Augsburg GRE Prep Course Online

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Augsburg University offers a five-week GRE prep course each summer for Augsburg students and alumni at a cost well below those found at private test centers. This course is taught by experienced GRE test-prep educators. Throughout the course students will have a chance to complete practice problems for each area of the test and receive in-depth feedback and instruction. The registration fee also includes a six-month subscription to the online GRE study tool, Magoosh.

Due to COVID-19, this year’s course will be offered via Zoom.

May 13th – June 15th

Mondays and Wednesdays, 5:30 – 8:00pm (Excluding Memorial Day)

Cost: $100

To register, please fill out the registration form. Seats will not be held without the registration form. Seats are limited, please register early to guarantee your spot. Contact with any questions.

Please Note: Only Augsburg students and alumni may register for this course.

GRE Registration Form