
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Cloth Masks Must be Worn On Campus

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All staff, faculty and students MUST wear cloth face masks while in any common areas while on Augsburg property, based on Minnesota Department of Health guidelines for higher education. Resident students must wear them while out of their residence hall living spaces.
Cloth masks are in stock for critical staff and faculty and resident students. Contact Bryan Massich ( if you need one.
Wearing cloth masks does not replace the need to adhere to frequent hand washing, avoiding touching the face, and practicing social distancing, our best tools to help prevent the spread of illness.

The Stay Home executive order issued by Gov. Tim Walz continues. Fob access has been turned off except for those who have critical work on campus and resident students living on campus. Those who have access are asked to maintain social distancing. Go only where you need to go and only stay on campus to complete your critical tasks. Do not linger on campus. No guests are allowed. Augsburg is trying to minimize people gathering and help custodians focus on cleaning and disinfecting student residential spaces.

Employees who are entering a space that’s been marked cleaned and disinfected, please take the sign down and put in a work order to have it cleaned and disinfected again. If you plan to work multiple days in a row, please wait until your last visit to submit a work order.

For more Facilities information, follow the link provided.

Teaching and Learning

Augsburg University Helpline

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The Augsburg University HELPLINE is determined to support our community in navigating the complexity of the current situation. Our team consists of staff, coaches, and advisors who answer any questions you may have—or direct you to find answers.

Our goal is to support you in finishing up the semester successfully. #FinishStrong2020

HELPLINE Call Center: 612-474-3100

Hours this week:

April 20 – April 24: 12 p.m to 4 p.m

HELPLINE Email Address:

Email support is offered every day.

Online Workshop Ideas for the “3 Days in May”

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This year the “3 Days in May” will be offered jointly by CTL, Luther Seminary, and the E-Learning Team. From Tuesday, May 12 – Thursday, May 14, there will be a variety of online sessions/workshops. We are interested in hearing from faculty about what they would like to see from these experiences, as well as if they are willing to help host or co-host a session. Please use the form below to share your ideas and help us make the most of this time.

Online “3 Days in May” Ideas/Suggestions

MnEEP Virtual Town Hall: Racial (In)Equity in Distance Learning TODAY

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An equitable and just education systems is not limited to delivering education in school buildings—it also applies to on-line digital learning. Join MnEEP staff for an important conversation to address resource gaps in distance learning and help provide strategies and solutions for supporting students of color and American Indian students during the COVID-19 crisis.

Apr 20, 2020 at 4:00 PM in Central Time

ZOOM Registration

Register for Globally Focused Online Courses this Summer

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The Center for Global Education and Experience (CGEE)is connecting Auggies to the world this summer–ONLINE!

Register for an online course in Spanish, Political Science, Religion, History, or Gender, Sexuality & Women’s Studies with Augsburg CGEE’s instructors in Mexico or Central America.

To access these courses, simply look in Records and Registration under Summer 2020 term and the departments listed below. There is a huge variety, including some specialized courses for upper-level learners! Register for the class as usual.

Courses are offered in both Summer Time 1 (T1) & Time 2 (T2) unless otherwise noted.

WST 481 Queer History in Latin America (T2)

HIS 156: The Crisis in Nicaragua: U.S. Destabilization or a Democratic Movement? (T2)
HIS 388: Queer History in Latin America (T2)

POL 310: Citizen Participation in a Globalized Economy (T1)

RLN 336: Latin American Liberation Theologies (T1)

SPA 111: Beginning Spanish I (T1)
SPA 112: Beginning Spanish II (T2)
SPA 218: Spanish for Healthcare Providers
SPA 220: Business Spanish
SPA 224: Spanish for Ministry
SPA 225/325: Spanish for Heritage Speakers I and II
SPA 231: Pre-Colombian, Colonial and Contemporary Mexican Art
SPA 316: Conversations in Cultural Context
SPA 334: Contemporary Mexican Literature
SPA 335: Contemporary Latin American Women: Texts and Voices
SPA 337: Mexican Civilizations and Cultures

See summer online courses in Records & Registration

Augsburg GRE Prep Course Online

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Augsburg University offers a five-week GRE prep course each summer for Augsburg students and alumni at a cost well below those found at private test centers. This course is taught by experienced GRE test-prep educators. Throughout the course students will have a chance to complete practice problems for each area of the test and receive in-depth feedback and instruction. The registration fee also includes a six-month subscription to the online GRE study tool, Magoosh.

Due to COVID-19, this year’s course will be offered via Zoom.

May 13th – June 15th

Mondays and Wednesdays, 5:30 – 8:00pm (Excluding Memorial Day)

Cost: $100

To register, please fill out the registration form. Seats will not be held without the registration form. Seats are limited, please register early to guarantee your spot. Contact with any questions.

