2019-2020 Leadership Awards recipients

submitted by abrahaa2@augsburg.edu

Please help me to congratulate all of the 2019-2020 Leadership Awards recipients:

Emerging Leader of the Year: Barbara Sabino Pina

Civic Engagement Award: Elan Quezada Hoffman

Outstanding Class Leaders of the year:

Angelica Bello Ayapantecatl

Elizabeth Hoversten
Kay Carvajal Moran

Joe Gaskill
Sam Luhning
Mallory Ferguson

John Kipper
Lidiya Ahmed
Daniel Madigan
Yaya Flores Carachure

Peer Education Award: Miracle Adebanjo

Social Justice Award: Terrance Shambley, Jr.

Student Leader of the Year: Jada Lewis

Dean of Students Awards:
Brittany Stokes
Daniel Degollado
Daniela Fragale
Berlynn Bitengo

Linda Schrempp Alberg Endowed Leadership Award: Jimmy Barron Aguilar