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Please check out the CWC “Coping with the Coronavirus” webpage for regularly updated Information on health care and emotional coping (please see link below). This page includes links to a number of free resources and apps to support your coping during these challenging times. Of particular importance is that due to COVID-19, a special open enrollment period for Obamacare has been opened until this Tuesday, April 21st.
Throughout the remainder of the semester, we are also available to meet with students for Wellness Consultations via phone or Zoom. There is no wait list for these services. For more information, please see our home-page or leave a message at our main number- 612-330-1707!
For more immediate mental health support, our phone counseling line will be available 24-7 through the end of the semester, as well as over the summer, and can be reached by dialing 612-330-1707, and selecting option 1.
Please contact us anytime: your safety and well being is our highest priority.