submitted by
All benefits and payroll change forms must be received by 12 PM TODAY to be reflected on your payslip on Friday, April 24. Please contact Human Resources at to receive a secure delivery link for submission of forms containing sensitive information.
All timesheets must be submitted online by 2 PM Monday, April 20. (If you do not work over the weekend, please submit your timesheet today.)
Monday April 20 – 2:00 PM timesheet deadline – system is LOCKED.
Tuesday April 21 – 10:00 AM– Supervisor approval deadline
-Supervisors MUST have all timesheets approved by 10 AM. If Staff or student employees need to adjust their timesheets after the system is locked, the supervisor should reject rather than approve the timesheet.
Please contact for any questions regarding payroll, timesheets, withholding or direct deposit forms. Thank you.