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The Strommen Center is proud to present CareerShift a powerful job search platform that searches online for any open position and allows you to search for them through this one interface. You no longer have to visit a dozen sites for jobs you are interested in, instead you can search all of those sites through CareerShift.
Search, select and store job listings from all job boards and all company job postings.
Get up-to-date contact information, including e-mail addresses, for millions of companies.
Access in-depth information about contacts and companies posting jobs.
Current students and alumni have access to this platform. Staff and faculty can also make accounts to help coach students when in the job search process.
Student and Alumni Login can be found on the Strommen Community Moodle site under Job and Internship Search:
Or on Hanshake on the resources page:
This platform was purchased through grant dollars by the Strommen Center in response to COVID-19 and the uncertain employment situation.