Please Note: Only Augsburg students and alumni may register for this course.

GRE Prep Course Registration

Fulbright US Student Program Advising

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The Fulbright US Student Program offers college graduates the opportunity to participate in diplomacy in over 140 countries. Your experience could include teaching English and American Studies, working on a Master’s degree, or performing research in any field. You may apply in the summer before/fall of your senior year or after you graduate. URGO offers advising, application support, and interviews for endorsement by Augsburg University for both current students and alumni.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact for more information. All current students and recent alumni are welcome to inquire, even if you won’t be eligible to apply for the coming application cycle.

Faculty and Staff: Help URGO recruit students for Fulbright Program

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The Fulbright US Student Program offers college graduates the opportunity to participate in diplomacy in over 140 countries, teaching English and American Studies, working on a Master’s degree, or performing research in any field.

We are asking faculty and staff to notify us of students and alumni who might be a good fit for this program. Depending on program type, students should be academically outstanding, have demonstrated leadership skills, and/or experience with tutoring and teaching. Foreign language skills are a distinct advantage.

If you know a student interested in this opportunity, please have them contact for more information. All current students and recent alumni are welcome to inquire.

Secure Your Zoom Room

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It is likely you have seen the reports of something called ‘zoom bombing’. Zoom bombing occurs when someone gains access to your zoom meeting – uninvited – and carries out some sort of attack. They might share unpleasantness in the chat, by voice, video, or screen share.

Zoom has recently rolled out some additional security controls and our fabulous LFC’s have put together some instructions on how to protect your class using these controls and other Zoom settings.

Safety, security, and privacy is important, so please be sure to review these tips to limit the chances of this happening to you.

General Announcements

Global Opportunities for Fall Semester – Apps Due May 1

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COVID-19 is temporarily changing how we can travel, but CGEE remains hopeful that fall 2020 study abroad programs will be able to run–and the programs below still have spots open. You can use your semester financial-aid package and you’ll get a $1,500 CGEE Travel Grant.

Apps due May 1st.

Learn about historical and present-day challenges in creating national identity and inclusive democracy. The program starts in South Africa and continues to Namibia. Classes in history, political science, religion, and wellness–or even choose an internship as part of your semester. All courses are taught in English. For fall 2020 and Spring 2021: CGEE is providing **FREE AIRFARE** for Auggies.

Develop yourself as a socially conscious media professional equipped for the challenges of modern-day media! Engage with experienced professionals on responsible journalism on critical issues such as (im)migration and the environment. Listen to the stories from those traditionally marginalized by society. No Spanish language proficiency required.

This program immerses you in Mexican culture, includes multiple excursions, and fosters friendships with Mexican students. With many elective course options, you can complete your language requirements, liberal arts requirements, and Augsburg Experience. No Spanish language proficiency required.

In the event that we must cancel fall programs, the decision will be made no later than July 15, 2020, and students will be offered spots on spring 2021 programs.

Got questions? Email us:
Set up a virtual advising appointment:

Learn more about these programs in Mexico and Southern Africa

The Peace of Wild Things

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For many people, being in nature can reduce stress and have a positive impact on mood and
mental health.

Knowing that it is spring and a time of regeneration…. it is difficult not to notice the green growth… birds… increased light, and other signs of life. Sometimes, just calling to mind a place in nature, where you previously experienced some joy and connection, can be enjoyable.

I would like to know what you are seeing today in nature or are remembering that gives you
some delight and inspiration. For now, I am sharing this poem with you –

“The Peace of Wild Things”
by Wendell Berry

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.



Nancy Guilbeault -Director, CWC
Center for Wellness and Counseling

Apply now to be AugSem Student Leader for Fall 2020

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AugSem is looking for student leaders to support first year students as they transition to college life and Augsburg University, in general. AugSem Student Leaders (ASL) participate in paid summer training and enjoy opportunities in the fall to:

– Help new students feel welcome
– Serve as ambassadors for Augsburg and communicate its mission
– Facilitate City Engagement Day for assigned AugSem section
– Connect students with resources on campus
– Check in with students to see how they are doing
– Assist faculty during regular AugSem class sessions
– This is a paid position with a commitment of 1-3 hours per week during Fall 2020.

Currently, we are looking for ASL majoring in these fields:
• Art
• Health science
• Physics
• Theatre.

AugSem Student Leader Job Description and Application

How to Work With Recruiters Successfully – The Secret Sauce

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Why is it so difficult to work with recruiters or understand how they think and what they want? You know you need to work through the recruiter to gain the interview and a chance to win the job but sometimes it seems impossible to know what they are thinking. Are they truly the ‘gate keepers’ for obtaining and job with their company and if so, how can you know what the ‘key’ is to opening the gate?

