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Busshō Lahn, Chris Stedman, and Ger Vang all serve as Interfaith Fellows to deepen our commitment to inter-religious relationships and understanding as an Augsburg community. Each of them was asked to offer a reflection, a reading and/or a ritual from their tradition that speaks to our lives amidst the uncertainty and anxiety we are experiencing with the pandemic.
Zen Buddhist Busshō Lahn is a Senior Priest at the Minnesota Zen Meditation Center and is on the leadership team of Aslan Institute in Eagan. He offers us a short metta (lovingkindness) meditation for this time.
Chris Stedman ’08 is a humanist community organizer, interfaith activist, and writer living in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He offers this reflection:
Batalden Interfaith Fellow, Ger Vang, would like to share his wisdom on soul calling for protection from his perspective as a spiritual healer/Hmong Shaman. Please click on the link below to view his brief, 10-minute talk.
Augsburg campus ministry is offering online chapel and a daily prayer, and resources for Muslim students are being coordinated by Fardosa Hassan.