. We return two weeks later. There is so much to see and discover! We hope you join us.

This is a 6-credit program:

Students choose one SOC/URB course for 4 credits:
SOC/URB 111: City Life: Intro to Urban Sociology (fulfills Social Behavioral Sciences LAF), or
SOC/URB 295: Living Green in Amsterdam (elective)

All students also take INS 292 for 2 credits:
INS 292: Topics: Environmental Sustainability through an Intercultural Lens

This program also fulfills the Augsburg Experience requirement.

Program Cost: $5,500
*This all-inclusive program fee covers: tuition for 6 credits, international round-trip airfare from Minneapolis, all lodging, all meals, all transportation during the program, and all program activities.

Financial Aid: Check with Student Financial Services in Sverdrup hall to learn about how your financial aid package might help cover the cost of this program.

Get more information and apply online

Augsburg Theater presents: Quake

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written by Melanie Marnich
directed by Emma Gustafson

It’s a big love Lucy is looking for. Her cross-country mission takes her through hilarious, but equally traumatic relationships in which time and emotion pass in a warped instant. Her quest becomes intertwined with that of a female serial killer. The two women find themselves on an exploration of the geography of the human heart.

Performances: January 30th, 31st, and February 1st at 7:00 PM, February 2nd at 3:00 PM
Tjornhom-Nelson Theater

Get your tickets here!

Teaching Tip Tuesday: 4 Ways Faculty Can Be Allies for College Student Mental Health

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Read the linked article for suggestions on supporting the mental health needs of your students. Look for more resources at

Teaching Tip Tuesdays are posted on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. Look for Tech Tips on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays. Continue to check out the CTL page regularly for a number of useful items and programming updates.

4 Ways Faculty Can Be Allies for College Student Mental Health

Feedback on General Education Learning Outcomes

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The directors of General Education and Assessment are requesting your feedback on the set of proposed General Education Learning Outcomes (GELOs). The link below will take you to a survey outlining the context for this effort and the importance of identifying learning outcomes following our recent HLC accreditation review. A draft version of the learning outcomes is provided with an opportunity to share your thoughts on the direction of this critical work.

General Education Learning Outcomes Survey

Alternative Spring Break Trip – Spots are filling up

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Still looking for something fun and meaningful to do over spring break? Interested in seeing the beautiful scenery of mountainous New Mexico? Join us on Alternative Spring Break – a trip led by Campus Ministries from March 14-21. A group of 25 will travel to Taos, NM to partner with Habitat for Humanity to restore and build homes for families in need. This year, the trip is being offered as an Augsburg Experience! There are only 5 spots left. Stop by the Campus Ministries office (Foss 104) to learn more or drop off your deposit and reserve your spot on the trip!

Link to Registration Form

Research support for faculty through the URGO Summer Research Program

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The URGO Summer Research Program is designed to enhance undergraduate student learning and support faculty research and creative activity here on campus. Faculty are the driving force behind the research program, and we want it to be as beneficial to you as possible.
While summer is the perfect time to push research projects ahead, we know all too well how quickly the time goes. We have research grants for 400, 200, and 100 student research hours that are designed to provide you with the optimal amount of student research support needed for your project. The 100-hour research assistantship is a particularly good fit if you have needs for data entry, transcription, or literature review.
Some of you may have already been approached by students who would like to do summer research through URGO. We encourage you to think about how these students might support your own research agenda. While some advanced students might have a project in mind, we have found that students benefit the most from working within a faculty member’s area of expertise and current line of inquiry.
To learn more about URGO summer research and working with a student, visit the “on-campus research” page on the URGO website:
Please encourage interested students to make an appointment with URGO staff by contacting

Applications available for URGO Summer Research 2020

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The URGO Summer Research Program is an on-campus program where undergraduate students are funded to conduct research or creative activities under the guidance of a faculty mentor.
• 200 or 400 hours
• Program runs May 14-July 29, 2020
• Full-time = $4,400 plus housing stipend
• Half-time = $2,200 plus housing stipend
• Design project with a faculty mentor
• Seminars and Speaker Series for support and professional development
• Final written product and oral presentation
There is also the option to be a Research Assistant at 100 hours for the summer (stipend of $1,100), in which undergraduates assist faculty with research tasks.
Applications can be found at Send an email to to make an appointment with URGO staff and get advising on the application process!

Registration Open: MN Private College Job and Internship Fair

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If you are looking for an internship or graduating in the spring, you should attend the Minnesota’s Private Colleges annual JOB AND INTERNSHIP FAIR on Thursday, February 27th at the Minneapolis Convention Center. This fair stands out as one of the premier college/employer partnerships in the country. The exhibit hall is open from 9:00 a.m .- 2:00 p.m. (You can stay for as long as you are able)

It is NOT to early to start researching the employers that are registered. Visit the to learn more about the fair.

Attend a Prep Session
Register on Handshake!
*In person: Job Fair Prep Sessions are listed on Handshake in Events.
*Moodle Community Online Prep Session– find the link on the fair handshake invite page

*Explore opportunities in a variety of industries and majors.
*Chat with more than 275 employers – all under one roof!
*Open to undergraduate students (sophomores, juniors, and seniors) from the Minnesota Private Colleges.
*Get your free professional LinkedIn Photo taken at the fair!