Come to this virtual work session sponsored by the Strommen Center. Today at 12:00 p.m. (Central Time), Career Coach Tom Colosimo will discuss what it takes to work successfully with recruiters. He will also discuss the types of recruiters and why they do what they do. There is more to it than you think – The Secret Sauce!

Resume Drop-in Hours: Tuesdays-Fridays
10:00 am-3:45 pm (Central Daylight Time)
Zoom link:

Register for the event in Handshake today!

Special Enrollment Period for Obamacare Ends TOMORROW

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Uninsured Augsburg students please take note: Due to COVID-19, Minnesota has now reopened applications for Obamacare for a short window: The Special Enrollment Period for uninsured Minnesotans due to COVID-19 ends TOMORROW April 21, 2020. Call 651-645-0215 for free assistance from the MNsure-certified Navigators at Health Access MN.

Health Access MN

Spring Break and Summer 2021 – Study Abroad and Away Courses are waiting for you

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Check out the short-term study abroad programs coming up for Spring Break and Summer 2021. Now is a great time to plan ahead! ALL programs fulfill your AUGSBURG EXPERIENCE requirement, as well as other classes!

Check out the options in these great locations:

Roots to Rap: Islam in America – spring break
HIS 195 (Humanities)

Faith, Vocation, and Social Change – spring break
RLN 409 (Search for Meaning II) or RLN 480 (Keystone for some majors)

Dakota and Ojibwe Spaces of Environmental Activism & Sovereignty – Spring Time 2
AIS 305 (elective) or ANT 295 (elective)

Community, Arts, and Culture in Cuba – Summer
THR 295 (Fine Arts)

Science and Religion in Germany – Summer
REL 205 (Search for Meaning II) and/or CHM 102 (Lab Science) or SCI 490 (Keystone for Science majors)

Sustainability and Food Justice in Italy & the US – Summer
HIS 170 (Humanities) or HIS 440 (elective)

Get more information about these short term programs

Campus Cupboard Food Deliveries

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The Campus Kitchen team is following COVID-19 protocol. Contact with any questions.

For now, students cannot access the Cupboard physically. Instead, students (who still live on campus) can fill out a request form to receive a bag of food for pickup in Christensen (near Einstein’s). Food bag delivery times are: Monday, Tuesday, Friday: 11am-1pm

Fill out a delivery request form here, as many times as you need!

TRIO/SSS Summer Bridge 2020

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Good news! Summer Bridge 2020 offers went out to 25 students on April 17. The class will be finalized with all Bridge participants registered for summer classes by May 8.

Because of COVID-19, Summer Bridge 2020 has moved to an online format. Students will not live in the residence halls nor meet on campus during Summer Bridge. We anticipate using both real-time and offline coursework for summer courses: COM 111 and LIB 130. Summer Bridge will also include Supplemental Instruction to support these courses, daily check ins with instructors, meetings with advisors, and TRIO/SSS students as peer mentors.

This redesign of Summer Bridge shifts RLN 100: Religion, Vocation, and the Search for Meaning and its supplemental or paired study skills course to either fall 2020 or spring 2021. We hope to have more specific information about this schedule change in the next few weeks.

We hope this may help all of you with questions you get from incoming students who may have reached out to you about Summer Bridge. Please continue to direct them our way for follow up:

TRIO/SSS Summer Bridge 2020 is July 6 – August 6.

Thanks for your continued support and collaboration. We could not do this without you!

Event Announcements

2020 Auggie Awards to be held Friday

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Our 13th annual Auggie Awards ceremony, celebrating the best in Augsburg University Athletics, will be held on Friday, April 24 at 7 p.m. However, due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we will be unable to come together in person for this year’s celebration. Instead, this year’s ceremony will be an online webcast, available on our athletics webpage at

The webcast will include the presentation of numerous awards to student-athletes, and will feature the outstanding video production you’ve come to enjoy over the years from our partners at Wass Productions and InventiveMedia, along with some special contributions from many Auggie student-athletes, showing that we are “One World, One Team, We Are Auggies!” We will also pay tribute to our 87 Augsburg senior student-athletes.

Set a reminder on your calendar to watch the 2020 Auggie Awards online at on Friday, April 24 at 7 p.m., and remember to tell your friends, relatives and fans! Let’s “virtually” come together to celebrate all things #AuggiePride!

Augsburg University Athletics


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It’s here! Happy (virtual) Earth Week! Join Auggies and people across the globe in learning, celebrating, and taking action to care for our common home and all of us who live here. Check out daily collective action opportunities plus lots more at:

Today’s collective action: Q&A with “Grassroots Rising” author, Ronnie Cummins – learn how regenerative agriculture and a Green New Deal can help us survive—and thrive—in catastrophic times.