Register to attend the Retirewise Workshop Series (starts Tuesday, February 18)

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Augsburg Wellbeing is inviting the Retirewise program back to campus. Retirewise is a financial and retirement education program presented by MetLife and is coordinated by our benefits broker, NFP. This program has been well received in the past, so we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to participate.

We invite you to learn more and see for yourself what action steps you can take to better prepare you to Retirewise. In just a few sessions you’ll be on your way to creating a realistic financial and retirement plan that works for you.

Join your colleagues for the complimentary, practical and straightforward Retirewise workshop series. It doesn’t matter how much or how little planning you’ve done, or if your retirement is many years away, you’ll find the Retirewise workshops worthwhile.

For more detailed information about the workshop series, and to register for the event, follow this registration link:

By registering, you are committing to attend each session in this 4-workshop series, which begins on February 18th. Specific dates, times, and locations are provided in the registration link.

Retirewise Information Flyer:

Registration Link

Campus Cupboard/Share Shop Hours

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Welcome back to campus and Spring semester 2020!
Need a water kettle, vegetables, air mattress, pasta, clothes??
Come to Campus Cupboard/Share Shop in Science Building 8!

We’re currently making efforts to be open as often as possible M-F. Current hours are as follows:
Mo: 9:00am-1:00pm, 2:00pm-4:00pm
Tu: 10:00am-5:00pm
W: 10:00am-5:00pm
Th: 10:00am-1:30pm, 2:00p-5:00pm
Fr: 9:00am-1:00pm, 2:00pm-4:00pm

Please make note of these regular hours. Changes will be posted when needed.
Have questions or concerns?

Visit our Campus Cupboard page

Attention, Augsburg Student-Poets

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Submit to Augsburg’s John R. Mitchell / Academy of American Poets Prize

Deadline for Submission: 17 February 2020

This competition, endowed by Jean Mitchell in honor of the late John Mitchell, former English Department faculty member and poet, is for the best group of three poems composed by a current Augsburg undergraduate or graduate student. The award includes a $100 prize ($50 each, if split between an undergrad and a grad student) and a certificate from the Academy of American Poets. Carleton Professor emerita and poet Mary Moore Easter will be judging this year’s Mitchell Prize.

• A set of three well-proofread poems must be sent from your Augsburg email address as an attachment to by 17 February 2020.
• Writers should put Mitchell Prize in the subject line.
• The email must contain the titles of the poems, and the poet’s full name, pronouns, status (undergrad or grad), phone number, and mailing/permanent address.
• Winners will be announced by Augsburg University in early March. There will be a reading on campus with judge Mary Moore Easter and the prize winners on the evening of Wed, 25 March.
• In the summer, the Academy will send a letter of congratulations and a certificate to each winner or honorable mention recipient. If two winners are chosen, the prize money will be divided between them.

Memorial Service for Herbert Chilstrom, First Bishop of the ELCA

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There will be two opportunities to remember God’s promises in Christ Jesus and give thanks to God for the life and witness of former Presiding Bishop Herb Chilstrom.

Services of Holy Communion:

Thursday, February 13, 2:00 p.m.
Desert Hills Lutheran Church
2150 S. Camino del Sol
Green Valley, Arizona

ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton will bring a greeting, Bishop Deborah Hutterer will preach, and Pastor Martin Overson will preside. Reception to follow.

Saturday, February 15, 1:00 p.m.
Christ Chapel
Gustavus Adolphus College
800 W College Ave, St Peter, MN
St. Peter, Minnesota

ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton will preside and bring a greeting, Presiding Bishop Emeritus Mark Hanson will preach, and Bishop Jon Anderson will bring a greeting. Reception to follow.

At both services, clergy and all rostered leaders of the ELCA, together with clergy of all ecumenical partners, are invited to robe and process (the color of the day will be green) and are asked to RSVP. Full details and RSVP information found at link below.

Service details and RVSP information

Focused Conversation on Building Capacity for Enrollment Growth: Wednesday

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Provost Karen Kaivola and Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management Robert Gould will co-host a Focused Conversation on building Augsburg’s institutional capacity to drive enrollment growth. They have invited special guest speaker David Strauss, principal of Art & Science Group, to join as a presenter via Zoom. For that reason, this Focused Conversation will be offered only once. A live stream will be available, and the session will be recorded for later viewing.

January 29, 2-3 p.m. (Christensen Center, Marshall Room)

To view the Focused Conversation schedule and access the live-stream link when available, visit the All Hands page.

All Hands

Auggie Doggies – Back TODAY

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After a nice semester break our friends from Paws for Learning will be back for their regular Monday morning visits at the Center for Wellness and Counseling office. Please plan to stop by to welcome back or visit for the first time with our four legged friends for a little stress relief and connecting with other students. The CWC office is located on the first floor of the Anderson Residence Hall. Call Dianne at 612-330-1707 for any questions.