RSVP for “Grassroots Rising”

“Skills for Today” CWC Zoom Workshop for Students — April 22

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Struggling with trying to adjust to the challenges of the COVID crisis? Join the Center for Wellness & Counseling next Wednesday, April 22nd from 2pm – 3:30pm for a short Zoom workshop called “Skills for Today: Using Skillful Means to Navigate Troubled Times.” Josh Kent of CWC will be leading the group along with some Augsburg students. The session will explore how focusing on skills development can help students decrease suffering and build a life worth living (even when the world around you doesn’t seem to point in that direction!) To register for the event and get the zoom link, email Josh Kent at

All-School Reunion Postponed

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Due to the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and out of care and concern for the health and safety of the entire Augsburg University community, we are postponing the university’s first All-School Reunion that had been planned for Sept. 26, 2020.

The reunion will be rescheduled to coincide with Homecoming 2021. Those dates are still being finalized.

If you’ve already purchased tickets to the event, you have three options. First, you can do nothing—we will honor your registration for the new date in fall of 2021. Second, you can request a refund by emailing Kristen Cooper at Finally, you can ask that Kristen convert your registration into a donation to the Student Emergency Fund to support current Auggies facing hardships during this challenging time.

The reunion will be an occasion to draw together alumni; current students; and past and present faculty, staff, and friends of the university to celebrate more than 150 years of Augsburg history and—most importantly—the relationships that have shaped the lives of generations of Auggies. We are also discussing ways to incorporate some of the Sesquicentennial projects by faculty and staff that were canceled or curtailed because of the pandemic.

We are grateful to the many volunteers working to make the All-School Reunion a reality, and while we know this postponement is disappointing, we promise: in the end, it will be an event worth waiting for!

Darcey Engen and Jeff Swenson
Sesquicentennial Co-chairs

Sesquicentennial website

TODAY- Food, Farming + Green New Deal Virtual Event

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Are you craving community, connection, and tangible hope for a more resilient future? Join us for a conversation with Ronnie Cummins, national director of the Organic Consumers Association and author of Grassroots Rising: A Call to Action on Climate, Farming, Food, and a Green New Deal.

RSVP for the Earth Week Zoom gathering, Monday, April 20, 3:30-4:30pm. RSVP form below.

About The Book:
Grassroots Rising is a passionate call to action for the global body politic, providing practical solutions for how to survive—and thrive—in catastrophic times. Author Ronnie Cummins aims to educate and inspire citizens worldwide to organize and become active participants in preventing ecological collapse.

This book offers a blueprint for building and supercharging a grassroots Regeneration Movement based on consumer activism, farmer innovation, political change, and regenerative finance—embodied most recently by the proposed Green New Deal in the US. Cummins asserts that the solution lies right beneath our feet and at the end of our forks through the transformation of our broken food system.

Daily Chapel: Interfaith Blessings

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Rev. Mark Hanson, Founding Director of Interfaith at Augsburg, welcomes Interfaith Fellows Busshō Lahn, Zen Buddhist Priest; Chris Stedman ’08, Secular Humanist; and Ger Vang, Hmong Spiritual Healer to share words of healing in this challenging time.
Look for links for all of our services on the Campus Ministry calendar Please also visit the Campus Ministry blog to read the daily prayer.

More information

Keeping Track of Auggies

Fulbright Awardee to Honduras

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We are so very excited to announce that Natalya Arevalo ’20 has been accepted as a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant to Honduras. Natalya is a history major and has been a recipient of the Sabo Scholarship, the CGEE Student of Color Scholarship, the Honoring Outstanding Latinx Students Leadership Scholarship, and the Norma Noonan Scholarship, and is an Interfaith Scholar. Last year she was a finalist for the prestigious Harry S. Truman Graduate Fellowship. She has worked as an intern with Comunidades Latinas Unidas en Servicio (CLUES), the Minnesota Council on Latino Affairs, and the Minnesota House of Representatives. She is co-founder of Augsburg Women for Political Change and has taken on many other student leadership roles.

In Honduras, Natalya will be teaching English and American Studies to students of a variety of ages, including college students. She will also be working with the Access Microscholarship Program, which assists underprivileged students with access to English language learning.

Congratulations Natalya!


Looking for a Roommate

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I’m Nathan, a creative writing MFA student. I’m looking for a male roommate (undergrad or grad) to share a 2-bedroom apartment with me in the Minneapolis area. I’m pretty easy to get along with, but I don’t want to host frat-type parties at my place. My idea of a good time is chilling with a few friends watching Netflix, playing video games or board games, or occasionally going out.
If you’re interested in rooming with me please email me at I don’t have an apartment yet, but I’ve been looking at 2-room apartments that would cost about $1400/month total, so we’d each pay around $700/month.